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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/04/2021 in Posts

  1. I just recently installed AICP on my Pro1 and, in another thread, I was asked how I went about getting root and Safetynet working, including Google Pay working. It was pretty straight-forward really, but I had to dig around a bit to figure it out. Here are the exact steps, as best I recollect them. This may not be the best or only way, but it worked for me. And thanks to a number of developers/contributors and forum posts which I consulted while figuring out this process. - Wipe phone, fastboot flash Lineage recovery, then adb sideload AICP and NikGapps ZIPs. Checked phone boots into Andr
    7 points
  2. Well since this feels a bit like Fanboys defending, I think it is important to state at @PsyDucky that we all have been through this. We all agree that communication is not the best, we all agree that it is hard to know anything for sure, since a lot of unofficial information pours in, while official is missing. But in this case, they stated relatively clearly, what happened and why. Yeah there are some Information missing, like HDMI out. But you know what? I am pretty certain they don't know yet. They haven't redesigned the thing yet! Community asked if it will do HDMI out, so they asked
    3 points
  3. @Doktor Oswaldo I can not thank you enough for a well balanced post! I totally agree on all points. I think that much of the commotion arises out of people not being able to distinguish between making a pre-order and taking a crowd-funding perk. Foreigners like me could start by usign a dictionary: Perk Though IGG tries to scream out in large letters that perks aren't pre-orders, unfortunately the campaigns I've seen (including this one) are formulated in such an optimistic way as if it was a sure thing that we will end where they hope we will, and that we will get exactly what
    2 points
  4. Breaking news: Crowdfunding is very questionable, high risk and a bad deal for the customer! Well we know that since decades. It indeed is. Why we do it anyway? Well in most cases i don't know, people seem to be stupid.... In this case simply because it is a project that would not exist without us taking the risk. That we even reached the point we are now, is only possible because a lot of people here have invested even more money than you. We didn't even saw a pro1. There was none! We didn't knew how good the hinge would turn out. We didn't knew if it would be usable at all, or if it is ev
    2 points
  5. I know just what you mean, took a lot of self control for me to let that one go... 🤣
    2 points
  6. I've just posted the root/Magisk process I used...I may have missed some details, but it's largely correct. Feel free to correct me in-thread if I've missed anything!
    2 points
  7. Sorry, the Lineage admins don't allow exFat unless the device shipped with it.
    2 points
  8. And this is exactly the same thing here.... we put in some money and HOPE to get a higher value out. At the same time this campaign was running last year you could also preorder a Pro1 on the FxTec webpage. And the Preorder price was HIGHER, exactly because they here make a legal promise to deliver, and if they can not fulfil a preorder you will normally have a right to a refund, so they take all the risk. The whole POINT of crowdfunding is that we as investors take (some of) the risk, and in return we hope to end up with a device cheaper than what the preorder price was. That
    2 points
  9. Though I agree with the ponits in you post please mind the language/insults!
    2 points
  10. I too have an ext4 partition on my SD card. I do a lot of work from a chrooted (Debian) Linux OS that runs in parallel to Lineage (see here), syncing my data with my other Linux workstations. I therefore much prefer a Linux filesystem on the SD card. Access of the ext4 partition from the Linux Chroot was never a problem. But like you, I ran into cryptic write access failures from Android apps, even when setting access permissions of the SD filesystem to "777". After some frustrating attempts to understand Android's safety mechanisms in a way that would allow me to properly grant access to
    1 point
  11. I've decided to my old KeyOne as a dedicated security token device only ever need it at my desk 😄
    1 point
  12. Interesting. Seems we have to wait for a future in which Android/AOSP comes with a 5.7+ kernel to be able to see wider adoption of ExFAT? Paragon's payware app to access ExFAT drives seems to have its problems, and while I never had issues before with any Paragon software I used, after my abominable experience with their commercial Linux filesystem drivers for Windows which just stopped seeing any partitions and their support wasn't really helpful, either, I'm rather hesitant to give them any more money... But it looks like I might want to make the switch to AICP perhaps a bit sooner
    1 point
  13. [ROM][UNOFFICIAL] LineageOS 18.1 for F(x)tec Pro1 | XDA Developers Forums (xda-developers.com) New build (March 4th) with March security patches. NikGapps download | SourceForge.net Latest NikGapps (January 30th). Just flashed it myself. I use Nikgapps Omni. Downloads - NikGApps | NikGapps Website overview of all different packages.
    1 point
  14. I think the main issue is that while crowdfunding is NOT the same as a purchase, it FEELS like a regular purchase. https://wp.josh.com/2014/01/21/read-this-before-you-contribute-to-an-indiegogo-campaign/ The blog post lists some complaints about how IGG tries to make the experience of crowdfunding similar to that of shopping despite attempting to avoid the legal obligations of normal ecommerce sites. So I'm sure plenty of people who are crowdfunding for the first time are easily swayed into thinking that they are guaranteed to receive a product. Now you can call them naive and
    1 point
  15. the OP zip has a md5sum mismatch: b17c3fd98d9c5f1ea7c8d8e04f4cbe72, downloaded twice
    1 point
  16. I did not perceive that anyone was called stupid here. @Rob. S. is right that keeping up the fantasy that all IGG backers could get a refund is not leading us anywhere. Fxtec have stated that they paid the SoCs already in December. The same will be true for other components of the Pro1-X. I.e., the money from the backers has already gone up the chain of suppliers and Fxtec could not repay all backers even if they wanted so. Increasing pressure on Fxtec through massive refunding claims would simply lead to them needing to file bankruptcy -- with the result of everyone here getting nei
    1 point
  17. This analogy isn't quite right. The "shares" in your analogy aren't the phone, what you're buying is the "perk" not the phone. You're buying the opportunity to receive a phone. You're not buying the phone itself. So you have already received your 20 shares (ie. your perk). Now if fxtec delivers a phone, you are essentially cashing in your shares to receive something of actual value (the phone) rather the paper you currently own (your perk). But if Fxtec is unable to deliver the phone, your paper just became worthless as the "stocks" value dropped to 0. Due to the downgrade, the valu
    1 point
  18. How naïve and out of touch with reality can someone be? Do you really think you're the first person to think you don't get what you deserve, or to fear you might not get a product you helped crowdfund? Do you know how many people already did lose substantial amounts of money by not getting a product they helped crowdfund in 20 years of crowdfunding being a thing on the internet? And do you honestly think none of them would have thought they might have had a right to get their money back, and tried, even though every crowdfunding platform warns them of the risk that they might not, which e
    1 point
  19. I'm interested in buying it. I live in the EU, so shipping would be a hassle. 🙂
    1 point
  20. ...Or they don't mention them because they obviously falls outside chargeback like gifts, loans, and other investments, that aren't mentioned either... 😜
    1 point
  21. That would be pretty absurd. Why would we even have the term "crowd funding" if it should just be considered a "pre-order"? The whole point is that WE as investors take the risk rather than those that tries to create the product... And that is why the price for a perk is lower than a pre_order price. (despite IGG also taking their not unsubstantial cut) For the rest I to a large degree agree. Though it can be hard for us to tell how fast they would have been able to update the campaign with something sensible not just causing a panic. Information in fine but can cause all kind of rumours an
    1 point
  22. A late update with my device suffering this issue...I fixed it after tightening a loose screw. I dissembled my phone looking for any loose connectors, specifically the flex cable to the USB sub board, but the screw circled in red was loose with maybe 1mm of movement between the screwhead and PCB. (thanks to @gelraen.ua for the photo, I forgot to take photos haha) The FCC teardown photo below shows some contacts on the underside of this PCB. So my theory - without knowledge of the schematics or circuit diagrams - is that a lack of contact against the metal midframe caused the Hal
    1 point
  23. Wow that Gmail look, I was trying to get it back since I first saw it on my Photon Q back then. I don't really like how secondscreen mess android setting and don't put them back like they were before it start but the result are pretty more like what I thought this phone would look like at the beginning when the dpi is at 280. I'll give it a longer shot trying to get it to put back the parameter correctly. Thanks for this find
    1 point
  24. Yes, I don't see any language referring to crowdfunding, so I assume the credit lender would regard them as pre-orders rather than investments. So a change in date of delivery and specs may qualify for a chargeback. That being said every lender is going to have their own internal policies in how they view crowdfunding, so it's impossible to say with any certainty. As for whether people are entitled to a refund, that's an ethical question every person needs to decide for themselves. I'm personally fine with the changes, so I won't be seeking refund. So I have absolutely no idea whe
    0 points
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