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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/18/2020 in Posts

  1. I forgot to answer this question properly, Finqwerty tells Android it has keyboard layouts and where they are by responding to this message https://developer.android.com/reference/android/hardware/input/InputManager#ACTION_QUERY_KEYBOARD_LAYOUTS
    2 points
  2. Kiwi Browser is the only browser that fits your needs. 1. Ctrl+T opens a new tab. 2. CTRL+L goes to the address bar. 3. Supports all chrome based extensions. Download nano ad blocker and defender for the perfect desktop 4. Google Amp remover, night mode, and webpage night mode Not to knock the work of the fulguris team. Kiwi supports all of chrome's pc shortcuts as well as browser extensions. That's an all around perfect browser. You'll find it on the playstore.
    2 points
  3. Yeah, finally got around to send a mail regarding my device their way, video included. That was last wednesday. Aside from the automated Zendesk response I haven't heard from support yet.
    1 point
  4. Thanks for the really good explanation. Seems like the easiest "dirty" solution is to use the .kcm from finnqwerty, edit what I want, and replace the Vendor_181d_Product_5018_Version_0001.kcm. After rooting with magisk, skall I remount the system partition, or is it linked somewhere else? Don't remember how it works.
    1 point
  5. I confirm, 2 keys at same time, and keyboard locks up and then... rebooting the phone, no other ways ...
    1 point
  6. The .kl file is a Key Layout file that maps physical scan-codes (which the keyboard driver spits out) to Androids key-codes, the .kcm is a Key Character Map which maps those key-codes to characters or actions (and allows you to have different binding for combinations of modifiers (ctrl, alt, shift, fn) and keys). The .kcm can also remap scan-codes to different key-codes, so I'd recommend leaving the .kl alone unless there's a good reason to edit that one. In the kcm file you can map a scan-code to a key-code by a statement like: map key 158 ESCAPE And a key-code to a character like:
    1 point
  7. No, I haven't seen mine either. My phone still kinda works so I don't have so urgent need for the screen. But I have to say that I was a bit sceptic about their delivery estimation at the first place. They have promised the same "1-2 weeks" for the phone deliveries several times, and that have never happened. I guess they meant that it might take 1-2 weeks to get new screens on stock again..
    1 point
  8. Yes and this is the disadvantage of the internal memory solution: some apps might not work anymore if you remove the SD card / you might mess up your phone settings when you remove the SD card. Then you need to reinstall apps and some settings. It happened to me. By the way, since a lot of users use the SD card as external storage, it might be an idea for the pro 2 to make it easier to remove (not in the SIM tray).
    1 point
  9. if you have root, yes /system/usr/keychars/Vendor_181d_Product_5018_Version_0001.kcm if not mistaken is the default (when no keymaps selected) alternatively unzip finqwerty or fx-qwerty (apk files are just zips) and edit one of the keymaps in the res/raw/ directory (or add one and edit the xml file in res/xml/ that that tells where the .kcm files are) then zip it again and use and then use jarsigner to sign it and then zipalign, or first zipalign then apksign (java sdk and android sdk provide these things) to sign and align them so android is happy and you can use that (either search google
    1 point
  10. I am still all about the Samsung Browswer. Ad-free, super fast...
    1 point
  11. @tdm Ok I have flashed boot-stock-kbd-3.img I give a try and will reply what happens. Thanks !
    1 point
  12. Date: Fri, 09 Oct 2020 23:30:01 +1100 From: FX Technology Limited <[email protected]> Subject: Order updates Hello! As a pre-order customer, we want you to let you guys know first that we are about to announce a new partnership for something special and to also reassure you that your existing Pro1 orders are top of our list. They are still in progress and queued for shipment in the coming months. We recently shipped a batch of Pro1’s and the next is scheduled for the end of October. Like other tech businesses, Covid-19 has had a significant impact on our business operatio
    1 point
  13. Camera is all closed source blobs between the kernel driver and the camera app. It spews out amazing amounts of debug information, but I have never been able to make sense of most of it. So... probably not, unless we get really lucky.
    1 point
  14. Though it does not seem to be so good at managing screen real estate in landscape. It shows both status bar and tool bar thus wasting at least one 5th of screen real estate. I could not find settings to adjust that.
    0 points
  15. If we are adding keyboard woes, mine seems to randomly insert the odd number or character in, scroll down a few lines of text and put caps lock on. It is nicer to type on than glass but these errors make it really unenjoyable sometimes.
    0 points
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