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Rob. S.

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Everything posted by Rob. S.

  1. And "annoying" is what, a constructive argument? If being "annoyed" makes you continue to annoy others, do you really think that will make the situation become less annoying for you? Or do you mean others should shut up, after your utterances of annoyance? Just because you repeatedly accuse people of things ("fallacies" is only one of them; I've been on the receiving end of that already, too), that does not make it a correct description of reality. And even if what you wrote contained "constructive criticism" once, any constructivity that might have existed went away in the sheer repetit
  2. Yes, so what? They made many mistakes until now, this isn't by far the worst, and the world isn't coming to an end because of either of them.
  3. Then you should be aware of the differences between that and a company like F(x)tec. Differences which substantiate different judgements about delays for both, the perhaps most obvious being one sounds more like B2B and the other is B2C. If you cannot see that for yourself, or what such differences actually mean, I wish you good luck with your small company, which you then might need more than you might like. P.S.: I would have ordered the Pro¹ for the price they were asking even if it would have come with the Snapdragon 636 I've currently got in my Moto Z3 Play, which is already more tha
  4. Yes, indeed. And you knew that when you pre-ordered, didn't you? No-one forced you to. You could have just waited until GA. In constitutional states the general principle is to give the accused the benefit of doubt (in dubio pro reo), as long as there is no evidence against them. One of my most important IT forums which is, all in all, moderated liberally, has a general rule, though, of not allowing an accusation of lie at all. That's on the simple grounds that it is significantly harder to tell whether something was deliberate than to know, subsequently, that something turned o
  5. Ç or ç (c-cedilla) is a Latin script letter, used in the Albanian, Azerbaijani, Manx, Tatar, Turkish, Turkmen, Kurdish, Zazaki, and Romance alphabets. Romance languages that use this letter include Catalan, French, Friulian, Ligurian, Occitan, and Portuguese as a variant of the letter C. It is also occasionally used in Crimean Tatar and in Tajik (when written in the Latin script) to represent the /d͡ʒ/ sound. It is often retained in the spelling of loanwords from any of these languages in English, Basque, Dutch, Spanish and other Latin script spelled languages. 😉
  6. What he was very politely hinting at, to which I, personally, am less inclined, is that if you don't come up with a better answer on "how else to explain it" yourself, you're either suffering from a severe lack of imagination, or you're absolutely intent on throwing mud at Fxtec even though you damn well know that there are more possible explanations.
  7. @Artemis-kun – I agree with virtually all of what you said (and appreciate your saying it) so far. Just two remarks to minor points: While that would surely help getting an understanding that could prevent most of the rants, it sounds a bit like "do not criticize if you can't do it better yourself", which wouldn't really be an acceptable argument... Oh, there are many other reasons for that. And I guess we shouldn't overestimate the importance and the potency of just a handful of complainants, even though they're particularly loud and persevering. And after all, it's like every
  8. Just for the record, I asked Brodit whether they might make a dedicated holder for the Pro¹, but somewhat expectedly they said no, "right now we can't say if we're going to make one in the future, but as it looks right now there are no plans".
  9. Your crossposting this doesn't really make it more agreeable. I'll just link to my original reply here. (I wasn't replying to @Krzysieq, of course.)
  10. What you write is, mostly, technically correct, but you're largely overrating this. In the light of the total of pre-orders, even if that would have been only a few thousand, a couple of dozen devices shipped to three small retailers already wasn't a big deal in the first place, and three or four of them being bought by pre-orderers to accelerate delivery won't drive F(x)tec into bankruptcy, either. Those few small retailers are not, by the way, shops that cater to the "general public", with their product range they explicitly cater to "enthusiasts". Which is why F(x)tec served them befor
  11. Thanks for the suggestion. Now that you mention it, I feel like I've heard about FairEmail before... I'll be having another look at it.
  12. Criticism of Dropbox [Wikipedia] – those are the reasons why I never used Dropbox... I try to get along without commercial cloud offerings as much as I can anyway, but then again I have the privilege of being able and willing to run my own Nextcloud server. I do still use Google Drive, though, for those rare applications for which there is no adequate Nextcloud support, like exchanging hiking tracks between my desktop and the Locus map app (see above) on Android... Thanks for reminding me to check these out on Android. I'm mostly using LibreOffice on Linux (and Windows,
  13. I really like it. Wouldn't go out hiking without. The usefulness of course depends on how good the available maps are for where you are. And sometimes the offline maps are worse (less detailed) than the online maps of the same source, like "Outdoor Active", which is what I use for Germany...
  14. Does it support message encyrption (PGP)? Or does anyone know of any modern app that does (and doesn't route your mail through their own servers where the store and read it, like some of the more modern-looking Android apps actually do)? For the time being, I'm still using the rather dated K-9 Mail, which does offer message encryption. It doesn't offer identities with different SMTP servers for one mail account, like Thunderbird does.
  15. In my first reply above, I mentioned Tasker – did you have a look at it? From the examples for what it can do, on their website:
  16. There are many reasons imaginable which could justify a higher price than the processor alone might. I mentioned it somewhere else already – these days, a Fairphone 3 got added to the handsets of my household. That's a Snapdragon 632 device and thus, in 2020, a middling performer. Still it is 450€ ($500), whereas I got my similar-performing Moto Z3 Play for 250 € last year. It's the "fair" thing, the 5-year support for hardware and software including security updates, the repairability, which justify the price for those who bought it. I find it easy to justify the Pro1's price premium over oth
  17. @Craig There is also this: https://www.simore.com/en/dual-sim-and-micro-sd-card-simultaneously-hybrid-dualsim-slot-x-extender-2.html – no idea whether it would work with the Pro1, though.
  18. For automation, what comes to my mind for Android is Tasker. (Didn't do much with it myself yet, though.)
  19. Right, that's very close to to what I would have written if I'd have put more time and thought into my post 😉
  20. I already said all that needs to be said: And mistakes? Oh, there were many mistakes. The many delays, the many miscalculations and misjudgements regarding time frames, regarding production and shipping obstacles, the rare, but often overoptimistic announcements and the general lack of official communication, and, yes, some chaos in the order in which shipments occured, with even some IGG backers still not having gotten their phones. But this one, i.e. serving those retailers with a negligible number of phones, wasn't a mistake. After Erik's explanation at the latest (which shouldn't eve
  21. I see your point 😉 – I kept fighting with the portrait style keyboard all time, too, but it was still better than no keyboard at all. Except from that, I found the device itself to be beautifully made... Thanks for the hint regarding LOS.
  22. That is grossly wrong on two accounts. First, they did not prioritize retailers – that would have been true if Amazon and all the other big players would have gotten substantial numbers of devices. In reality, they only prioritized two or three ridiculously small retailers for a vanishingly small number of devices, which is something that shouldn't even be worth mentioning, let alone discussing. Second, they did NOT promise a "bad" thing when they promised those retailers devices. If we could even call it "bad", what I strictly reject, it would have only become "bad" on the day that
  23. True, but that exactly is the problem. If someone needs two SIM cards and an SD card, what do you suggest? That they go and buy a phone without keyboard? 😉
  24. No. Just because they also shipped a vanishingly small number of devices to an even more vanishingly tiny number of small, but committed and therefore important retailers which had been promised to get some, long before it was clear that most orders wouldn't be fulfilled until Christmas, that doesn't mean they "gave preference" to them. The accusation is just ridiculous.
  25. A few years ago, i wouldn't have touched a mobile device without root. Then I got the BlackBerry PRIV which was unrootable (and, advertised as the most secure smartphone in the world, it stopped to get security updates only a few weeks after I bought it). Around that time, more and more essential (to me) apps began to detect root and not run on a rooted device, so I didn't even bother anymore when I replaced the PRIV with the next phone. (Which, to somewhat complete the story which I'm sure I already told elsewhere in this forum, was a Moto Z, right after I had been reading about the firs
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