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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/24/2022 in all areas

  1. 🎄 Christmas Update 🎄: A new build of LineageOS 16.0 (for SD835-Pro1) is available at https://findus.zwergenschaenke.net/~puma/linux.html#lineagepro1. Go for the ROM dated "20221222". This build enables kernel support for PlayStation DualShock gamepads, inexplicably missing from the standard defconfig. 😉 There are no other changes since last week. As usual, my collection of mods relative to upstream is available. Why this is important: Turns out my son enjoys SuperTuxKart as much as I do, and he actually got his own DualShock3 for St. Nicholas Day. So we thought we could use th
    3 points
  2. So I fixed my keyboard issue. Hastily way. Since beginnings I had to press hard on several keys, wich is incompatible with a real use of the keyboard. Mainly letters 'a', 'e', 'm', 'h' (and mny more)...are swallowed. But sometimes it has worked as expected (not often), and sometimes it's a real pain (often). Average : a bad experience Example with taping this as fast as possible : "Les chiens aboient la caravane passe" Ls cins aboint la caravan passe Ls chiens aboint l crvane passe Ls cins abint la caaravan pass Digging into software doesn't help to find a workaround
    1 point
  3. That's a good option for regions where GSM/2G or 3G still operate concurrently with 4G/5G. I use that solution with my Pro1 in Germany. However, @Name_not_avail is located in the US. They recently shut down all pre-4G networks. 4G simply does not implement traditional voice calls outside of VoLTE. Hence, with the modem no longer able to fall back to one of the older, non-IP-based protocols (2G/3G) upon initiating or receiving a call, VoLTE is now mandatory in the US.
    1 point
  4. Do you know that you can select LTE network, but disable VoLTE, i.e. enjoy higher data transfer speeds and longer batter life while having no problems with voice quality?
    1 point
  5. @Acurus, I am pretty sure that is where the company attorneys are and that is the registered address. There are a lot of companies registered at that address.
    1 point
  6. 100 of the budget version is a day is impressive especially as there's no Japanese keyboard. Maybe they can sell all the ones that don't work (maybe they work better with Japanese bands?) and make us some good ones for next Christmas.
    1 point
  7. I've worked for a company before that sold their stuff in supermarkets. It was very usual that we didn't have some products (up to 30-50% missing in the start of Covid19) but then we see the same products in other supermarkets (from our company) in which they wanted to expand to. There are people who want to make sure their customers don't run away and others who only want to expand, risking the loss of everything. We already paid the full price for our phones. Of course it's more rentable to sell the newly produced devices to new companies and earn further money (that's how they pay the
    1 point
  8. How weird make me wonder how many other stores they sold to?
    1 point
  9. FYI: There's a Facebook group called F(x)tec Pro1 Users and Fans, and there was a post today about another store getting a bunch of Pro1-X's: Hey guys, as you may already know, 100 unused fx tec pro 1x(SD662 6GB 128GB) arrived at a store in Japan the other day and sold out by the end of the day. The price is about $300 USD. The performance is not up to date, but other than graphics-heavy games, it's fine and comfortable for me, who used to use a blackberry. https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/116/4116714/
    1 point
  10. Since I ordered my first Fxtec phone, a Pro1, in Sept 2019 (which also seems to become the one to arrive last...) I've read everything Fxtec communicated (plus every comment in this forum), including a couple of personal mails from support, and while I've been having my doubts and a lot of bad feelings about the goings-on myself more than once, too, from all we know nothing of what they have said over the time can safely be called a lie. Wrong, overly optimistic estimates by the bucketful, yes, but really nothing where we can be absolutely sure they would have known beforehand that their annou
    1 point
  11. Well they told us long ago that the devices were produced and are awaiting shipping, so parts should not be the issue.
    1 point
  12. Your points are well-taken, even in your first post. I don't know what has been happening. I suspect they don't have a lot of money to play with, which might be why they couldn't hang onto that in-house person. I guess I just appreciate their doggedness to get us hardware in our hands that then may be able to become what we want. They crowdfunded a phone they had already designed and built with only more memory and Lineage and UT ready to go. Suddenly, they lost the SOC they had paid for and found themselves having to design a new phone in a pandemic remotely in China. I don't know m
    1 point
  13. OK, ok, I was probably overshooting a bit. Sorry. 🙂 However, my point was not about something specific they wrote in this latest update. It's more that I dislike the overall trend: One year ago, F(x)tec had an in-house developer actively working on Pro1/X kernel mainlining and alternate OS porting. At that point they seemed pretty serious about delivering a phone with official, out-of-the box LineageOS and UbuntuTouch support. As I wrote previously, this was a very important aspect of the initial Pro1-X concept. During this year, they first abandoned the "out-of-the-box" part (by shi
    1 point
  14. I think this really does misrepresent what they said. They said the alternative OSs are community run projects by volunteers and progress depends on their time (true), but that they are working closely with those volunteers to provide as much support as possible. There was no comment about ask the devs. Only the continuing "if you have questions ask at fxtec." I do understand the frustration. Must be even greater for those who, who unlike you and me, are waiting without a Pro 1 in their hands. And, honestly, I bet FxTec are pretty frustrated too. I don't know the reason, but FxT
    1 point
  15. OK ... this does not seem to go well. According to the past updates, almost all units should have been sitting at "their" warehouse (really Expansys', I understand) already for four (4) months. Given that Expansys are obviously able to ship their own Pro1-X's without any problems, I think F(x)tec should stop blaming "logistical issues" in "China and Hong Kong" for everything ... they must have at least some part in this mess and I think people would appreciate if they admitted that. However, the most disappointing part about the last few updates is how alternative OS development is i
    1 point
  16. I must say with more as one intensive month of use, my keyboard feels perfect now. I forget all double-press, I had two or three ghost keys (like th*'˜is or something like that with weird characters who suddenly appears) but so rarely that I didn't notice it as a real issue. Edit : I suddenly found a post concerning quadratic equation on this forum but I don't think it's related with any keyboard issue 😄
    1 point
  17. The way I look at it is that if I'd bought a different phone two years ago instead of backing the Pro1x it may well be broken and need replacing by now. Instead I've continued to use the phone that was already annoyingly half broken so in terms of money per year it has kinda paid for itself. I'm still expecting it to arrive sometime and even if it only works as a pocket computer (maybe with an external wi-fi antenna) it should still be useful alongside the small phone I'm now resigned to buying.
    0 points
  18. If you want a community to work on something you need to give them the hardware. The few who did get their IGG perk delivered were not the most enthusiastic "Early Bird" orderers or those with the "Secret Community Perk" available through XDA they were seemingly chosen at random so that can't have helped. Then (if you believe the updates) anyone who was working on it was told to stop until they had a stable stock image, which as of today's update they're still "working on". Sounds like they've had three months and got nowhere - it must be really broken!
    0 points
  19. 0 points
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