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  1. In LineageOS 16 I could vastly improve the locking speed by the following edits in /system/vendor/etc/gps.conf: [...] XTRA_SERVER_1=http://xtra1.gpsonextra.net/xtra.bin XTRA_SERVER_2=http://xtra2.gpsonextra.net/xtra.bin XTRA_SERVER_3=http://xtra3.gpsonextra.net/xtra.bin [...] XTRA_VERSION_CHECK=1 [...] NTP_SERVER=europe.pool.ntp.org [...] INTERMEDIATE_POS=1 [..] SUPL_HOST=supl.vodafone.com SUPL_PORT=7275 [...] I am also in Europe (Germany) and at times could not get a fix at all (even after waiting for hours) with the default settings of LineageOS 16. Since I made that edit, GPS fixes a
    2 points
  2. Tried to extend the opengapps table with MindTheGapps: The last two I THINK could be included as obligatory in say "Google System Base" for OpenGapps. (I got them on AICP Q + OpenGapps 10 Pico also)
    2 points
  3. The size (200M) seems pretty close to the opengapps nano, the pico is about half the size. I have not checked what is actually included. ADD When we find a list we can compare it with this ADD II, this is the APKs in the ZIP: product\app\GoogleCalendarSyncAdapter\GoogleCalendarSyncAdapter.apk product\app\GoogleContactsSyncAdapter\GoogleContactsSyncAdapter.apk product\app\GoogleTTS\GoogleTTS.apk product\app\MarkupGoogle\MarkupGoogle.apk product\app\PrebuiltExchange3Google\PrebuiltExchange3Google.apk product\app\talkback\talkback.apk product\priv-app\AndroidAutoStubPrebuilt\Android
    2 points
  4. I looked at `gps.conf` for OnePlus 3 and it has similar changes in the LineageOS source tree. [1] I'll create a code review to make a similar change for Pro1 next week. cc @tdm [1] https://github.com/LineageOS/android_device_oneplus_oneplus3/blob/lineage-18.1/gps/etc/gps.conf
    1 point
  5. And for those interested, an overview of NikGapps: Downloads - NikGApps | NikGapps Website What is the difference between OpenGapps and NikGapps? NikGapps supports Split Apks! NikGapps comes with prebuilt YouTube Vanced (v14) and Lawnchair launcher (Till Android Q). NikGapps packages are created from the apks present in my personal device. NikGapps offers separate addon.d scripts for each package that it comes with. Easy to control which package you want to backup/restore after dirty flash! NikGapps follows a different partition mounting mechan
    1 point
  6. I think some things regarding AGPS are left blank on purpose in LineageOS, as using such services potentially reveals your location to the server operators, which may be seen as a privacy issue. Even disregarding this, from what I read on the internet, the optimum settings depend on what region of the world you are in. So maybe there is no one-size-fits-all config anyway. I found this config on some German Android user-forum and did not really check if it is truly optimal. The new settings certainly helped (a lot) in my case, but you may find even better ones for Poland by experiment
    1 point
  7. Another thing on top of losing buyers protection you would lose your position in the queue to get the phone
    1 point
  8. Note that one is a preorder, the other a indiegogo perk. That is the first is a conventional buy with the buyer rights that offer. The second is an investment without the same rights. Or said otherwise on the first FxTec have the risk, on the second you have. That is the reason for the pricedifference. But you should be able to cancel the preorder anytime, and take the IGG perk instead if you wish to - but you can not cancel a perk (except some days after picking it) I would suggest sending a mail to [email protected]
    1 point
  9. Hey folks, I'm dealing with the same thing, maybe? I've always had phantom touches when charging from an AC adapter, but about a week ago, I got a 10mm wide band right about where the number row in the on-screen keyboard is, that doesn't respond to touches. FxTec told me to send the phone to them, and that they would turn it in at least a month, or maybe longer... So, 2 weeks shipping over, minimum 4 weeks in UK, 2 weeks back, and my 6 month old phone is out of my hands for 2 months? That won't work for me. Where can I buy a replacement screen? (Also my microphone just too
    1 point
  10. Sorry. Anyway, when I read @Hook's reply, I thought to make a photo of me holding my Pro1 showing the other one holding this compact phone in a same way looking the very same position. So I confirm he should have a really small hand...
    1 point
  11. I agree completely. But this, in my experience, is how most ROM developers work. Once they move on to the next version, they drop all support for the previous versions. However, some ROM dev teams are much more careful about where to draw that line. The Dirty Unicorns team, probably the best ROM I ever used, would take ever so long before they would declare a new version official and they would maintain the previous version for all that time with security updates even though they weren't doing anymore work on the previous version.
    1 point
  12. I certainly hope he will 🙂 The issue as @claude0001 pointed out is that LOS is great when it stabilised, but pretty crazy that they immediately remove the older version as supported. A few months overlap - with security updates would be nice. Even what in the broad perspective can be seen as minor bugs, can be crucial for others, so some overlap where people can jump back waiting for a fix (even if it requires a wipe) would be nice. Or simply be hesitant in upgrading until those of us not dependant on it has stumbled on the bugs, and can report if&when they are fixed. I can fully u
    1 point
  13. Really, aside from the car BT thing (which also existed in 16, I never got around to trying 17), 18.1 seems to be working fine for me Then again, I don't have the keyboard issues because I don't do international stuff. But really, it seems fast, smooth and stable on my Pro1. It is true that I am here largely for the security patches and if @tdm ever returns to updating AICP I will probably go back to that, but Lineage 18.1 makes a great daily driver for me so far.
    1 point
  14. I upgraded from @tdm's 16 to the official one without any real issues, and it also worked nicely 16->17, but the 18 seems to be a bit too rushed out - so we that upgraded are the April fools... And I even missed the first one, since I was away over eastern. If we look at the surprisingly short change list going from 17 to 18 https://download.lineageos.org/pro1/changes/ there is only a single one that is marked as specifically related to the Pro1. So not that surprising that things are not all working smoothly, 🤐 I have it on the preproduction unit only, that is not suitable as a da
    1 point
  15. I went from O 16.1 to UO 18.1. And apart from my update issue this morning I was of better with UO 18.1 than O 16.1 due to the ghosting input issues. Only thing bugging me is the fact that I don't have high bitrate BT connection on my Ora. But that's it.
    1 point
  16. I'm still on LOS 16 because I was too lazy to manually update when it said I couldn't automatically update. Could I go from 16 straight to 18.1? I'd rather not lose data, but it's not critical.
    1 point
  17. Just a small update... The ghost touching got to a point where the phone was unusable and I couldn't even enter my pattern at boot without a lot of retries. Also got a bit dangerous yesterday when I was using my phone as GPS and it kept randomly switching out of Waze. @Hook posted some troubleshooting steps done with F(x)tec so I thought I give it a try (specifically checking if any flex cables were loose), and it SEEMED to have helped. I followed gelraen's teardown instructions and took the screen apart. Cables seemed tight, but I went ahead and reseated both the LCD/Camera to main
    1 point
  18. Yeah.. I do miss that about my droid 4.
    0 points
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