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Everything posted by FlyingAntero

  1. What is the current situation with Widewine certification?
  2. I am planning on to seek a refund if I do not receive any reliable information about current situation before Xmas. Right now I have no idea what is happening. EDIT: It seems like that information was just delivered. Now, only the Pro1 is missing. Hopefully that will change soon 🙂.
  3. Hi! I can't find the thread about Twitter post anymore. Is it deleted? The name was something like "they see light in the end of the tunnel" etc.
  4. I believe that I didn't say anything cruel or bad. Just the facts and this is the current situation. I have been patient for a half year and tried to be supportive. But this thing just keep going to wrong direction and F(x)tec is not telling to us the what is going on. What is the current situation with 3rd batch and QWERTZ devices? At the same F(x)tec is delivering units to mighty Coderus and xda and but I can't get a device. I just hope that I will receive it soon 😊.
  5. No, you got me totally wrong. I am happy that you have devices. But because of that you can't understand our situation (without device).
  6. I know that Chen was just trying to help the other project by funding it. Even so, with the knowledge of these two projects before Pro1, F(x)tec should have managed things better. It was just 3 weeks ago when Chen personally told me that I will be in the second batch. I am just so disappointed that it did not happen. EDIT: That disappointment was pretty tough but feeling better now. I see light in the end of the tunnel 😎.
  7. It is easy you to say that when you have two working phones already + a toy unit to play with. It is wrong to blame us customers. And if you have followed this journey closely you might remember that Chen actually told us that they are not going to ask our money before they actually have a stock to deliver. Well, that did change during this journey. In addition, this is not first time when some of the guys behind f(x)tec are doing manufacturing business. I still like the device though and can't wait to have it.
  8. I did that a half year ago. When they first time delayed the shipping back in summer I was thinking that maybe before the end of this year. Now that does not seems to happen. Not going to wait another half year but maybe a month or two 😉.
  9. This makes me just sad. Great device and I don't know when I am going to get it. I hope it will be soon anyway.
  10. Can't wait to receive Pro1 😀. All the hype is killing me.
  11. Oh dear! I have not received the mail so this means that I am not in the second batch and most likely not receiving Pro1 before Xmas. I just need to be patient little bit longer. I think that the device is awesome.
  12. They say that the countdown has begun. The final countdown. https://mobile.twitter.com/thefxtec/status/1201457350051344384
  13. Wow! That was fast, thanks! So it should be just a matter of time when the rest of customers from the second batch are going the get the email. Before it was stated that every IGG backers should be in the second batch (if paid fast enough)
  14. @netman @anonim001 @Doktor Oswaldo Could you guys share that you are you from US or somewhere else? I am trying to figure out if anyone from EU has got the stock assignment email from the "second wave" since last Firday. @Hook and @Craig already confirmed that they are from US.
  15. Are there any European customers who got the stock assigned email from the second batch last Friday? Couple guys mentioned that they are from US but I have not seen anyone mentioning EU. Just wondering if European pre-orders are included?
  16. I am in the same boat with you (order number 11xxx, IGG coupon, QWERTZ EU, paid 1st of August). I still haven't received stock assigned email but I am thinking that F(x)tec just has not sent every email yet. I am looking forward that I will receice email little bit later.
  17. I am really glad to see progress here. Very good job from the F(x)tec team. Keep it going, thanks!
  18. Thanks for the info. I was using Nova Launcher with Droid 4 before and felt that it was decent solution. Happy to hear that F(x)tec has really thought this through and made the experience better. Swipe up to app drawer may be still possible to implement using some gesture app. However, it would work only from the bottom of the screen instead from the middle.
  19. You can also install custom launcher (like Nova). It has an option to swipe up for app drawer.
  20. Yeah, but the time window is really tight for that. I mean people got their devices like a week ago in Europe and now somebody is already selling Pro1 in the US. It is possible that somebody travelled to US after got device but I think that it is very unlikely. The shipping schedule was kinda uncertain in the first place.
  21. Shipping from New York got my attention. I thought that US customers didn't got devices yet because of customs. https://mobile.twitter.com/chenliangchen/status/1197610594117005312
  22. At least the company says that Pluggy Lock does not damage the 3.5mm plugin. But of course it can become little bit loose after use just like with headphones. It is just an option. https://pluggylock.eu/pages/faq/
  23. Maybe you could try Pluggy Lock? Never tried by myself but it looks like a decent solution. https://www.pluggylock.com/
  24. 1st small batch is delivered to customers (excluding US orders due custom issues). It included only IGG backers. 2nd batch should leave from the factory before the end of this week. It should include all the rest of IGG backers and most of normal pre-orders. However, it is only the estimation. We have no schedule for 3rd batch but it is supposed to include all the rest of normal pre-orders and some orders placed after the pre-order campaign ended. F(x)tec is aiming to normal availability for Xmas. This is just unofficial information that I have gathered from here, TMO and T
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