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  1. I might be in the minority who isn't worried about slightly lower performance if it comes with improved battery life, but was is annoying is that (probably due to one too many drops) the GPS on my current Pro1 has stopped working, and the Bluetooth signal has significantly degraded, so I was very much looking forward to getting a replacement next month. Sticking it out until August at the earliest is going to be… tough.
  2. Just wanted to weigh in that this particular layout looks fantastic to me! Especially if the slant arrow also got me F1 (slant+1) through F12 (slant+equals).
  3. rkjnsn

    Flaky GPS, Pro1

    I have IZAT enabled and have agreed to the location consent. I've had the GPS fail to lock it different vehicles and when walking (holding the phone, with a clear sky), so it doesn't seem related to interference from the vehicle. If GPS is working well for most people, and only one other person is experiencing the issue, it seems like it's likely to be a hardware issue of some kind. Maybe the GPS receiver sometimes fails to power up properly?
  4. rkjnsn

    Flaky GPS, Pro1

    I'm running into an issue where sometimes my Pro1 can't get a GPS lock, and maps other location-based apps will either show me at home (even though I'm not) or show a very approximate location (presumably based on cell towers and/or WiFi). If I try to use navigation in Android Auto, the GPS will either work the whole drive, or never work. If it doesn't work at the start of the drive, I've never had it get a lock and start updating partway through, even after 30 minutes of driving. Similarly, if it does get an initial lock, I've never had it stop updating en route (though occasionally it w
  5. I don't have any trouble creating folders on the stock launcher. What issue are you seeing? Does the icon you're dropping onto highlight before you drop onto it?
  6. For me, personally, I have found leaving auto-rotate off and pressing the soft button when needed has greatly improved my experience.
  7. I live near Seattle. While my Pro1 works great when I'm in town, I've noticed that when I'm in less populated areas (e.g., when skiing), I'll have little to no service while my friend (also on T-Mobile) has a very usable signal. More subjectively, it seems like I experience a lack of signal a lot more often than I did with my Moto Z2. Is this a known issue? Does it likely have more to do with the supported bands or with the signal sensitivity of the phone, in general? On the blog, F(x)tec stated, "We’ll consider releasing special regional versions in the future". If that were to ever happ
  8. It took me some getting used to the keyboard, since it is (a) bigger than I'm used to, and (b) has an extra column between A and Caps, so I would initially always hit \ when I meant A. I've mostly gotten used to those, and can now type pretty quickly on the keyboard. The thing that I have not figured out a good solution for is opening the keyboard with the curved screen. It is extremely difficult to both lift up top (when landscape) of the screen (because the curved screen is slippery and significantly reduces the amount of area to grip) and push the bottom without triggering items on the
  9. As an update, my phone has started failing SafetyNet and Netflix no longer shows up in the play store. There must have been a delay between when I installed the update and when Google services noticed the CTS mismatch. (The delay was at least a day, because everything was also working fine on Friday. I haven't checked again until today.)
  10. I updated my device today. I've never rooted or unlocked the bootloader. The Play Store says "Device is certified" under Play Protect certification, and I can see Netflix (which is already installed) if I search the Play Store. I tried running a SafetyNet checker, but it had reached its API quota.
  11. Not quite the same, but I did discover the stock keyboard layout (QWERTY, here) supports some accents using the Alt key. E.g., alt+e is a dead acute accent, so alt+e, a will generate á. Alt combinations I have discovered: Alt+` = dead grave accent (e.g., à) Alt+e = dead acute accent (e.g., á) Alt+u = dead diaeresis (e.g., ä) Alt+i = dead circumflex accent (e.g., â) Alt+s = sharp s (ß) Alt+c = c with cedilla (ç) Alt+n = dead tilde (e.g., ã)
  12. Obviously up-to-date security patches are required for AER. When I initially asked F(x)tec about security patches, they indicated that they were hoping to release monthly security updates for at least two years. Obviously, they've been focusing on other production priorities recently, but they indicated that the next push should include a new security patch level in addition to another round of bugfixes. They're just waiting for folks to come back to work to prepare the update, which they hope should be ready sometime in March. Not sure what the real world implications (and the impact on AER c
  13. I also very often inadvertently trigger the fingerprint reader with my palm. The ideal positioning for me would be above the power button where the volume keys are now. Easy to press with my thumb when holding in my right hand, and easy to press with my index finger on my left hand. The volume keys could then move to the left side of the phone, similarly accessible easily in both hands. When in landscape mode, the fingerprint reader could easily be reached by my left index finger, and the volume adjusted with my left thumb. I personally also find that having the volume opposite from the power
  14. I've gone from a myTouch 4G Slide to a Relay 4G to a Blackberry Priv to the Pro1 (with some temporary non-keyboard phones in between), and the thing that's taking me the most time to get used to with the Pro1 is just how big the keyboard is in comparison. With my prior phones, either due to a smaller screen (myTouch and Relay) or portrait orientation (Priv), it was very easy for me to reach the thumb from one hand to the opposite side of the keyboard. This was very useful for typing words with many letters on one side of the keyboard, as I could reach across and alternate thumbs as I was
  15. From some basic Googling, it sounds like once a device meets the requirements, certification is a matter of nominating the device and sending a sample device to Google for verification. As for meeting the requirements, it looks like the main thing missing is support for Zero-touch enrollment. I'm not sure how hard that would be to support, or whether it would expand the market for the phone enough to justify it, but I'd be willing to contribute a small amount toward making that happen.
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