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I love mine even more than at the beginning. Getting used to the size and the keyboard took some time. To work around software Issues too. But I can only say, after more than a year, I would buy it

I bet not many will be surprised to hear that I love mine too. 😍 I would like to see some software fixes (and a new security update) soon though....

Just looking on my memories page on Facebook. One year ago today is when I got my Pro1 Used up all my stickers as gifts. How long have you had your Pro1? Do you still love it?

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I'm pretty sure I received mine Dec 10th, 2019.  It is currently at FxTec for a problem it developed, but I still love it and am going through severe withdrawal until it returns.  😉  I even invested in a Pro1X. 

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Just now, Tsunero said:

Got mine delivered in 2019 May, not one year old yet but soonish.

I think you mean 2020.  I think Chen and Eske were the only ones with a Pro 1 in May of 2019.  😄

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I love mine to the bits ❤️ Been just a year too 🎂 and what a year it has been. It helped me recover from a long illness 🤒 It pushed me to start new projects such as Fulguris. It was with me when I went back to work 🏋️ it is with me as I'm typing this, obviously 😁 I'm hoping it will last me for years. I've stock up spare parts, well, a spare Pro1 and a couple of display panels. I want to see Chen and FxTec succeed. I hope they will soon be able to deliver new devices and eventually fulfill back orders but I'm not holding my breath TBH. Looking forward to get my Pro1X though.

Edited by Slion
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I had to miss mine for two months, then five months. Missed mine so much that a bought my wife a new phone so I could confiscate hers. LoS 18.1 fixes almost everything for me. It's a shame the algorithm on the camera is this bad. And I would have liked the option to use HD Bluetooth codecs. Apart from that, this phone is going nowhere until either the Pro2 is released or it has become unusable (like my Photon and Droid 4).

Edited by DieBruine
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On 1/28/2021 at 9:43 AM, EskeRahn said:

I would like to see some software fixes (and a new security update) soon though....

Totally agreed...poor stock android is in some dire need of an update. I know they are supposedly working on 10 but that announcement was pretty long ago and it just doesn't seem to be happening. lol

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1 hour ago, Tsunero said:

Totally agreed...poor stock android is in some dire need of an update. I know they are supposedly working on 10 but that announcement was pretty long ago and it just doesn't seem to be happening. lol

they are also working on dual boot and stuff. I wish they would focus on making the phone a reliable pick for everyone instead on what helps them sell it on IGG.
It is somewhat hard to recommend the phone sometimes, despite it being awesome. But you often have to say something like: It is awesome, you just have to install another OS, or software to control the keyboard, the rotation and the camera...

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I've had mine for a bit over a year, since December of 2019, with a several-month gap this past summer while it was repaired/replaced in London.

Covid-19 has meant that I'm at home most of the time, so there aren't as many reasons to use the phone keyboard, since I'm not "out and about." I always have quick access to my own real computer instead.

The phone is still excellent in most ways. It really does "just work" for almost everything. The keyboard is still great when I use it, battery life is great, etc. No complaints about power or the screen or most of the software.

Update on annoyances:

  • The edges are less prone to accidental input with Edge Null.
  • There is still no acceptable case solution to protect the screen. The curved screen is a big part of this. I really hope future models plan for support for cases. See also above about not having my phone when the screen was damaged.
  • The fingerprint sensor is *mostly* fine with a case that reduces the sensor's exposure. It mostly activates when I mean it to, now.
  • The camera software is still pretty bad. Pictures are OK, but opening the app and taking a shot is slow. I miss many shots due to the software. This is a real shame... I feel like there is so much potential with the hardware, but the software just doesn't capitalize on it.
  • NEW (or newly noticed): lately the thing that annoys me is that when hitting the power button or the fingerprint sensor, it takes too long for the screen to turn on. Often I assume I didn't actually trigger it, and hit the power button *again* and that gets queued up and turns the screen *off* instead.

Still, overall very happy with the phone.


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59 minutes ago, zurvan2 said:

I feel like there is so much potential with the hardware, but the software just doesn't capitalize on it.

Indeed, and much can be gained (as others have said) by adding this or that to fix stuff, or change the entire OS. It is such a shame that it could be so much better out of the box.

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1 hour ago, zurvan2 said:


  • NEW (or newly noticed): lately the thing that annoys me is that when hitting the power button or the fingerprint sensor, it takes too long for the screen to turn on. Often I assume I didn't actually trigger it, and hit the power button *again* and that gets queued up and turns the screen *off* instead.

That annoys me too. My previous two phones were really quick in that regard. I just placed my finger on the fingerprint sensor and they were unlocked and ready to use instantly. On the Pro1 there is a really noticeable delay which causes the behavior you describe.

Edited by AnnieC
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On 1/29/2021 at 9:06 AM, zurvan2 said:

Update on annoyances:

  • The edges are less prone to accidental input with Edge Null.
  • There is still no acceptable case solution to protect the screen. The curved screen is a big part of this. I really hope future models plan for support for cases. See also above about not having my phone when the screen was damaged.
  • The fingerprint sensor is *mostly* fine with a case that reduces the sensor's exposure. It mostly activates when I mean it to, now.
  • The camera software is still pretty bad. Pictures are OK, but opening the app and taking a shot is slow. I miss many shots due to the software. This is a real shame... I feel like there is so much potential with the hardware, but the software just doesn't capitalize on it.
  • NEW (or newly noticed): lately the thing that annoys me is that when hitting the power button or the fingerprint sensor, it takes too long for the screen to turn on. Often I assume I didn't actually trigger it, and hit the power button *again* and that gets queued up and turns the screen *off* instead.

Still, overall very happy with the phone.

Having replaced the camera app within a day of getting the phone I'm good. The camera button somehow got coded to the new app so that is very nice.
I disabled the fingerprint sensor because I am very old school. Passwords are fine for me.
When I go out it's in the hipsack, and it doesn't ever really get taken out, because masks and covid, and gloves in stores.
I pair it with my car, and work from home...





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On 1/29/2021 at 10:09 AM, EskeRahn said:

Indeed, and much can be gained (as others have said) by adding this or that to fix stuff, or change the entire OS. It is such a shame that it could be so much better out of the box.

Agreed. That's the one thing that I am nervous about is that it's not current enough with the OS and as a result there might be security vulnerabilities.

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Jealous of everyone posting here.  I ordered mine in May 2020 and still haven't received it; the order status is still "Processing."  I was told in December 2020, "The most realistic estimate we have at the moment for another batch, which will include your order is between January 2021 and March 2021."  But now the Pro1 X is available to order.

Asking for advice: should I ask for a refund on my order and place an order for a Pro1 X?  I hate the idea of getting a phone that's obsolete upon arrival.

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2 hours ago, Kethersdad said:


should I ask for a refund on my order and place an order for a Pro1 X?  I hate the idea of getting a phone that's obsolete upon arrival.

The Pro1 X is actually a Pro1, with a blue finish instead of black and an option to include more memory. So both are similarly "obsolete" – which is, as far as I can see, hardly. From what I've read, real-world performance is not too noticeably worse than with current phones, even though sheer benchmarks figures would categorize it as "midrange", not "high end". Especially the graphics performance has been reported to still be competitive today...

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4 hours ago, Kethersdad said:

I hate the idea of getting a phone that's obsolete upon arrival.

I can only support what has been written already: unless you really like that blue colour or have to use two SIMs, I see no reason to cancel your Pro1 order for a Pro1-X. The Pro1-X only upgrades RAM and internal storage, which are the figures of least concern regarding the Pro1. The SoC itself is the same in both phones.

The 6 GiB of RAM of the original Pro1 are enough for about everything today. On mine, I constantly run two operating systems in parallel (LineageOS and Debian/Devuan) and have never run into RAM issues.

Also, 128 GB of internal storage are just fine if you can use SD-cards for expanding to practically infinity. If you have to use two SIMs (thus blocking the SD slot), that could be an argument in favour of the Pro1-X's double internal storage, indeed ...

Edited by claude0001
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17 minutes ago, ToniCipriani said:

Base Pro1 is also dual-SIM, no? Am I missing something?

Yes, it has twon SIMs.
...or it may have one SD-Card and one SIM.

@claude0001wanted to say if there is enough space on internal storage, there may no need of using an SD-Card, so there is a possibility of using both SIM slots.

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