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QWERTZ User Layout Setup

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If someone will make an 'app' that can allow an ordinary user to 'upload' the layout-files on a non-rootet device, then I will gladly make a PC program for entering the layouts. (As I understand @Anssi Hannula this is not as trivial as it may sound)

I already started the PC part back in February... I also have an idea of sharing layouts not only fully but PARTLY in sheets.

E.g. If one with a Hungarian layout  had made a smart Math-character set on Shift+Ctrl+Fn-combos, then to extract that so someone else could import it in say Swedish, And perhaps place it on Alt+Fn if that suited the other person better.

This way we could have 'sheets' of national layouts, that could be combined with sheets of symbols, and all  could be easily shared and intermixed...

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For all the QWERTZ users, please set-up the physical keyboard layout after the initial setup. (Only needs to do this once) ADD (EskeRahn): During the initial set-up use the touch keyboard to ente

I can add one in the next FinQwerty version 🙂 Does the below layout look OK? Or should I perhaps swap Y/Z (if both are wanted by people here, I can also add both), or any other suggestions?

Yes, the current QWERTZ layout is different from a standard one (it was made by the community) So we currently put this layout under German. In the future we could expand it into other German-speaking

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On 1/6/2020 at 4:21 PM, shani said:

How/where you can you assign that?
Thanks in advance. 🙂

Thanks Eske!

I don't have my Pro1 yet, so I can't tell you where the files are exactly located. But when you find them (I think they ended with ".kcm", but I'm too lazy to check that), they are pretty easy to understand. Especially with the links Eske provided (which I didn't know at the time I manipulated the files).

You'll also find possible locations of the files with the link, but you probably will need a root explorer which can display system files.

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9 hours ago, SchattengestaIt said:

Thanks Eske!

I don't have my Pro1 yet, so I can't tell you where the files are exactly located. But when you find them (I think they ended with ".kcm", but I'm too lazy to check that), they are pretty easy to understand. Especially with the links Eske provided (which I didn't know at the time I manipulated the files).

You'll also find possible locations of the files with the link, but you probably will need a root explorer which can display system files.

You do not need root to get to the files, but as normal users we are not able to overwrite/edit them (without root).

  • /system/usr/keylayout and I think vendor_181d_product_5018_version_0001.kl
  • /system/usr/keychars  and I think vendor_181d_product_5018_version_0001.kcm

(the .kl file is a 100% copy of the generic generic.kl , unused entries not removed)

Vendor_181d_Product_5018_Version_0001.kl Vendor_181d_Product_5018_Version_0001.kcm

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2 hours ago, EskeRahn said:

You do not need root to get to the files, but as normal users we are not able to overwrite/edit them (without root).

  • /system/usr/keylayout and I think vendor_181d_product_5018_version_0001.kl
  • /system/usr/keychars  and I think vendor_181d_product_5018_version_0001.kcm

(the .kl file is a 100% copy of the generic generic.kl , unused entries not removed)

Vendor_181d_Product_5018_Version_0001.kl 9.02 kB · 1 download Vendor_181d_Product_5018_Version_0001.kcm 14.48 kB · 0 downloads

I do not know where the LANGUAGE definitions are though?? Anyone that can supply any input here?

Especially the "German" that should be used for the qwertZ print. (If FinQwerty is not used)

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5 hours ago, EskeRahn said:

I do not know where the LANGUAGE definitions are though?? Anyone that can supply any input here?

Especially the "German" that should be used for the qwertZ print. (If FinQwerty is not used)

If you mean the stuff used for corrections and suggestions, it's a mess. There's some android builtin spell checker/correction thing that has a dictionary part of android where you can add own words but otherwise don't know what is possible or where it is located. And then the IME (aka software keyboard like gboard) usually has it's own independent dictionary stuff, which depends on its implementation.

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1 hour ago, netman said:

If you mean the stuff used for corrections and suggestions, it's a mess. There's some android builtin spell checker/correction thing that has a dictionary part of android where you can add own words but otherwise don't know what is possible or where it is located. And then the IME (aka software keyboard like gboard) usually has it's own independent dictionary stuff, which depends on its implementation.

I primarily meant the language layout. Where is the 'un-shift' of the keys for "German" defined? I would have expected that it was just another .kcm , but I can not find it anywhere.

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2 hours ago, EskeRahn said:

I primarily meant the language layout. Where is the 'un-shift' of the keys for "German" defined? I would have expected that it was just another .kcm , but I can not find it anywhere.

Good question... Could that be the Vendor_18d1... which pretty much looks like a misspelled 181d?

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5 minutes ago, netman said:

Good question... Could that be the Vendor_18d1... which pretty much looks like a misspelled 181d?

Nope, that says "Key character map for Google Pixel C keyboard" in a comment line - I had the same thought... (And the content does not match the remap)

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12 hours ago, EskeRahn said:

I do not know where the LANGUAGE definitions are though?? Anyone that can supply any input here?

Especially the "German" that should be used for the qwertZ print. (If FinQwerty is not used)

Are there no other files in  /system/usr/keylayout/ and  /system/usr/keychars/ ? If there are, it would be great if you could post them.

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7 minutes ago, SchattengestaIt said:

Are there no other files in  /system/usr/keylayout/ and  /system/usr/keychars/ ? If there are, it would be great if you could post them.

There are, but they are not relevant. Opened each of them.... here a few dumps.

Note the size, most are way to small to have anything substantial, as they all start with some blah blah.
(046Dh is Logitech BTW)






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...And the phone got all these hardware keyboard layout (skipped most of the FinQwerty ones not relevant here)

They must be defined in one or more files somewhere, but I've been unable to guess what to look for, scanned the device for .kl and .kcm files, and only found in the two subdirectories above, so most likely they are called something else. Also looked for .idc








noticed that most, except the Japanese, have the app name "Android keyboard" under it so maybe they are buried in an APK?

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I think, it all makes sense.

So far, we are supposed to select specific keyboard layouts, even if we live in another country. I'd guess that they have finished 5-6 keyboard layouts for the major language settings and the other ones are untouched. Normally, you let those empty, but maybe those other language files do tell the system which layout to use (just a guess since I can't look into the files).

In my view, every ~15kB file is a full language and the rest is uncompleted. Those 8kB are maybe half completed (or irrelevant stuff like gamepad commands were deleted - maybe community layouts?).


To prove this, you could try uncommon layouts. South african, arabian and so on. I'm pretty sure you'll get some standard layout.


Though, I do not like these junk names. It wouldn't have been too difficult to call them "qwertz_de", "qwerty_es" and so on. Seems like they didn't do this by hand.

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6 minutes ago, SchattengestaIt said:

I think, it all makes sense.

So far, we are supposed to select specific keyboard layouts, even if we live in another country. I'd guess that they have finished 5-6 keyboard layouts for the major language settings and the other ones are untouched. Normally, you let those empty, but maybe those other language files do tell the system which layout to use (just a guess since I can't look into the files).

In my view, every ~15kB file is a full language and the rest is uncompleted. Those 8kB are maybe half completed (or irrelevant stuff like gamepad commands were deleted - maybe community layouts?).


To prove this, you could try uncommon layouts. South african, arabian and so on. I'm pretty sure you'll get some standard layout.


Though, I do not like these junk names. It wouldn't have been too difficult to call them "qwertz_de", "qwerty_es" and so on. Seems like they didn't do this by hand.

The ONLY one that make sense to select is the German one, the rest are stock android (well all the ones I tried....), not fitting the hardware (Neither the qwertZ nor the letter shifted qwertY) properly.

The two 'lists' of screen-dumps are NOT related, so the big question is where all these named language layouts are actually defined, when not in the .kl and .kcm?

Note that the ones from FinQwerty on the selection list is not part of stock, and should be ignored in this context.

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5 hours ago, EskeRahn said:

The ONLY one that make sense to select is the German one, the rest are stock android (well all the ones I tried....), not fitting the hardware (Neither the qwertZ nor the letter shifted qwertY) properly.

The two 'lists' of screen-dumps are NOT related, so the big question is where all these named language layouts are actually defined, when not in the .kl and .kcm?

Note that the ones from FinQwerty on the selection list is not part of stock, and should be ignored in this context.

What you could try is to move the kcm/kl files (or just rename the folder and create a second one) so the folder would be empty. I could imagine that some languages are defined internally and every additional language file would be read out of the folder. I know a couple of programs and games that have done it this way, but I won't know for certain until I get my Pro1.

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4 hours ago, SchattengestaIt said:

What you could try is to move the kcm/kl files (or just rename the folder and create a second one) so the folder would be empty. I could imagine that some languages are defined internally and every additional language file would be read out of the folder. I know a couple of programs and games that have done it this way, but I won't know for certain until I get my Pro1.

I have tried to open all the files and look at the content, and they are RO for a non rooted device anyway.

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16 hours ago, EskeRahn said:

all the ones I tried....), not fitting the hardware (Neither the qwertZ nor the letter shifted qwertY) properly

Sorry to poke my nose into your qwertz thread, but are you sure the android layouts for other languages dont work properly on qwerty?  The US English layout works fine (other than not supporting the Fn key) so not sure why other languages wouldn't work... just dunno how they're mapped, but probably some standard way for the language...

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Unmodified letters and digits should be fine in any layout (except the adapted German QWERTZ) on QWERTY Pro1s as the driver sends the correct key code for those. Everything else probably not.
And since QWERTZ Pro1 is just a different keymat and nothing else, every unadapted layout will be shifted.

At least that's what I've gathered from looking at the driver source. Can't confirm this theory myself due lack of phone.

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18 hours ago, EskeRahn said:

The two 'lists' of screen-dumps are NOT related, so the big question is where all these named language layouts are actually defined, when not in the .kl and .kcm?


On 12/27/2019 at 9:14 PM, Vid said:

If you are interested in improving the layouts, the source files are here:


The key character maps labelled 'Android Keyboard' are all from AOSP, and end up inside the InputDevices apk (com.android.inputdevices). You can download them from the link I posted last month, modify them to work better on the Pro1, and ask Anssi to add them to FinQwerty.

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5 hours ago, Craig said:

Sorry to poke my nose into your qwertz thread, but are you sure the android layouts for other languages dont work properly on qwerty?  The US English layout works fine (other than not supporting the Fn key) so not sure why other languages wouldn't work... just dunno how they're mapped, but probably some standard way for the language...

Oh do not get me wrong, it is not that the layouts are totally wrong, they are just generic android layouts not suited for the Pro1. e.g. the A-Z and 0-9 are OK for the languages based on QWERTY, matching the letter shifted qwerty print.

But the rest is a bit random e.g. you can not get neither ? nor / in any way with neither proper English or US English selected.

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8 hours ago, EskeRahn said:

you can not get neither ? nor / in any way with neither proper English or US English selected

In fact, there are ways.  I use keymapper to map the Sym key with such functionality when English layout is selected.   But yes, it would have been much better if Fxtec had given us a dedicated /? key, or at least handled it in hardware/kernel so we didn't have to use these workarounds.   I've complained about the lack of slash key for years, since the first time I saw any proposed keyboard layout pictures.

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45 minutes ago, Craig said:

In fact, there are ways.  I use keymapper to map the Sym key with such functionality when English layout is selected.   But yes, it would have been much better if Fxtec had given us a dedicated /? key, or at least handled it in hardware/kernel so we didn't have to use these workarounds.   I've complained about the lack of slash key for years, since the first time I saw any proposed keyboard layout pictures.

Well it is there if you do NOT select US (or any other, remove ALL ticks), so FxTec HAS handled it.

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1 hour ago, EskeRahn said:

Well it is there if you do NOT select US (or any other, remove ALL ticks), so FxTec HAS handled it.

Then shift doesn't even work right.  It's a poorly implemented hack of a method.  No other keyboard phone requires this.  It's the #1 worst thing about this phone.

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