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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. Me to, I use stock android on my daily driver, and apart from the need for occasional boots (roughly twice a month), when it forgets it has a fingerprint reader, it works fine for me. I seldom do voice/calls, and when I do almost always with headset. But yes, certainly disappointing with the lack of updates.
  2. There have been written quite a bit on this in various threads, here a search: https://community.fxtec.com/search/?&q=lineage banking&search_and_or=and&sortby=relevancy But in generally it much depends on what bank. But many require the device to pass SafetyNet tests.
  3. (lineage-18.1-20220411-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on March 5 security patch installed smoothly using OTA ) ...But the reintroduced (early August 2021) Accessibility / keyboard bug is not (yet?) fixed. The stage after download and install called "Finalising package installation" is surprising slow though)
  4. Strictly you can always cancel a preorder. But you can not cancel a perk on IGG. A preorder gives you a guarantee to either get the device or your money back. A IGG perk is like a share. We invest and hope to get the perk. Though at this late stage of the IGG campaign where production are said to start this week, the risk should be fairly low. Also make sure to check what the terms are for taxes and shipment, they might be included in one and not the other, (might vary with region)
  5. Stock android comes with a rather special launcher, with very limited functionality. but you can easily swap it with a huge variety of others out there.. The default got one special thing that I have not seen on any other. And I personally find really clever. It divides the 2:1 screen in two roughly quadratic blocks, and rather that stretching are rearranging icons (like all other launchers seem to do), it simply rotate each of the two blocks. It is at the least a year since I last checked others, so perhaps some (e.g. Nova) can do this as well today?
  6. As I said it is usually quite simple to change the soft inner shell, grasping the phone, keeping the flip-part of the case. I have done that several time, when changing a 'book' type case from from opening in Western to Japanese direction.
  7. He he. You lake le maugh, Sounds odd indeed, It MIGHT be that the endpoint of OTA is no longer answering correctly, I do not know. You could try a normal adb sideload again with the 20200825 after the EDL, and see if that works.
  8. Next week should be the start of production according to the newest IGG update 🙂
  9. Are you sure it was the latest version you flashed? The "Build number" in about phone should be ..._20200825... "EDM", did you mean "EDL"? I have no idea if the EDL flashing acts differently in this aspect.
  10. Note 20 is about 8mm taller.... The flip might fit well though, if you replace the shell 🙂
  11. Update to April 6, with March 5 security patch using OTA went smoothly. Known keyboard bug still there (see lineage thread) This thread seems rather stale, so perhaps I should stop reporting every weekly update?
  12. Good idea to revitalise this thread, that has been dormant due to Corona. Thanks @mbecroft🙂 With all the vaccinations it should be reasonable safe again in many regions. And hopefully we will also be able show the Pro1X soon. 🤞
  13. (lineage-18.1-20220404-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on March 5 security patch installed smoothly using OTA ) ...But the reintroduced (early August 2021) Accessibility / keyboard bug is not (yet?) fixed. The stage after download and install called "Finalising package installation" is surprising slow though)
  14. Are you looking at the right link? Some individual parts might be identical, and thus have older dates though. Here an example of a new one. Taken from the header of the first on the list:
  15. Note especially the fourth from the bottom, that despite being called "Label and Label Location" is actually the interior photographs. (the actual label is a bit above on the list)
  16. Yes, but oddly it is much slower than when doing it as flashing, even if you make sure the screen stays on.
  17. Update to March 30, with March 5 security patch using OTA went smoothly. Known keyboard bug still there (see lineage thread) (The stage after download and install called "Finalising package installation" is surprising slow though - like it is on LineageOS)
  18. If you are on LineageOS or AICP it is a known bug.
  19. Well at the least try that first, and if that works, you know the problem is at the PC side.
  20. If I fiddle using unsigned drivers, I can get things to work, but not with signed drivers. And oddly Google's own drivers were still unsigned, last I checked.... ADD: See also this
  21. (lineage-18.1-20220328-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on March 5 security patch installed smoothly using OTA ) ...But the reintroduced (early August 2021) Accessibility / keyboard bug is not (yet?) fixed. The stage after download and install called "Finalising package installation" is surprising slow though)
  22. The usual guesses would be PC, pc-usb-Port, Cable or port on the Pro1. After upgrade to new PC last fall never got flashing to work well, and fastboot acts oddly too.
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