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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/24/2019 in Posts

  1. Skynet Worldwide Express is only used for shipments to one country - Russia. They have the ability to pass packages to established Russian couriers such as Pony Express and others. This ensures our orders arrive in Russia, which is a known destination with customs and courier complications. For the rest of the globe, we are using either DHL, UPS, FedEx, DPD or Royal Mail.
    12 points
  2. The title is a lie and plain clickbait, but let's have a laugh while we wait :).
    8 points
  3. 6 points
  4. I had so much fun making game grippers ~10years ago. I'd be open to making some for the pro1. One problem is I live in the USA and this seems to be primarily an EU phone. I'd probably need to track down my old EU partner or even better if fxtec would distribute them. I tried connecting with those guys on LinkedIn about the pro1 but no reply. For a little history, the game gripper came before we had decent Bluetooth game pads. Once they stopped making high end phones with slide out keyboards the game gripper stopped selling and I went back to work. -Hyrum
    6 points
  5. Hi everyone, We expect to find a few bugs with our new forum platform. Please let us know what your suggestions and reports are :). Important bugs we know of: 1. If you have a display name you did not expect (or Hidden**), please change it immediately from https://community.fxtec.com/settings/. 2. Previous uploads and images might be broken. The tags for image insert were changed. Erik
    5 points
  6. Hi everyone, We now all have the option to report stuff. So help us all to keep the forum clean and please 🧹 Report it when you see spam or other unwanted content. 🧹 The conversion did not go smooth on all the spam, so I have 'just' manually been through all pages of all threads, and tried to weed out the missed spam. But it would be a miracle if I did not overlook something, so please report whatever junk you stumble upon. Add: Netman and SirBaconIII reported below that the Report option is not always easily visible, it appears at the top right of a po
    5 points
  7. And our sincere apologies πŸ˜„
    4 points
  8. This is outright blasphemy to associate the poor fellow with these fruits.... πŸ˜‡
    4 points
  9. 4 points
  10. I like the stealth edition with backlit keys πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
    4 points
  11. Hi everyone, Just a little heads up about tomorrow, the 24th of October. We'll be taking the forum down for a couple of hours after 1 pm UK time to migrate everything over to our new forum. We expect a few issues here and there - avatars will be missing, we'll have to manually add a few things such as the "thanks" count. Besides a few expected complications with the migration, this will be an overall great improvement for spam control - no more manual approval, performance improvements, user timelines, better formatting, etc.
    4 points
  12. That €650,- was a pre-order price, and perhaps some people are still on that one. But for regular orders, it's more expensive. We were warned about this in advance...
    4 points
  13. I can think of a couple reasons. The game gripper is cheap and rugged, don't have to be careful with it in your backpack or jacket pocket, it doesn't need batteries or charging, etc. Also, when you're playing in mobile environment, you can still hold onto your phone, dont have to find somewhere to put it so you can hold a bluetooth controller.
    4 points
  14. It already looks and feels way better than the old forum. Thanks for keeping us up to date Erik πŸ™‚
    4 points
  15. It's revealed that there's a Windows 98SE port for Pro1 in the works.
    3 points
  16. Soon available in the store, a calendar with all the inpirational tweets :).
    3 points
  17. I think only those also on the Discord fully understand this last one xD.
    3 points
  18. Chrome on Android 9 changes its header automatically based on the website πŸ™‚
    3 points
  19. Hurray! Good work guys :). And yes Eskerahn, thanks for keeping everything together this long, you did good.
    3 points
  20. That is pretty damn fast for a from a concept to "mass" production for a new company!
    3 points
  21. A tiny sneak peek of devices going through last Q/Cs before an official update goes out:
    3 points
  22. Let me just cancel my order really quick so I can afford the ProPro and the Pro T9 as a secondary phone when it releases
    2 points
  23. I think you are allowed to report your own post, so you could do that and write something like "Please delete" in the optional reasoning box.
    2 points
  24. Its not that it's isn't always visible as much as it really blends into the background when you're not mousing over it. It could just be that I sit pretty low compared to my monitors. I would agree that it could do with being a bit darker when inactive, though.
    2 points
  25. I even tried plugging the image into google's image search. No hits on that.
    2 points
  26. I scanned that code and it just gave me back the number at the bottom, IIDL120152725. I couldn't find the other number anywhere either. And I searched for batteries matching 3150mAh and 3.85V, on the chinese wholesale sites and couldn't find anything either. 😩
    2 points
  27. AND the search bar is actually visible ^^ Seems like Improvement in all directions.
    2 points
  28. Instant Posts (No more moderation delay) that's the big one for me. Ability to edit is nice. And private messages. And I can actually see the box to type, it in fact its pretty obvious. Noice.
    2 points
  29. It looks great now! I think it was much needed as after we receive our devices this is the only place where we can get help regarding hardware, software and any queries related to Pro1 And i also think we in the near future need to organize this forum more. like different areas to hardware and software etc. Great work FX Team! and i really am very optimistic that shipping is starting on 29th october!
    2 points
  30. Well, it seems we're still alive. Better yet, the new software has given us a much needed design overhaul. Great job FX!
    2 points
  31. Please change it from https://community.fxtec.com/settings/. This seems to have been an issue with the previous forum as well - revealing usernames. This one gives you an option to change the revealed name. The previous forum was just hiding the old spammy posts, this one doesn't allow them in the first place. We'll clear them all shortly πŸ™‚
    2 points
  32. Nice design, love the new look. BUG: In my case "display name" wasn't synced (ddark-il)
    2 points
  33. This finally looks like professional work. A big improvement on the design front!
    2 points
  34. One more huge thanks to EskeRahn for keeping things moving as smoothly as possible during the required moderation period. Seems like you'll finally be catching a break. :D
    2 points
  35. Since there is a lot of fuzz about the things that gone wrong (especially in other forums), I wanted to point out what this project has achieved so far and how remarkable that this is. This guys refused to let people down after the MotoMod Project got hit They started a own phone manufacturing company without using Crowdfunding They designed and tested a hinge so good, that nobody worries about it at all Every feedback from prototype devices where positive, including articles from tech magazines Answered a lot of questions to the phone at the beginning of the project D
    1 point
  36. If I remember right We would not be able to use the full 2160x1080 resolution. A bit of googling indicates that the max is 1920x1080 with 16 colours only.
    1 point
  37. I agree that seems unlikely, and yet I couldn't find it anywhere, which seemed odd. You would think they would use something that other phones have used and is widely available. I agree, however, that we'll find out somehow. 😁
    1 point
  38. I agree on that, would be such a waste of money if they should send them in a separate parcel, to those of us that don't really need it anyway. The case could be nice to have though.
    1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. I guess this is what I get for using firefox. πŸ˜„ Can't wait to play around with that beauty.
    1 point
  41. Yey for the new forum πŸ™‚
    1 point
  42. A question I had but already know the answer to (thanks dr oswaldo) is how to get a link to a specific post: the "posted ?? minutes ago" doubles as a link to a post.
    1 point
  43. Notification noise can be turned off, here: Click the arrow next to your user name top right, Settings, other settings, notification settings, at the bottom of the list..
    1 point
  44. Yes , there :). The first time I looked it had no change link with the Display Name section but now it does.
    1 point
  45. (I miss a cancel button if I regret starting a post)
    1 point
  46. I've seen quite a lot of old spam threads. Maybe you want to delete them instead of closing them.
    1 point
  47. Your words mean a lot to us, thank you for sharing @doktor.oswaldo :)! I believe everyone should hear back from our directors by email later today.
    1 point
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