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Posts posted by EskeRahn

  1. I really want seamless integration of Dual-SIM. I currently have an LG G6 H870DS where the dual-SIM works so effortlessly good. I can constantly receive messages and calls to both SIMs, and when I want to call/SMS I can quickly just choose which SIM to use by dragging down the notification menu. I have Whatsapp coupled to one of my SIMs, and my everyday use number and mobile network on the other SIM. Does not need to be any more complicated than that. K.I.S.


    Well if someone live near a border or frequently travel between two countries, they just MIGHT want apps such as WhatApp to work on both numbers, and as some apps can not, the cloning comes in play as a workaround. I have no idea what of your G6 experence that are core Android, and what LG should be credited for - let's hope that most is build into android.

  2. I would probably prefer the standard US QWERTY then over the German layout. You can get ÅÄÖ by holding down A and O for further options (if this will work as normal android keyboards; which it should). It is just a minor inconvenience. But having Y and Z in the wrong places would seriously fudge me up. ^^


    OH. The functional and the visible layout does not have to be 100% identical. It would be the PRINT only, of course we would get a Y pressing the key between T and U no matter a printed Z, when selecting Swedish/Danish/Norwegian layout.

    I can easily accept a few keys PRINTED 'wrong', but would hate to have æøå (or åäö) to be fetched in wrong places (I currently have this mess on both the BB Priv, and the click on keyboard for the S8- )


    I will do what I can to have the functional layouts totally customisable. As soon as I know the format of the keyboard files I will make a program to modify them.

  3. In this tweet they ask:

    What do you think of the latest #Pro1 back case? Learn more about the #mobile phone here:
    #android #qwerty #keyboard

    [attachment file=14210]


    Personally I think it LOOKS great, but I fear that what looks like a chrome-list around the camera will be protruding.

    That would be really bad IMHO, as this device almost invite to also using it on a desktop laptop-style.


    And I would just HATE to need to apply something on an adjecting corner, to prevent it from wobbling...


    We have previously been told it is a metal back, but what is the coating/paint? I hope for something like ruberising to secures a good grip.


    What is your take?

  4. As a person from one of the Nordic countries, I really hope for a Nordic/Scandi layout. I have voiced my desire for this several times on Twitter, but I thought I might as well do it here too. I really want this phone. But I dont want to be without my ÅÄÖ signs either and also having the .,:;^~-_+ signs in the “correct” locations. ?


    As for shortcuts, all typical “CTRL + key” should work. As for software launch shortcuts, is probably not something I would use personally, and as long as I can choose not to use them I am okay with this being added too.


    “Alt+tab” could perhaps be a thing too, but it is so easy to access the open apps menu via touchscreen anyways.


    I hope for a Nordic keyboard too. But IF we are not gong to have one, you should take a look at the QWERTZ one here

    It is quite close to the standard Swedish. OK the print of Z&Y are swapped, and a Ü is printed for the Å, but it would not take long to learn to ignore a few 'wrong' prints, as long as each key gives what we expect.

  5. I received four newsletters in february and two in april.


    That’s quite interesting, my account options are the same as EskeRahns. Could this be connected with the way you signed up? I believe there were some differences between preorderers and newsletter subscribers, but that’s just an uneducated guess.


    That might be related to that too, but then I guess more would have had the issues.

  6. Consider me feeling slightly crazy but there is no notification “section” under my account. I’ve been trying to see if they’re announcing any news or such through a newsletter thus I looked this up and can’t even enable it. Has there been any newsletters since the beginning of the year?


    How odd!

    Just guessing: Is there the same valid e-mail In both

    1) Your forum account ("My Account" on the forum page)

    2) Your main account (The blue silhouette) and "Account detail",


  7. I vote for 4 – to have keyboard for all users, who want QWERTZ layout. Not all are German, bul lot of us are guys from IT. And everybody form IT know what CRTL, ALT, ESC… is but only few of us have strg, eing on keyboards. It doesnt mather if its uppercase or lowercase. I hope, that F(x)tec is going to build international product and we all can accept some non-local (but internationaly understad) keys.


    My hope is that they apart from the print with shifted A-Z for languages without national letters, and the German QWERTZ print, will consider a 'general' international layout print, based on QWERTY non shifted, that would be usable with many languages logical layouts, without the print being terrible wrong.

    Despite I wish this project all the luck it can get, I doubt that all languages will have enough users to have their own print, and here a common base print would be nice.

  8. How about exponents? They wouldn’t have to be printed like on the standard keyboard, but it would be nice to have them for mathematical usage, what do you think?


    I certainly hope that we will be able to map all kind of combinations of the shift keys,

    I would think that an obvious choice would be to have Ctrl++digits give the superscript digits, (aka exponents).

  9. What is final QWERTY layout? Im not satified with one column of symobols on left side between “tab” key and “Q” key…


    I do not think that it is 100% certain yet. But I'm pretty sure that the letters of the standard QWERTY delivered will be right shifted one key.


    Personally I am likely to go for the German QWERTZ print layout, accepting the Z/Y to have the print swapped to get the letters in their standard positions (better for languages with national letters, e.g. Danish for me). A few other keys would also have 'wrong' print, but I for one can live with that.

    It might be an option to consider for those that do not want the partly shifted keyboard for whatever other reasons too.


    Since you mentioned the quotation mark, how are you gonig to handle the lowercase quotation mark?


    It’s usually a matter of software recognising which one is necessary, so I would like the software to put „ “ depending on whether there has been one before, with the possibility to alter for example by highlighting with CAPS + Arrow and Sym (and/or touchscreen action).

    If the lowercase quotation mark („) does not exist on the standard desktop keyboard, it will probably not be present on the phone keyboard either.


    As you suggest, this should be handled by software recognition or by a key combination like Shift/Alt + Fn (Arrow) + “.


    Usually it is the editor you are using that are handling any smart substitutions. e.g. these (enlarged)

    »« , “” or „‟ (the last pair u201E u201F looks a bit odd in some fonts though)

    similar as smileys substituted by emoticons.

  11. I hope no… maybe for Pro 2.1 (as an “alternative”), but I hope to keep a usable landscape keyboard as main conception and maybe landscape as a “brother” for others who like it the other way. :)


    Anyway, as far as I know, Blackberry has / had this conception, however, I don’t know if they are still actively developing phones with hardware keyboards…


    BlackBerry (Or rather BlackBerry Mobile - a subside of TCL licensing the BB name) has made the Key1&2 that are slabs of 'normal' phablet exterior dimensions with a fixed keyboard in Portrait orientation, permanently using roughly a third of the area. To my knowledge there have been no public plans to actually make any slider by BBMo, in right or wrong direction.


    I too prefer landscape sliders, but I DO understand that for those not using a keyboard that much, and with small fingers, a portrait slider is a tempting alternative, as so many lazy programmers does not optimise their apps for landscape - despite all humans being build with horizontal sight.


    The portrait orientation is a RUDIMENT from the era with phone sizes, that were one hand operable, Modern huge phablets (including the Pro¹) will for the vast majority of the population of the world require two hands for operation while keeping a secure grip. So there are zero physical reasons left for a phablet to be in portrait orientation, except for the very few with very long and flexible fingers.(I have actually met one though - so they do exist)


    I have had several PC-screens with Pivot-function, and the ONLY thing the portrait orientation was really good for was reading papers a page at the time without scrolling. There are good physical reasons why almost no one uses a pc with a portrait display, and some gamers even uses very wide 32:9 displays - that is what our vision was build for...


    For very large surfaces, like a newspaper, it eases reading things by breaking them up in columns - but phablets are not that huge (yet?).

  12. I’m not sure I can handle this layout. The Z is completely misplaced :D


    Would it be possible to add a å instead of or together with ü it might just work. But for now I think I’ll pass and wait for a real layout or FXll.


    I assume you are Swedish, so all you would need to remember to use Swedish layout width the QWERTZ print is that

    • 1) Y and Z are swapped

    2) The Å key got Ü printed on it

    Might not be 100% perfect, but much closer that the standard QWERTY.


    (It will not be a show stopper for me as a Dane - even if the öä for us are also swapped and with different symbols than our æø)

  13. P.S. I think the price is more than fair with the keyboard. And I think the old CPU is a really good decision, since it has more than enough power, is easier on the battery (than the next generation) and a lot cheaper.


    I Agree with you (almost) all the way., but strictly on the PS, IF one down-clocked a 845 or 855 to the same performance as a 835, I'm quite sure it would be leaner on the battery.


    But totally agree that 835 will be enough for practically any potential buyer, and helps the price from sky-rocketing. It is not that this is a device likely to appeal to the most demanding gaming users anyway. So 845 would have been a waste of money, And I doubt that 4G will be obsolete within the next ten years (not even 2G are today....), so the 5G benefit of a 855 is more of a 'nice-to-have' than a 'need-to-have', even if the Pro¹ has to last for ten years. More likely outdated on yet to come future features than on the lack of 5G in the next decade.

  14. EU customers will be fine in terms of customs. Not confirmed, but a reasonable guess would that it’s shipping from the UK in that case, since that’s where F(x)tec is located as a company.


    Well not to stir up a commotions or saying anything one way or the other, but currently it seems rather unclear what the Brexit situation will be when this ships, so I would say it is hard to guess.

  15. I can see on the video of Elephone that I really does not want curved screen. You can see a black background but on the sides, it is very light because it reflect all the light from around. If there is option to make the width of the phone lower so the curved part of screen does shows nothing, that would eliminate all the problems of curved screen. At least for me :D. And that is just software thing.


    Optional firmware bezels, sounds like a great workaround, so those that want a completely flat display area can have that.

    Hope they will be able to offer that as an option.

  16. I’d still vote for having the degree symbol ° on there somewhere, but we’ve agreed it’s not that critical I suppose.


    That symbols such as the degree symbol ° are not printed does nor mean that they would not be available. An obvious choice would be "strg"++0


    But this is easy to decide/modify later. :)

  17. Therefore if we take the removable route, it will likely be:


    – 2600 mAh capacity

    – 15mm thick

    – More expensive retail price


    Hence the decision we made for Pro1. :)


    Edit: It is certainly a considerable feature for Pro 2! :)

    It should be something well beyond €100 extra for me NOT to gladly accept the three above, to get removable batteries....

    ESPECIALLY if it is battery used in other devices, so there are likely to be long availability of spare batteries.


    (Here a list of around 100 devices with removable batteries with a capacity in that region)


    e.g. the Nokia 1 Plus


  18. “In terms of hardware, we’ve switched to a better display supplier based on the initial feedback we received at MWC. The new screen on the Pro1 is the same size and has the same technical specs. The main differences are that the panel produces a more vibrant image with far less blue shift and the sides are physically less curved. (This particular supplier also supplies the display for Huawei’s Mate X folding phone so we’re in good company).”


    Well would you look at that..


    How about some detailed photos?


    Well just google for images

    elephone "U PRO"

    See this from previous page


    Below (hi res) image from trustedreviews show the soft curve quite clearly

    Elephone U Pro


    Or see this video (starting about

    , and the next about 30 sec - well he keeps praising the display later in the video also)

  19. Here is a proposal of how a Swiss layout could look like:




    I have made minor modifications to the Swiss keyboard I have in front of me due to the fact the Pro1 keyboard has one key less next to the Return key (and to the right of the ä/à key). $ is moved to the Arrow+4 key. I kept the bracket settings from earlier proposal in this forum: this made me move the | key on Arrow+1. In this design £ ¬ ¢ ¦ are lost. If anyone need them there are still some Arrow + key left places (on 6, ¨ and umlaut keys).

    You might also notice that ç and ß are not shown but I thought it could be accessed with Arrow + c (and Arrow + Shift + C for the upper case) and Arrow + s respectively. Similarly Arrow + m, Arrow + a and Arrow + o could give µ, æ and œ respectively. I did omit the printing as it seems natural places for the symbols and not to overload the keyboard. If anyone prefers it is printed I don’t mind.


    For the double keys ö/é, ä/à and ü/è, on a Swiss keyboard, the second letter is normally accessed with the Shift key. I would suggest the behaviour is changed slightly and the Shift + key gives the upper case for the accentuated letter as we would normally expect. The user would decide in options if the key is actually mapped to German letters with umlaut or French accentuated ones. Thanks DreamFlasher for the original idea.

    I feel it is good the proposed alternative layout is actually printed on the key to make it easy to remember. In any keyboard layout (even replicating the desktop one) the user will have to get accustomed to it.

    I am quite open to Scandinavian layout be printed on the save key for a third alternative.


    What I like in this layout is the direct access to most used accentuated letters, direct access to ‘ character and modifier keys frequently used in French (^ and ¨).

    For the rest I am quite open to changes. Has anyone other proposals?



    Personally I would prefer something like this over both the QWERTY and QWERTZ. I like the "Z/Y" print idea, an easy way to handle the difference.


    (The actual BEHAVIOUR of the keys can easily be user selectable, no need to lock down to one common for all users)

  20. Other than the screen breaking, my main worry about this phone is not being able to use it 2 years later due to a failed battery.


    I'm with you all the way!

    On your concerns: We know the new screen is one used in several phones. e.g. "Elephone U Pro" (see e.g. this), so that should help on the availability, no matter the destination of F(x)tec. And on the battery. Even if it is not replaceable, I would say that two years of battery life is on the pessimistic side. BUT it depends on how you treat the battery!. I have written several post on this at my tiny blog, start e.g. here that links to more info.

  21. Hello! What about Russian keyboard layouts? Are there any planned layouts?


    It has been mentioned earlier here, but I have not heard any plans for a print. Though I'm sure that if there are enough interested, a print could be made.


    And even if no print I'm sure it will be possible to have 'any' layout logically. Of course this will be most helpful for languages that normally have a layout closer to a printed one, as this would require the user to only remember a few keys, Where a Russian layout with say a QWERTY would have wrong letters printed on (almost?) all letter keys.

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