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  1. I've relayed this issue back to our dev team and they will look into it. I'll update here when there's progress. Thanks for bringing this up.
    5 points
  2. Sorry for the delays. I have your device with me and it is fixed already. The reason we ask to keep it for longer is to help our developers debug the issue so it doesn't happen again. We're working with Snapdragon to resolve this problem and will soon be able to send back your phone. Again, thank you for your patience.
    4 points
  3. I was using Pro1 as a daily driver for over a year but since COVID-19 changed everything (and official support for Pro1 ended) I switched to a Asus Zenfone 8 (and later on to 9). Since I was working from home there was not so much need for handheld keyboard phone anymore. I was able to use laptop almost every time I needed. Now situation has settled back to normal so I am planning to start using Pro1 (or Pro1-X) as a daily driver once again. I haven't decided which phone I will grap when I receive Pro1-X. Pro1 offers more performance which is great since I am gaming a little bit. However,
    4 points
  4. There is an unofficial website that keeps track of all LOS versions no longer available at lineageos.org: https://lineageosroms.com/pro1/ Haven't used it and don't know how reliable they are. But if the code is signed ...
    3 points
  5. I use my pro1 as daily phone with LOS, and an archlinux container for LibreOffice and Python / C arduino coding on the go. It could be very useful, for example I had to share a bios dump in discord, impossible in android as the discord app filters all weird files extension (renaming it with *.txt or *.jpeg didn't match here) so I had to do this in the container with a "pc" version. Also I often edit Libreoffice document, and it works great with keyboard, as in android it's a pain to edit and modify such of files without data connections. Gimp is useful too for weird picture format. LO
    3 points
  6. That's hardly enough fact, it's just opinion, which is already perfectly clear from the wording ("thoughts", "believe", "doubt", "for me"). Something everyone is entitled to, but we shouldn't mistake one for the other. My facts are the phones which have been delivered and the support that is still happening, plus the good old rule 'innocent until proven guilty'. There's nothing in what we know that would be enough to prove them guilty of any serious crime. As always, never attribute to malice what can just as well be explained without it, especially for a tiny little British company betw
    3 points
  7. I use my Pro1-x mostly as a PDA. I want to use it as my primary phone but it's still early for my purposes. I'm still not comfortable with calling being an app instead of being the "front and center" of what it is (when it's something I call a phone). For me, it's almost an ultra-portable laptop that happens to run Android which is slower to type and slower to be productive while I can still be productive. For my phone stuff (basically phone and SMS), I still prefer my Nokia Asha. A big difference is that I used to read PDF and e-books on my Nokia Asha but now I do those on my P
    3 points
  8. was running mine as a pocket linux PC with Droidian until my daily android phone developed issues. Currently using the Pro1X with stock android as a phone, using termux for doing some light coding (Helix/Rust/Go/Git are all I need), and occasional SSHing.
    3 points
  9. I use my Pro1 as my daily phone, primarily for SMS but also emails, browsing and calls. The Pro1X I plan shall take over from my Pro1, where after three years usage, the keyboard are beginning to not be 100% reliable. But I HOPE they soon will release the new software, with various fixes, and I'm 'holding my horses' a bit for that, before making the transition. Maybe I'll get too impatient and do it while still on the existing software....
    3 points
  10. I'm the owner of a Pro1 and a Pro1X and my 1X is sitting as a development device. While I'm currently using the Pro1 as a PDA (runs SailfishOS and Arch Linux ARM inside the container) and so far I've been happy with it. What are you doing with your Pros?
    2 points
  11. I send you the ticket number per pm.
    2 points
  12. The problem is, that you did not ask wether you can keep it. You also did not tell me that you are going to keep it. You just told me, that it is fixed and this is one month ago. Normally one expects to get back the things you send in for repair. 🤷‍♂️
    2 points
  13. I doubt of something like over-voltage protection in speaker driver LSI. By measuring of oscilloscope, I found it has a charge-pomp booster to make 2x vbat. Output voltage may down when louder volume or battery discharged. (But why only right speaker?) (Parameters of the protection were not initialized only on right-speaker driver?) I want schematics...
    2 points
  14. Remember that when a theory can not be disproved, it does NOT make it correct. Religions and conspiracy theories usually relies on this kind of false 'logic'.
    2 points
  15. That doesn't look good, try contact them again and see what they respond. I've seen a few people on Discord got the same issue and got the phone back within a few weeks.
    2 points
  16. I use my Pro1 as daily driver with my self-built LineageOS 16.0 and a Debian 10 (actually Devuan 3) desktop GNU/Linux system running permanently in a chroot. For me this is the optimal combination of an Android(-like) environment with the option to do serious (desktop) work from the GNU chroot. Of course, running a more native GNU/Linux system (if we agree on calling libhybris-based hacks "native" 😉 ) like UbuntuTouch, Sailfish, or Droidian is tempting, but -- realistically -- I cannot make it through the day without some Android apps I would not know how to replace (Firefox, Zoom, Öffi,
    2 points
  17. I also use my Pro1 as a PDA (though I prefer "pocket computer," one of whose functions is PDA). I run lineage on it. I use it to to work in landscape almost exclusively. I use it as a PDA (Calendaring is especially nice with a full moth on screen where the appointments are all readable), email, browsing. writing and editing (yes, I can actually write long text comfortably using Textmaker from Softmaker Office or Markor, depending on what I'm writing, ssh-ing into a Linux server I have access to, IRC, and messaging. (I'm not a programmer or IT guy. Also not a gamer.) Basically, all things
    2 points
  18. It's nearing three months that I'm using the Pro1X as my daily driver, and I'm still (mostly) happy with it! Now I wanted to have a look at what AccuBattery says about battery health. It says 92% capacity, 3,031 of 3,300 mAh (sounds less than optimal but then again my second-hand Pro1 has kept its capacity around 2,950 mAh for the whole 1.5 years I've been using it) it also says "we have no full charges detected yet". Right, I do mostly use the Chargie device which stops charging at 80%, still I know I've fully charged it more than once. But to make sure, I did let it go below 15% (as Ac
    1 point
  19. I see. Things definitely were lost in translation here. As I wasn't the one handling your ticket, it appears my colleague left this out. Can you provide your ticket ID so I can follow up?
    1 point
  20. Before we tear our phones apart any further it would be good to know whether F(x)tec are indeed aware of this problem and are planning a fix via firmware update. The (initial) October update can be interpreted in that way, but the wording is quite vague ...
    1 point
  21. Just for the record, the issue has stopped appearing here soon after my report, without me changing anything...
    1 point
  22. One of the things that I LOVE with Apple products is how the different products (computer, phone, watch) work TOGETHER. If this phone will do the same, then this really could be IT for me! If I could use "my" (still not bought) phone as an extension of my Ubuntu machine, then this will be fucking AWESOME!! I truly think that the industry needs something like this. I'm somewhat scared of actually "take the leap" and jump into it, but my old iPhone (from 2015) are slowly giving up on me. I have already "retired" my Mac book and switched to Ubuntu. So this might actually be an opport
    1 point
  23. @IMD seems to be absolutely right. The speaker failures occur only when /sys/class/power_supply/battery/voltage_now exceeds approx. 4100000 µV. This explains naturally why the phenomenon is more apparent when connected to a charger. The question remains whether F(x)tec will indeed be able to fix this by a firmware update, or not ... 😞
    1 point
  24. They don't ship the phones as pallets. There are no distribution centers located in those other countries. Each phone is individually labeled and shipped from Hong Kong (as it was with the Pro 1. They actually tried shipping all Pro1s for the US to A FedEx hub to be distributed by FedEx very early on in 2019 and, yeah, hit a wall with customs(I wonder if they ever got those original Pro1s back from US Customs). That's when they switched to labeling and shipping individual phones working with Expansys HK.
    1 point
  25. Here's another possibility that I don't think I've seen suggested while we wait. What if the issue is not FxTec or Expansys? It could be a government change in customs costs. A similar potential issue was raised by someone in that increased shipping costs may be the holdup. But if FxTec contracted Expansys to both ship and handle the customs issues the holdup could be who's going to pay the increase? Or perhaps whoever was supposed to handle all that paperwork didn't realize they were supposed to so as a result, they had to rush through it and get it sent in September instead of June. Or
    1 point
  26. They accidentally turned on the device while disassembling it, I guess they should add "MAKE SURE THE DEVICE IS TURNED OFF!" before they unplug the connector because to me that sounds like a one way trip to dead screen.
    1 point
  27. You were right. I should not have send it in. Now its two month because of a depleated battery and it does not look like I might have it back soon. They are "performing multiple charging and draining tests". But maybe the battery is really dead after a month of charging and draining 😭.
    0 points
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