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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. Here an example with a randomly picket 1x1 widget from 3C on a freshly installed nova, just added the widget. I wonder what Google pays to have all their junk as the default icons BTW? Some launchers on install inherits from current launcher - much more elegant than having to delete all and start over.
  2. Ah well it is the grid that is squeezed/stretched. And especially some widgets can not fit properly in this changed grid, without being completely maimed. In the above example we 'just' have a huge waste of space in either one or the other direction, as the launcher assume the same logical grid (here 7x7). They might just as well only use half the screen and leave the other half black....
  3. We have had the different launcher thing in other threads e.g. this. I'm surprised you find it working well. I think it (like more or less ALL the dozens of launcher I tried) really stinks, by stretching and squeezing 2:1 to 1:2, messing up widgets. There are a few launchers that got individual grid-settings for landscape and portrait. This can double the setup, but at the least is better. Personally I see it as a stroke of genius in this simple build in Launcher to simply divide the grid in two roughly square halfs that is either placed next to each other or above each other with only a
  4. It is a rather long list, But I'm sure that one with local knowledge can rule out most as irrelevant to even try...
  5. I know nothing on the Australian setup. But in general terms: Does the bands your carrier are using match the Pro1? Is the registration SIM bound like e.g. Europe or IMEI bound like the US? In the latter case, some of the tricks mentioned for the US might work for you. Have you tried a different carrier's SIM? Try installing an app that can tell you a little of what bands it is connected on, and at what strength. And compare that with carrier requirements. Under Settings, Network & Internet, Mobile Network, Advanced, Preferred network Type. You MIGHT need to scroll and find a more fit
  6. Solution to what exactly?? See also the answer by @Hook on the US.
  7. EskeRahn

    A few odd issues

    Could be totally unrelated. I do not know how the switch detecting the device to be open is implemented, but that might be damaged/blocked (too). Strangely the real keyboard is not ignored, even if the device 'think' it is closed I have dropped a unit too, and I was more lucky with it only having cosmetic damages, See this
  8. EskeRahn

    A few odd issues

    That it isn't charging anymore, does not in anyway sound like a known bug. So I fear some thing has been shaken loose or even broken by the impact. You can select to have the device charging while off. (If you can get in connect with it through fastboot) see this: https://community.fxtec.com/topic/2521-notice-regarding-getting-google-safetynet-certified-software/?tab=comments#comment-36008
  9. Nope 100 would be 16*6+4, so the four would be the 17th layer.
  10. Yes. See e.g. https://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/KeyEvent
  11. Noticed that, but I think that is us interpreting some Chinese signs wrong. We know it comes in frames of six, so we would expect the box to be 96 then, Sounds odd it should have a partially full layer with 4 as the 17th layer.... And if it was for each crate, why only written on one and by hand? Sounds more like something that goes for the shipment as a whole.
  12. How do you get to the 1080? We can see 12 boxes, and we know the displays comes in frames of 6. And given the size of the floor tiles, it is likely to only be 1 frame per layer. So the 1080 would be 12 x 6x15 but how do you get to the 15 layers? I tried to see if I can read anything on the labels on the large image, but couldn't.
  13. Well they are not. As G is almost exactly centred, the F&J markers are shifted the same amount to the right on qwertY, as they are to the left on qwertZ. (Splitting sticks actually even a tiny bit more to the right as the G is slightly to the right of the centre) But that said the A-Z block IS more centred on the qwertY. So for users only using A-Z, and if you do not compare with a standard keyboard it is a fine idea. But rather odd requirements. ... Had they just shifted the number row too, it would have been better IMHO.
  14. Some have also talked about "US International" as an interesting option, That is basically what you have above, but with national letters of various languages reasonably accessible. See e.g. here.
  15. Though this from our perspective sounds silly at first, remember that they before 4G did not use SIM, so locking to the IMEI, is simply the way to know what contract a device is to be billed at, So not as dubious as it sounds. As long as your are able to transfer the IMEI to another contract, it is in principle the same as we do transferring the SIM. In Europe we also see subsidized devices locked to a carrier for a certain period - so that is quite similar. ...And as they have to accept a specific device on their net, they have less issues with things not conforming, as they can sim
  16. I think you better have a talk with your math teacher... The second of the quoted pictures shows 20x12 plates... 🥴 (assuming one layer only) But on a more serious note, I'm pretty sure that these are fresh images, and thus NOT representing what has just been produced, but what is about to be produced. (And the first image could be no lower than 157 we can actually see, but most likely around 170, assuming most frames we see partly holds six)
  17. Well the premises of the question of whether it works with a carrier should obviously be if it works where there carriers covers... You got a point on "3" not offering 2G. But otherwise the 3G/4G net of 3.dk (And hence their subsidiary Oister) works well. See zoomable map here, And it is clearly better coverage than the Swedish map . In Denmark there are legislation that means that those carriers that covers an area can not refuse requests from other carriers to roam on their net. I do not know at what internal prices they are bound to do so though. Note that this does NOT mean that
  18. Indeed, And if it was me that should buy it second hand, Then I would request the seller to get something in writting similar to the one @cerialphreak quoted above, to clear any doubts. I must admit I did not take a magnifying glass and read all the smallprints in the leaflet in the box, So maybe it already says so?
  19. Similar in Denmark, though here it is one and two years, (not a half and one). In Danish the second year is "Reklamationsret" that would translate to something like "The right to file complaint"
  20. This link is from 2014, If I'm not wrong there were some EU minimum requirements that kicked in around then. I tried to browse a bit here, but did not find any on resale/transfer. I know the Danish legislation was changed to match. ADD: Found this for Germany https://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/consumers/shopping/guarantees-returns/germany/index_en.htm The second limitation does NOT go for Denmark, see https://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/consumers/shopping/guarantees-returns/denmark/index_en.htm
  21. It isn't the key that is wrong, But the key-config file or the selected language that is not quite optimal. It works fine using FinQWERTY
  22. Haven't tried this function yet (ooops...).but yes it sounds like a bug. The Launcher should somehow have the controller stop the 'repeat'.
  23. Those were the days. I knew what EVERY file on my pc was for and knew what EVERY setting in the ini-files meant, and what values they could have.... Totally forgotten most of that,,, But It was quite useful for support and educating supervisors.
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