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Everything posted by Jordi

  1. It was this one : lineage-16.0-20201026-nightly-pro1-signed.zip All versions of lineageOS 16 I used had the same problem with the camera. This is an excellent news, indeed!
  2. In EU, a minimum warranty of 2 years is mandatory, regardless of what the seller or manufacturer says. See here : https://europa.eu/youreurope/business/dealing-with-customers/consumer-contracts-guarantees/consumer-guarantees/index_en.htm
  3. Congratulations @raymo for your findings. I suspect now that a hardware is the most probable cause of my camera problems (not focusing far objects). Before I try to what you did, I would like to be sure I can replace it if I mess with it. Do we know which camera is installed, can we order it somewhere?
  4. Here it is, the link is valid for 1 week. https://we.tl/t-qN2TbbcfCy If I'm not mistaken, it's the last build of LineageOS 16 : lineage-16.0-20201026-nightly-pro1-signed.zip
  5. This is what I get, when doing something similar, everything is evenly blurred. Note that the focus is correct for close-up objects.
  6. Seems to be a good solution for non rooted devices. For rooted devices, I just tested "Battery charge Limit" (open source), which seems to work pretty well: I set a limit at 90 % charge and the charge slow down before this limit and does not exceed this value.
  7. For what it's worth, you will here find a picture of the led.
  8. Another pouch I made with 2 mm thick leather. With some holes for sound and led. Previous design of cases/ pouches: here and here.
  9. I still have the problem of distant subjects being out of focus with LOS (landscapes, etc), as others have already reported. I tried with different camera apps, all of them behave the same. Is there a way to track the cause of this or a way to work around the problem?
  10. What is curious is that I have root access for apps and ADB! Maybe these apps have been updated recently and don't control this kind of thing anymore and I didn't notice it. Weird.
  11. Since the begining, I installed AddonSu (I need this for some apps) and yesterday, I don't know why, I tried to install banking apps despite the fact that I don't hide the rooted status. And guess what, it worked! Using these apps on the Fairphone2 with LineageOS 16.0 is impossible without hiding root (I do this with iSu), you immediately get a kick in the face. So LineageOS installed on this device is a great blessing!
  12. I can confirm the findings of @EskeRahn. I just made some comparative tests with the phones I have right now, i. e.: Fairphone 2 and Jolla 1. In the band of 2.4 GHz, the Pro1 is between 2 to 18 dBm less sensitive. The other 2 phones give similar results between them. In the band of 5 GHz, the Pro1 is between 2 to 10 dBm less sensitive than the FP2. Having the keyboard opened or closed does not change much the results. (apps used : Wifi Analyzer on Android devices, Wlan Monitor on the Jolla 1)
  13. When I noticed the problem of blurred pictures, I initially thought it was a bug in the camera app. Then I used another app and I did some more tests at home and I thought the problem was solved... Since a few days, I am on vacation and the problem jumped in my face again! My solution: always have someone in the foreground when I take a landscape photo! Well, not really a solution, but for now, it's okay.
  14. Tested on my balcony, clear sky (LOS Nightly): a cold fix is obtained in 10 - 12 seconds (AGPS). Hot fix: less than 5 seconds. Accuracy varies between 5 and about 20 m. There seems to be satellites on (almost) all sides.
  15. For me, the interface is quite snappy. I went from LOS Test 15 to LOS Nightly and I would say there is no difference between both. What I have noticed (on Test versions and this Nightly as well) is that sometimes, the transition between home screen pages can stutter a little bit. I tried to find the cause via terminal (top command) but no luck.
  16. Thanks for your answer. In fact I see now, in the recovery screen, that I'm in slot a, with lineageOS Nightly. Knowing this, your answer above is still valid? (and I came from the test version 15, not the 22)
  17. I tried to install the new official version like I did to install the test versions (and I also deleted /data/system/packages.xml) but I had an error during the process. I rebooted and now I'm stuck with a system with very limited apps but with some of my parameters, like my background screen. I guess this is the recovery. Question : Can I save my phone? (and keep apps and parameters) 😔 If yes, how? I wrote this message still in the former thread as I'm not yet with the official version.
  18. Even if I'am coming from an older version?
  19. What about self bounding rubber tape (0.8 mm. thickness) or clarinet mouthpiece pads, cut with scissor or this tool, for ex.?
  20. Nens, aixo no pet ser! Al que LAMENT volia dir, era: "The site is famous for calling itself an agent without permission. Don't trust"
  21. Same here, since I installed LOS Test15, shutting down never happened again. And with LOS, I never had spontaneous reboots anymore. Thus, installing LOS has been a very fortunate decision!
  22. Ok, so the answer to my question: could be found in the direction of Xposed or Magisk. Does anyone has any experience with this?
  23. I installed the last version of LOS and in the developer options, I deactivate root but when I try to install the app which require a non-rooted device it keeps telling me that my device is rooted. A reboot did not help. Anything I'm doing wrong?
  24. Is there a safe way to hide root in LineageOS? Some apps I use require a non-rooted device.
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