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Rob. S.

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Everything posted by Rob. S.

  1. Yes, there is a difference. But it is the reaction upon such differences that makes the real difference. WRT the "principles" see below. From all that's been said it seems quite clear that as long as the hardware is not already on its way, the money can still be refunded and will be. And now about your German "principle". For one, everyone buying a Pro1 is buying themselves an expensive toy. If people were starving because the food they ordered didn't come, things were different, but here my sympathy is limited – and it is limited because of my very own principles.
  2. Yes. I believe you. And I actually do like the Z3 Play, too, and I was using the Hasselblad mod, too, which was nice, and the JBL speaker mod, which was great in summer out on the terrace. But for me, the keyboard is more important, and I'm slowly selling off everything right now, just keeping the phone until I get the Pro1.
  3. Thanks, no need to say more. (It makes me not only embarrassed to be of the same species, but also of the same nationality.)
  4. @Val "Difference"? Of course there is, so what? "Pre-order"? Yes, and pre-order means you might get the product any time or not at all if the company goes out of luck and business. "Principle"? Right, have fun with your principle. In the meantime, I'll be enjoying myself without the phone I'm still waiting for, knowing that your principle won't get you anywhere and anything but a bad temper (that, by the way, primarily hurts one person, which is yourself). "Moto Mod"? Yes, I know. I bought a Moto Z in anticipation of it which was the worst phone I ever had. Earlier this year I needed to replac
  5. Not anyone. Just a vanishingly small number of people which don't even matter for the whole picture. While it was important for F(x)tec to get their foot in the door of those shops, if they want to stay in business.
  6. @Val I know. And things went badly. But not hopelessly bad, and most importantly, not fraudulently bad. Yes, I paid for the Moto Mod in March 2017, too. And I got an offer of a full refund, which I requested and immediately got paid in October 2018. While it already was clear that the Keyboard Mod's problems had not been their fault, this was another piece of evidence for me that these people are honest. And yes, their Pro1 shipping order may have become different from what they planned and promised. But now that the delivery finally seems to be within reach, people get their knickers in a twi
  7. I just don't get it. There are people who get pissed off because two or three tiny resellers got twenty phones before they got theirs? If I hear something like that, it makes me embarassed for belonging to the same species.
  8. Ok, I know that, under some circumstances, to be made waiting can constitute an act that borders on torture 😉 – and thereby may possibly do strange things to someone's brains, too... But I wouldn't ever have thought it could go as far as that the banal fact that two or three tiny resellers have each gotten a minuscule dozen or two of devices, too, between all those phones already shipped, the ones on its way right now and those which yet have to be shipped and manufactured, could make someone actually and in all seriousness construe a betrayal-conspiracy theory directed against thousands
  9. For a short time I was actually tempted to order with DragonBox (thanks to @EvilDragon for chiming in here, by the way), but my F(x)tec order in September was substantially cheaper and I'm not that desperate that I couldn't wait another few weeks 😉 I do not see any malevolence on F(x)tec's side, either. Except that things take (much) longer than they were supposed to, nothing so far suggests anything but honest business.
  10. In the meantime, is there an estimate possible how long delivery might take after someone has gotten their 'stock assigned' notice (not that I would have), depending on region, which in my case would be continental Europe?
  11. For me, Christmas has no meaning, so the question is easily answered, but even if it did, I wouldn't cancel...
  12. Of course, I never claimed anything else. Who would have received a production device at this point in time anyway, and would have had the time to write up a serious review to boot?
  13. https://www.golem.de/news/fx-tec-pro-1-im-hands-on-starkes-tastatur-smartphone-fuer-650-euro-1909-143673.html (German) Google web page translation doesn't work well because of their ads and their specific (laudable) approach in offering visitors several ways to get rid of ads, so I took the liberty to add the deepl.com translation (unedited) below.
  14. It didn't happen to me often, but now that you mention it I remember that it failed once or twice when I needed it really badly – like driving by Google Maps on a hot day searching a location in Berlin for which I was already late (where I don't know my way around, I am not a Berliner) :-D
  15. For most of the time I was using slider smartphones: The first was a Vodafone branded HTC Wizard 110, the second a Sony Ericsson Xperia X1, also designed and made by HTC, both running "Windows Mobile", an abomination of a mobile OS which could only be used with a small stylus that accompanied both handsets. Except for the keys which weren't too durable, I really liked the early Xperia's hardware, though, and sometimes I wish we could still get smartphones with such compact dimensions. The first HTC Desire Z, after the keyboard more and more gave out, was replaced with a second
  16. Thanks, the .com address worked (I had copied the .co.uk address from a posting somewhere in this forum, so I though it would be legit)! I got an answer in less than 20 minutes, which is exceptionally fast. (I don't think I can share what they wrote, but it was nothing earth-shattering anyway.)
  17. Seems the mail server tried for five days: Reporting-MTA: dns; [my mail hoster's mail server hostname] X-Postfix-Queue-ID: 574E8142591 X-Postfix-Sender: rfc822; [my mail address] Arrival-Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2019 11:25:45 +0100 (CET) Final-Recipient: rfc822; support@fxtec.co.uk Original-Recipient: rfc822;support@fxtec.co.uk Action: failed Status: 4.4.1 Diagnostic-Code: X-Postfix; connect to fxtec.co.uk[]:25: Connection timed out
  18. Sorry if this has been answered already, but this thread is getting ever harder to search through – If all pre-orders are expected to ship until christmas, as I read in community.fxtec.com/topic/2461-pro1-pre-orders-updates, does that mean that regular orders now probably won't? Is it still a thing that QWERTZ keyboard orders might ship earlier than others even if they were regular orders, not pre-orders? Cheers and all the best, Robert
  19. There are several hands-on reviews of the final product out there, while of course technically the devices were preproduction samples. Everything I read was positive, by the way, even though they came out of preproduction. There were even reports on German IT news sites like Golem.
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