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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/16/2020 in all areas

  1. On the other hand, I'm happy someone finally made a keyboard slider for someone with big hands and thumbs like me. I hated my work issued BBs-- I could never type on them, I also remember rejecting the original Droid way back when because the keyboard was just too tiny. I do hope FxTec thrives enough to get another model for you folks who want a smaller keyboard, but this is the most comfortable phone keyboard I have ever used.
    6 points
  2. I couldn't agree more, I want a mini version of the Pro1 or the Cosmo (or both). I often see people bashing vertical keyboards on this forum but with some training you can type reaaaaally fast on those thanks to the short distance your thumbs travel and when necessary you can even type one handed. Off course horizontal keyboards win on the special keys...
    4 points
  3. I also think that the Pro1's opening mechanism is much more robust. However, let's be nice among keyboard-lovers and recognise that the AstroSlide will have the much better keyboard -- probably more or less identical to the one its precursors had. From all that I have read, it seems to be as close as you can get to a "real" 10-finger keyboard in a PDA. In all honesty, I find that the Pro1 is some "in-between" solution that seeks to be compatible with, both, thumb-typing as well as multi-finger operation (when the phone sits on a table). As a result, it fulfils both roles pretty badly
    4 points
  4. At this count I can get out of the carton my good old Nokia E61i 😇 And back in the day they knew how to print 3 layers on the keyboard 😄
    2 points
  5. Not as easy to flip out of your hand though as no spring action 😆
    2 points
  6. I just saw their video again where he so struggles to both open and close it 1:05 to 1:20 in. Imagine how the Astro will be in real life, if this is the least bad the inventor himself can make the mechanism work for presentation.... that they have not replaced the footage with something more convincing over the last half a year sort of says a lot IMHO. For comparison look at the post in here where Elysia shows how super easy it is for her to open&close the Pro1, despite it certainly isn't super easy for all first time users. One could claim that Pro1 is being over-sold and the As
    2 points
  7. Okay, so out of the blue I received a replacement screen for my Pro1 just now. I'm gonna need a while to get it out of all that bubble wrap though. 😅 Update-Edit: It's working! Finally got 100% screen estate again. Took me more time to apply a new screen protector than replacing the screen itself. And the two connectors popped off "like little legos". Now off to work out a way to return the old screen...
    2 points
  8. Many thanks akinwale for calling out that paragraph for this problem. I just had the same problem of not being able to hear a caller's voice for the first time today, and spent 30-40 minutes digging through Android settings, restarting, etc - then a quick search of these forums turned this up. The loose corner was indeed the cause, and clicking it back into place seems to have resolved it. Much better than taking all my calls on speaker and annoying the heck out of anybody in the area! The fragility is a bit disappointing, but at least now I know it's easy to correct.
    2 points
  9. Hi, using the modded boot img, the LOS 18.1-20201210 and NikGApps I got a working phone with gapps on android 11, it is way less modded than AICP but its still a working android 11. It is so for the moment I'm happy with it
    1 point
  10. Oh indeed let us have variety, the more the merrier. There are no single model that are ideal for everyone. Just as those seldom using a keyboard should keep on using their slabs. Different users different usage patterns and needs. 🙂
    1 point
  11. Well I was talking about the latest update: https://player.vimeo.com/video/491140062 You can see, that it wedges pretty fast, and an alternation between force on the left and right side is needed to open it in multiple pushes. This could work way more stable, once the rest of the phone is done, but I don't see anything suggesting a mechanism to prevent that.
    1 point
  12. I was just thinking its actually bad for business leaving a campaign running long after you have secured funding in this particular case. As there really is a finite amount of people interested in this type of hardware so you will be lowering your profits.
    1 point
  13. They got most of there backers in May though and that 2535 current backers value hasn't changed in ages.
    1 point
  14. Well the Video in the newest astro slide update does not show anything promising in to keep the two 'rails' in sync. There may be more to come though
    1 point
  15. Yeah I've been trying to use Fi with a Pro1, but I think I've reached the end of the road with this hangouts > messages changeover that Fi is forcing when it comes to text messaging. I can't even get it to work at all because the Pro1 is an extra level of "unsupported" below the normal level of unsupported phones. AKA, I can't even "activate" my Pro1 with the Google Fi android app, even though voice and data work fine, whereas I could at least "activate" my Blackberry Key2 as an unsupported device that would be limited to the T-Mobile network only (aka no network switching) Even
    1 point
  16. At least a little smaller. I see no reason why you need an enormous screen when you have a dedicated keyboard as well not taking up any screen space. I always thought the pro1 should've had a 5.8 inch or even 5.5 screen to make it easier to handle
    1 point
  17. Somehow I'm not surprised that they a mere seven months after the campaign ended are still prototyping.... The idea of sliding the top all the way and then tilting is interesting, to allow for a larger keyboard area. But to be practically useful they will have to find a clever way to also synchronise the two 'rails'. Not to mention how to make such a complex mechanism at the least somehow resistant to pocket lint.
    1 point
  18. I've put together a guide to customise your own smart case for your F(x)tec Pro¹. Facts & resources: Soft shell cases for Huawei P20 Pro should fit your Pro¹ Fx Service: Smart Case app for Pro¹ Protective Case for Pro¹ mega thread Cases and shells for Pro¹ Moderator: please don't merge that in the 800+ posts long topic about cases.
    1 point
  19. Maybe related to my last paragragh in this post?
    1 point
  20. Slion, You are right. I concur. Let's support this team as they take on the world during an unprecedented world crisis. Luke
    1 point
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