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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. Nice and thorough review, thanks. 😁 A tiny detail in the conclusion, that may be a translation error. The translation says "rugged", many would expect that to include some IP-rating. So maybe add the lack of that as a Con, so people do not get the wrong impression.
  2. EskeRahn

    Spare Parts

    Yeah good question. We will have to see when one is disassembled. I have been unable to find anything matching. But could well be I just do not know where/how to look.
  3. Well as the Pro1 is so hard to get replaced, I think a little extra care might be a good idea.... And actually the yellow leather-look one is rather nice looking, so If I could get one that has the right quality in real leather, I might stick with it.... I guess it should be stiff leather that is reduced in thickness near the bend, so it bends smoothly.
  4. And the funny thing is that I never used a flip case before. 😊 And I'm not sure I will keep using the flip-cases when the Pro1 get into general availability. Though I might have gotten used to it by then... 😇 Earlier I just used a simple protective shell giving a better grip, starting with the Ip6- that was slippery as soap but actually to get a KB-case. And later I made a better DIY solution. And a case was also needed to use a KB on the Samsung S8- see this
  5. And on June 19 it said " Limited offer. Extended for one more week" (see this) so that would put the end a while later, not a month later, and hence not July 12. And yes it was unclear from when that week was counted. June 17? June 18? June 19?. So sometimes late June, or if they were very kind stretched to early July, not mid July. Maybe someone ordering around late June early July can tell if their order was with the Earphones? As we do not seem to have saved info on the exact cut.
  6. I think we have somewhere found the VID and PID of the device, though I do not recall what they are. But this is a general file for the device and if it went in that way, and the file does not exist, it should use the generic.kl as I understand the Location section at the top of this So I will guess that it is is not sending a scancode as a keycode, but rather fake a keycode, similar to what I guess a fake keyboard like GBoard does. Otherwise we should have been able to look up reversely and sees what generate the Fn F3 and F4, and that was what we tried... Of course it COULD be
  7. (I just waned to make sure that the bug from the current stock has not been copied over to Lineage. With stock you can try to close on say a toothpick, and see you can activate keys even if the slider is closed, this means that squeezing the device in say a pocket can press a key)
  8. Yeah, I think it was a little gesture appreciating her getting in more than a handful of new orders from her network, If I remember other posts right.
  9. We should consider this in the how-to-open thread.... Another option is to add some of the adhesive anti-slip tape intended for stairs (black or transparent) e.g. this And cut a roughly 2-3 x 150mm piece (Use a hobby knife or similar, as the sand kills the blade, do not use a good pair of scissors...), and put along the back edge. (so it does somewhat belong in the casing thread...) This will give you a VERY easy lift. (The same material is GREAT for compact cameras with slippery surfaces like Sony RX100 III) Mine ended on 3mm+ and could/should have been less.
  10. I think the cut for this offer were somewhere end of June or early July. They originally stopped it on June 17 (+/-) but then extended it a (few?) week(s).
  11. Rememeber that Ctrl and YellowArrow are next to each other on both sides, so the combo is easy to do with one finger. That is why FinQwerty uses Ctrl+YA as a 'doublet' of Sh+YA
  12. EskeRahn

    Spare Parts

    We know the numbers - but just can not find them..
  13. As said in other posts I think the problem here is simple physics: The counterweight of the vibrator is a standard one, designed for a 2-3 times lighter phone. So they would have needed a larger counter-weight and thus a larger motor, adding weight to the whole system (and as these would likely not be standard components, also additional costs)... But I struggle too, especially walking. As I 99.9% of the time use my phone with vibrate only. I have not even set the ringtone on my Pro1, so do not know how it would sound....
  14. Hmm. Mine does, so sounds like something conflicting. Does sliding open the keyboard wake the display as it should, or only pressing power?
  15. Is the keyboard turned off while closed on Lineage? If not squeezing the device might send a key, and we do not want that to wake in say a pocket. So if it is NOT turned off closed it should be a single key hard to press by squeezing. If it IS off closed, other things should be considered. The modifiers would be good, as there is no 'risk' in tapping those, the same way there is in taping a key that could have a function. If say an incoming call arrives just as you press Enter, so 'any' keys might not be optimal. So safe keys in all scenarios will be the Shift-keys, as neither of t
  16. As previously mentioned a S20+ full-body back-over-front case was expected to fit the screen, but too long. This morning this arrived, and well it does fit the screen sideways, and is too long, BUT it makes the edges of the screen out of reach, and that what not what I was hoping for. On the other hand the edge sticking out makes it easier to push up the screen. It is not for me, so I have not bothered to try to cut and melt it shorter....
  17. No no, spelling error meant motif, sorry Tried to contact the seller on other colours - no reply.
  18. I would like stickers like the round ones for the cases... I have actually planed to ask a friend of mine that makes stickers to produce something like that.
  19. Well an app that is trusted today might not be trusted tomorrow, especially after updates.... In principle it is always a good idea to work with minimal privileges needed. So if an app does not need it all the time, but only under special circumstances, it make perfect sense to only let it have the big hat for that specific task. It is REALLY hard for the ordinary users to keep 100% track of their apps, especially if updated. The benign app might be sold to another company that proves to be crooks, by the time you spot it in the news, it might be too late.
  20. Yes. And ah I see, these events are not going through the .kcm... Damned... Then we will have to wait for F(x)tec to change F3/F4 OR we need a program listening for F3/F4 keyevents, and then 'alter' these (or absorb them and emits the correct ones). Obviously just a temporary hack until the codes are changed.
  21. Just to be sure, does these work by you (they work here) adb shell input keyevent 223 and adb shell input keyevent 224
  22. I never tried to fiddle with the KCM files, but looking at what @Anssi Hannula is doing in e.g. this would something like this not work?
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