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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. The odd thing is that I have no real trouble with the RIGHT hand on the qwertY only the LEFT. My GUESS would be that the right side generally varies more between keyboards. Different shape of Enter, Some got a numeric keyboard right of the letter block... The left side on the other hand, there has been total agreement on since the typewriter days... So that is anchored firmer in my brain. And that the numbers are NOT shifted makes the whole thing worse, as they in my brain are misalligned with the letters... I have been using Lenovo Laptop keyboards for long, and I STILL can not
  2. We actually know the raw production price without paying any licence fees or anything from the customs documents ($300), and we have heard them call these fees "hefty", so let us for a moment assume they at some point have sold enough at current price and have paid all the development costs with interests, I doubt they would be able to ship them even with zero 'profit' for $500, so I don't think there is a huge margin to cut from... So don't hold your breath for it.
  3. Let me guess, you have used/tried a Nokia slider like e.g. the E7 or N87 before? If so it is like biking, the body remembers.... 😎
  4. Exactly the qwertZ with FinQWERTY is like what we would expect of a keyboard, just reduced, and I for one can quickly adapt to that. The shifted one is constant trouble for me. When I used it extensively I make errors the other way round on a pc... Actually I think the shifted would have been easier if it was say Dvorak or ABCDEF... if the keys are not in their proper QWERTY positions anyway.... As you then would need to learn an unrelated keyboard. Because the letter-shifted qwertY is so close to a real qwertY, my mind has a hard time keeping them separate, It is like when I speak a
  5. Take a photo, so you can prove who messed with it, if something is wrong 😜 But glad you finally got it.
  6. The numbers you are sending are wrong... wakeup is E0h or 224 decimal, and sleep is DFh or 223 decimal, see the links above. Sorry you were talking scancodes, but that is not the scancodes for F3/F4 afaik
  7. Should be available in the generic.kl i guess? or any vendor .kl ? see this generic says 102, and so does all the others I checked.
  8. PS do NOT expand the caps hole that much on the real units, the LED on the PreProd unit is much weaker (and the hole smaller), hence the need here... PreProd left Retail right. Backlight off, caps on for both.
  9. You can see the square 'mat' around the green above... Just did a new more successful attempt expanding it further to a larger part of the mat. (the white damage from my first attempt is roughly in the middle now, as I scratched practically to the lower edge of the 'mat')
  10. You should try tipping the keyboard against the light, and at the right angle it can be seen that the yellow print (and the green Caps) is a coloured square slightly lifting the black. If you got sensitive fingertips, you can actually feel the slight 'jump' gliding the finger lightly over the key tops with yellow print. NOTE that some got the mat but NOT the print, I guess prepared for different prints. (e.g. the W on qwertY). It is easiest to spot on Caps. I tried to extend the small green dot on the preProd unit, not that succesful, but it clearly shows the white under green under
  11. Either, as they both involves a hard keytop on what I assume is a clear rubber mat
  12. Let me put it this way: I made the underscore on the PreProd unit longer by scratching... (it currently has SFOS without backlight, so can not show a usable photo...)
  13. ....Or someone making a small android program listening on the keyevents, and catching F3 and F4 and convert them to sleep and wakeup. Have you tried if something as simple as the .kcm can do it for us as a temporary measure?
  14. (moved the spare batteries discussion over here)
  15. EskeRahn

    Spare Parts

    My original batteries for my Sony Ericsson Xperia Pro are still good. The important thing is to remove it from the device (or just insert a piece of plastic as an insulator at a terminal), If the battery is charged and left with only self discharge, it keeps it charge for years, and can still be charged. Just make sure that you charge them say every second or third year, so they do not reach 0V. That is the problem with newer phones, you can not leave them truly off and hence the battery will be murdered, if the phone is just kept in a box, without occasional re-charging. I also got (chea
  16. I think it IS coating. More precisely i think the keys are clear, and then have some white coating, and some have a small square in yellow (or green for caps), and then finally a black coating, Similar to what Lenovo are doing (less the coloured squares).
  17. Please keep discussion on it working or not and how to test/remedy in the existing thread here Not to have everything duplicated...
  18. It is definitely the best technical solution not requiring any DIY at all we have seen (yet?) What for you is a plus, would for some of us be a scare off: The motif. But a more anonymous version might have a broader appeal. And I bet you can easily adhere in a strategically placed magnet in the card-holder, if we can get them to change the keys it send. I bought some for for another project here, unless you buy 50, the shipping is higher than the item cost....
  19. Interesting alternative. I guess it would have been simpler to take a £4 flip case for a Huawei P20 Pro, and just adhered the logo part from the sleeve.
  20. (Moved the more general discussion not on the notification led over here)
  21. But it looks like simply replacing sending KEYCODE_F4 (86h) with KEYCODE_WAKEUP (E0h) and KEYCODE_F3 (85h) with KEYCODE_SLEEP (DFh) in current logic will do the trick with no other changes. 😎 YouCut_20200218_095817803.mp4
  22. The point is that that the case needs a strategically placed magnet, matching the position of the sensor. It already sends F3/F4 on close/open. So all we need is that F(x)tec alter it from sending KEYCODE_F4 (86h) to KEYCODE_WAKEUP (E0h) and from sending KEYCODE_F3 (85h) to KEYCODE_SLEEP (DFh) YouCut_20200218_095817803.mp4
  23. No no no, use the link.... It is MAGNETIC and works in either landscape or portrait....
  24. Tried on stock with adb shell input keyevent 223 adb shell input keyevent 224 And they work perfect.....
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