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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. You are right, but that does not fit well with a flip case... Another option for landscape might be this one https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/121370954178 perhaps cutting off the top 'wings'
  2. It is actually not that easy to find car holders intended for landscape. Just ordered this one https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/362815024453 (Sure a lot of the portrait holders can be rotated, but the portrait grip comes a a high risk of interfering with the buttons on the long top edge, and many are likely to not work when the Pro1 is opened, and certainly not with a flip case...)
  3. EskeRahn

    Spare Parts

    From what we have heard is should be very service friendly. Is I understand it the only thing that is not accessible by screws should be the keyboard plate (that requires a heat gun)
  4. EskeRahn

    Spare Parts

    On a phone Just like a car window, once you got a small crack it can extend .
  5. If you are using it a in case, it could make a lot of sense to add some iron for a magnet. Of course you can also stick it directly on the phone, but that will impair the aesthetics
  6. PS If you add an iron ring to use with a magnetic car holder, it would make a LOT of sense to have the flap turning downwards... As the flap would otherwise fall over the phone if placed closed in landscape (say for sat nav)
  7. If the flap is the other way you can not hold it in your left in portrait and operate it with your right, unless you fold the flap under, and that gives a poor grip. But for those holding the device in the right hand, and operate with the right it is better to have the flap the other way. If the other way the flap is slightly obstructing keyboard usage, but not substantially, if your thumbs are long enough to reach across. But sure as a westerner it feels more natural that it opens like our books, and not like say a Japanese book.
  8. Can this app also limit to SLOW charge, if selected, when connected to a fast charger, so I do not need to use two chargers not to kill the battery?
  9. Yes upside down. Oddly I was not able to find any cases designed for right handed people, only for holding in right hand in portrait and operate with the left (really odd as most people are right handed BTW)
  10. I had a generic one lying around, and though it works, I would like to hear of better alternatives. Especially If it can work in both portrait and landscape opened and closed, and with the flip case without pressing side keys....
  11. ....Theoretically one could also imagine two toothed-halves, where the teeth from below and above gripped into the small space without colliding. If made rather precise and in a more stiff material than the soft silicone it could work - but would still interfere with the edge interaction. And could leave the front of the keyboard with an unpleasant tagged edge...
  12. Damned you are fast! 😎😎😎
  13. I simply do not see this as possible. The small distance between the two halves is already used for the grip of the lower part. and it would also interfere with the edges of the display. In theory we could have a case on the bottom half with something sticking up at the ends protection the top when closed, but it would make it harder to access the keyboard. So If you want to protect the top half, you would need to go for the clumbsy flip case type. I see no ways around it without affecting the functionality .... and function IS key. 😇
  14. He seems to be an extremely kind and helpful guy. Super responsive to all the small ideas and suggestions I have come up with, Perfecting the Danish for qwertY as well as qwertZ, and as far as I know, he has not even received his own unit yet.
  15. Let us see if we can not persuade Anssi to make the one he made for Czech for the physical qwertY in a variant for the qwertZ too, ....You might help persuading him by 'giving a beer' with the donate button. 😇
  16. Yes it fits fine. I just updated the blog post with a flip case for the Huawei P20 Pro, I have been using for about a week. It fits better than the Note7 one.
  17. I finally pulled myself togethher and updated the above with the flip case for a Huawei p20 Pro
  18. Note the "Set Preferred Network Type". It MIGHT say "Unknown" in the above image (do so here by default!), and if you change things when it says "Unknown" things does not work at all afterwards (not even sms), and you will need to set this, I did that from the 'official', settings, network settings, ..., and not from this 'hidden' menu. I do not know if both works equally well, but just a warning if others experiences issues.
  19. FinQWERTY already got a layout for Czech based on qwertY. And I guess it would not be hard to persuade him to make it for qwertZ too. You could try using his Donate button 😇 If one or the other is the best generally divides people. I personally prefer the qwertZ print even for US-qwertY usage, as it is closer to standard layouts with national letters right of the A-Z block, despite the swapped Y/Z.
  20. After the forum change everything is super easy for me compared to the horrible mess of approving each and every comment.... So If they prefer edit limited, fine with me. It is a long discussion of pro's and cons, if not everyone always uses the quote function. If I write something that I later find out has changed (say a bug fixed), it is really nice to be able to go back and strike out my whining about it, not to confuse new readers. But If it is just edited away, following replies/reactions can look far out of context, even if they were originally totaly on topic...
  21. ...At the least it is not as silly as calling the Android Market by its current official loony name. 🥴
  22. Here 3½ day (82h) over Christmas, using 53% battery:
  23. How odd. I will suggest them to open it up.
  24. They technically both work, but you are sort of 'on your own', as everything except the numbers are 'wrong'. So If you got a good memory, or a steady hand so you can scrape of the black for each symbol you are fine... And only plain and with Shift&Ctrl works. Nothing with Alt or Fn, as far as I can see. It seems like the standard on a QWERTY, based on the US shifted QWERTY (The differences between the two layouts are very small btw)
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