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Rob. S.

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Everything posted by Rob. S.

  1. Now that's an idea I wasn't thinking of, but sounds plausible! There is of course a substantial gap between the slid-out screen and the keyboard's upper edge, something that wasn't the case with any of the sliders I had before...
  2. I have no idea what "remote wipe" in e-mail is, but on mobile I've just migrated from K-9 mail, which used to be something like a halfway viable compromise for me so far, to FairEmail (a recommendation I got in these forums). Reason: FairEmail not only supports PGP/GPG encryption (something that I increasingly feel to be a good idea in these times of every company and every state trying to spy on everyone regardless of where someone is situated), but also multiple identities per mail account with different SMTP server settings (just like Thunderbird does for ages). It's the only Android e-mail
  3. I guess because the latest orders satisfied so far, of which we know, are around no. 32xxx, still pre-orders, dating back to August. I suppose you've got yours because, after a lot of earlier excitement about devices not being shipped in the proper order, like three small retailers getting a handful before all pre-orders were served, Fxtec feared things might get too calm around here, so they sent you that no. 42xxx phone before everyone else got theirs to make things more lively here again! πŸŽƒ
  4. @mcdinner Thanks for the heads-up... Sounds not too promising... I guess I might just as well keep mine and give it a try.
  5. Well, well, well. Somehow I half suspected that, at some point, I might regret it, back when I chose the refund for my IGG payment for the Moto Keyboard Mod... πŸ˜‰
  6. So you not only have no evidence whatsoever that their motivation was anything other than they said, let alone that it would have been malicious, no, you're even suggesting an intent that could obviously never have been achieved by that exact action. So you're effectively accusing them not only to be malicious, but also phenomenally daft. Don't you see that such accusations may say more about yourself than about the subject?
  7. That doesn't answer my question. Where exactly would be the financial gain in that? The devices obviously have already been paid. No observer of the market will care whether the device came five months later than anticipated or six, even if someone except the few who actually ordered and their immediate surroundings would even notice. In another post I already offered the question asking where exactly the line has been drawn between pre-orders and orders, something that hasn't become totally clear until now either. It may well be, for example, that the whole of August went into the 'pre-
  8. I'd be interested in what exactly you would think their financial gain was in there for which someone would purposefully make such a decision, as opposed to it being just another effect of things not turning out as planned because of a long queue of unforeseen circumstances.
  9. I ordered a QWERTZ because, as a German, that's what I'm used to. And it's a German QWERTZ to boot, with the umlauts where I expect them to be. That said, I had second thoughts right after I ordered, because I remembered that I find myself getting used to QWERTY keyboards with US-international layout superimposed, too, which tend to make sysadmin and developer tasks easier because all those square brackets and braces and stuff are reached more easily. Then again I became happy with my QWERTZ choice again when I saw the 'shifted' design of the ProΒΉ's QWERTY keyboard πŸ™‚
  10. From what has been mentioned here, the latest pre-orders to have been assigned stock so far are from around July/August – now it begins to look more like my September order indeed was an order and no pre-order?
  11. I guess it was in November that I've been told here in the forums that every order before general availability, which, as I seem to understand, still isn't there yet, qualified as a pre-order with regard to the still-ongoing processing of manufacturing and shipping, including mine, which is #36xxx, submitted on September 20, and was already filed as 'order', not 'pre-order'. I would guess, though, that a device ordered today wouldn't really qualify as a pre-order anymore, or would it? So they would have had to draw a line somewhere between September and January for what is a pre-order and what
  12. Indeed; it's just a matter of installing it (and buying it; it is $19.95): https://www.paragon-software.com/home/linuxfs-windows/#overview – supports ext2/3/4 with read/write access and btrfs and xfs with read access.
  13. Some do, some don't. It is not easy to find out which do, though. It's an ongoing subject for users of the Raspberry Pi computer, where the operating system sits on a Micro SD card, brutally shortening the card's lifespan if it doesn't do wear levelling. Some e-book readers seem to wear cards surprisingly fast, too, probably because of many, possibly unnecessary writes on special sectors. I've already killed four cards in Raspberry Pis and in my old Sony ebook reader, fast enough but cheap Transcend cards (i had been using Transcend flash cards for photography for many years without any p
  14. Seems I have overlooked the thickness part... I still need to get the phone, but this doesn't look good, thanks for the hint. Probably will need to get the 511309 instead.
  15. Thanks for "Fx", didn't know that yet. Looks good!
  16. Ordered some Raxfly stuff myself too, curious to see how that will turn out... Will take a few weeks though, needed to order in China...
  17. I do sympathize with your general position there, but I guess the concrete intention in this case is not so much to babysit people so they'll not get into trouble by breaking the law, but that the manufacturers themselves want to avoid a reality of many complaining users, which could be either users complaining about getting caught breaking the law with their phones while they didn't know they did, or people who complain that they were illegally recorded and the phones allow it. Which I also guess is the intention of restrictive laws in the matter – not so much trying to babysit people, b
  18. Just to be clear on this, my posts on the matter were intended as an explanation why manufacturers might be not too eager to give us the feature, not as a conduct recommendation for users... πŸ˜‰ That said, in many legislations evidence will be rejected and is therefore worthless when it was acquired illegally, and even if you'd present such evidence in a legislation where it is honoured, you might still get prosecuted for having recorded it in the first place and might even get condemned to pay compensation.
  19. In general, yes. But companies might not want to advertise an option that makes criminals out of naive users who just don't know the laws about recording calls, which I guess might be a large percentage of the people in those states where the laws demand two-party consent.
  20. I hereby inform you that you've now earned the privilege of becoming the first name in my ignore list. (Reason: Giving one too many asinine answer to something the meaning of which you didn't even understand, or didn't want to understand – which wasn't the first time, either, something which impedes any sensible, intelligent discussion. Farewell, but without me.)
  21. To follow up, on a side note, on something I wrote in a now-closed thread about that "PrinCube" Indiegogo campaign where even I was already close to suspecting fraud after the communication had been even worse than here, the first few devices (after all deliveries were promised to be fulfilled before Christmas) have actually been delivered. So, no fraud there, either, although I suspect I won't get my item before March, maybe April. The biggest problem for communication to backers seems to be that the people who started the campaign don't get much feedback from the factory...
  22. While milk can also become a thick product quite easily.
  23. No, not about that. Anyway, I give up.
  24. The subject is really complex – Wikipedia has an overview at least for some countries. Laws differ between European nations just as they differ between US-American states. Some countries, some states are fine with one-party consent, others demand two-party consent. The question whether a company is allowed to "record all calls" (without the works council agreeing) is an even more complex matter, because it is affected by labour protection laws, too...
  25. Just a guess, but a reason for device manufacturers to not make call recording available could be legal, rather than technical. Under quite a number of jurisdictions call recording is illegal (without explicit consent of both parties)...
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