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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/14/2020 in Posts

  1. 6 points
  2. As promised I'd update when I heard more from them! My order has been verified, so luckily nothing went wrong with the bank transfer, I'm assuming what EskeRahn said was correct, and the person responsible for handling support must've had his hands full with the previous batch. I guess this should also explain if other people are having longer wait times than usual regarding support mails etc. Either way, a big thanks to the f(x)tec support team for getting back to me regarding the matter, it's a big relief to know the money reached them and isn't hanging around somewhere ^^
    4 points
  3. Well it's not like 10 will be outdated overnight. 🙂
    2 points
  4. if they can outdo librem and pinephone at their own game... fxtec will succeed among us "aware" people of category from the market.
    2 points
  5. 1 point
  6. 😅😂🤣😭 Well, the argument holds. Due to restrictions they have a limited workforce to assess all the RMA's.
    1 point
  7. Once enabled it comes up as a Toast message but yeah with broken sensor or the slider orientation lock setting disabled you just would not get anything...
    1 point
  8. You can actually implement that kind of feature by changing keyboard based on the orientation. For example Hacker's Keyboard has an option to enable virtual keyboard when the real keyboard is open. So you are able to use that keyboard portrait and then select different keyboard for landscape. Just use MacroDroid (or similar) for the automation (orientation thing) and Keyboard Switch Assistant for the switch. I tested that feature earlier except that I changed keyboard app by typing key combination. See more from here:
    1 point
  9. Hi @Slion Yes I'm definitely victim of the auto orientation getting stuck... For instance it was just acting up and stuck in a way that when I enables standard auto-rotate it would switch to portrait and if I disabled it the orientation went to landscape. The opposite of what I expected as I think off should default to portrait. ...but on top of that the sensor is just broken. Or keyboard status as you call it. But in my case it is the opposite; it is stuck in landscape rather than not going to landscape. The two are related as they deal with orientation. The difference is t
    1 point
  10. Hi there @silversolver Yes, Kitty is a big fan. I am even having an fxtec shirt made for her. I have spent the past couple days chatting back and forth with the guys at fxtec. So glad they are doing well and safe and partly working from home. For all those people who complain about customer service, I have to ask you - How often do you contact fxtec when you do NOT need something or something isn't wrong? Do you ever just send them a note to say hi and that you are thinking about them? I do, because I am. They are good guys and they gave us this marvelous tool. Yeah it sucks t
    1 point
  11. You are a saint @LIMA! I've ordered this through craftcloud since I don't own a 3D printer; I matched the PLA material you used at 40% infill (since they only offered 20 or 40, not 30 like you used). Will post pics here once it arrives.
    1 point
  12. This one looks grate, thanks a lot. I try to print let see how it works.
    1 point
  13. Date: Fri, 09 Oct 2020 23:30:01 +1100 From: FX Technology Limited <[email protected]> Subject: Order updates Hello! As a pre-order customer, we want you to let you guys know first that we are about to announce a new partnership for something special and to also reassure you that your existing Pro1 orders are top of our list. They are still in progress and queued for shipment in the coming months. We recently shipped a batch of Pro1’s and the next is scheduled for the end of October. Like other tech businesses, Covid-19 has had a significant impact on our business operatio
    1 point
  14. I've gotten the stock keyboard driver to work with Lineage, mostly. I was having an issue generating forward slash on QWERTY, but other FN combinations seem to work. And the any-key-to-wakeup feature is not there. But other than that it seems usable for a test. @DieBruine and whoever else is having keyboard issues, can you please try this? Make sure to backup your existing boot image so you can easily go back to it. http://files.nwwn.com/android/pro1/boot-stock-kbd-1.img I've put the code here just in case anyone wants to look: https://github
    1 point
  15. Alright I got the stock keyboard driver transplanted into the Lineage kernel and it builds. Now I just need to take care of the key mappings and make the FN key work like it does in Lineage. Hopefully I can get that done tomorrow.
    1 point
  16. I doubt they will ever have stocks available. They are not ramping up production. They only ship a limited batch of devices every 6 weeks or so.
    1 point
  17. I contacted FxTec two weeks after I sent my phone in. Reaction to my request took double the time I'm used to. On top of that they told me that due to COVID-19 restrictions it would take at least four weeks before they would / could even take a look at my phone. So, I assume it is a possibility I won't see my phone back this year. And I'm sure as Hell not sending the other one in (possible hardware camera issue).
    0 points
  18. Most likely qualcomm not supporting it.
    0 points
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