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Everything posted by Wheeljack

  1. There´s a whole thread about the Pro1 with Verizon: https://community.fxtec.com/topic/2133-fxtec-on-verizon/
  2. My Xperia Mini Pro... Was way cuter than the BB Priv and allowed custom roms.
  3. The L key hasn´t changed since the qwertz-test2.img has it? Still getting the áccént ´instead of '
  4. Yeah... I thought so, too. But tdm cleared that up. Flashing Lineage also updates the bootloader.
  5. Sure, no problem. Is this the part you were looking for? 06-04 22:54:39.475 736 1768 D voice : voice_stop_usecase: exit: status(0) 06-04 22:54:39.475 736 1768 D voice_extn: update_calls: cur_state=1 new_state=1 vsid=11dc5000 06-04 22:54:39.475 736 1768 D audio_hw_extn: audio_extn_set_anc_parameters: anc_enabled:0 06-04 22:54:39.475 736 1768 D audio_hw_spkr_prot: audio_extn_fbsp_set_parameters: Speaker protection disabled 06-04 22:54:39.475 794 7273 I bt_a2dp_hw: adev_set_parameters: state 5 06-04 22:54:39.475 794 7273 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_set_parameters: st
  6. Okay, I did a logcat with the pro1 connecting to my car (BT name is "Audi A1"). From what I can tell the call starts at 06-04 13:52:06.897 I did cut several hours of stuff from this morning - still very verbose. Hope this helps for now. I'll see if I can set up a proper strategy for doing a full backup and restore, so I can test with stock. logcat_BT.txt
  7. 'I have some bluetooth issues with the handsfree system of both an Audi A1 and a VW Golf 7. Not entirely sure if this is related to this thread: https://community.fxtec.com/topic/2899-bluetooth-issues/ On both test11 and test12 my pro1 can connect properly to both cars. I can start and receive a call with the car's controls. The audio however remains with the pro1 earpiece and microphone. When I look at the pro1 display, audio is set to bluetooth. Setting it to phone and back doesn't make a difference. I can set it to speakerphone though. I tried setting BT audio codec to SBC only.
  8. I didnˋt flash the new boot.img when I updated from test11 to test12. I did flash the boot-qwertz-test1.imgtoday though. Had no issues with booting.
  9. Had this one since last October. Can't recommend at all. Despite it being smaller than the display, the edges still lift up from the starting curve. I tried to blow on it with a hair dryer to maybe soften it up a bit but I also didn't want to risk killing the Pro1. So if gravity doesn't do a miracle over the next night, I'll try the included soft protector. And after that my Pro1 will go naked.
  10. Hoo boy... looks like my phone is currently stuck in customs at Charles de Gaulle airport in France. Delivery date is up in the air again. Maybe I shouldn't look at the tracking data every few hours... Edit: Oh... it actually went to Cologne today. Delivery date is still gone... maybe it's arriving earlier?
  11. Got my FedEx tracking number via mail and an extra notice via text. Also scheduled for a delivery next tuesday.
  12. Order #97xx, mid March 2019 (QWERTZ). Paid August 1st. Stock assigned. Feels surreal.
  13. Nah... the original plan was to blame Brexit.
  14. Did you order QWERTZ or QWERTY? Havent heard anything about my QWERTZ order 97xx from mid March, available on Aug 1st 06:38 CET, paid Aug 1st 08:05 CET Seems like barely enough QWERTZ phones were assembled to fulfill the IGG orders. When I heard about the 70% completion rate, I was almost sure to be in there. But I was wrong... again.
  15. And the JerryRigEverything teardown video of the LG G8 has shown, that companies no longer want batteries to be replaceable.
  16. I'm still expecting either a "stock assigned" or an "apology" mail - I don't believe they're quite done yet with mails. I've had some exposure with automailer programs and I know finding the right value for "mails per minute" without being immediately blacklisted can be tricky.
  17. #97XX non-IGG, QWERTZ, also no mail yet. Seems like they have stopped for the day. Looks like I'll keep having a Schrödinger's phone till tomorrow.
  18. I don't think the latest @thefxtec tweet was mentioned here:
  19. I asked support in the second half of September if they could at least give me a hint about how many people were still in front of my March order. They would only direct me to the then latest statement of their goal to fulfill all orders by the end of January as they have no access to the names of customers.
  20. Maybe all of fxtec should go on a business trip to the US and each member brings a set of phones in their carry-on.
  21. Mwerrtry Chjridstmasd, evbertybody. (Sent from my Priv with a way too tiny keyboad)
  22. Well, they told us that they plan general street availability before Christmas. They just left out the part where they screw us over.
  23. Yeah, we have two different terms here, namely "Garantie" and "Gewährleistung". It doesn't help that both words translate to "warranty" when trying to explain those. The first one is the voluntary warranty by the manufacturer. The second one is the legally regulated warranty and usually is a thing between seller and customer and lasts for 2 years. Should there be problems with the product, you can return it to the seller - 6 months after purchase you'll have to prove though, that the product was faulty from the start.
  24. Was pretty chill so far. Feel the growing need to vent. Can someone recommend a good place to do that?
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