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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. It sounds to me like you might be sending from a mail-server that does not present itself in a proper way to the receiving server. A guess could be "Helo Reject" Personally I have had issues like that where benign incoming mails where rejected by my hosting provider's spam server. If might be that the fxtec mail-server got a strict setup too. Try to send from a different mail-server, e.g. a gmail account, to check that it goes through.
  2. I do get your concern, but as I too is slightly paranoid, I do not see why we would trust build in software on a TCL device more than a third party app? Remember that BB as a brand is now just licensed to be used by Chinese TCL. I trusted the BB brand more while they were delivered by a Canadian company, as I trust the political environment they are operating in more in Canada. I like to believe that my BB Priv was (well: is) slightly more secure than the pure Android, And definitely more secure than my Samsung S8- that comes with a truck-load of bloat that is marked as system, and requires
  3. $10 in shipping... Lucky you, I was charged €24 (~$27) to Denmark.... :-o See Erik's post earlier, they send to US-customers from a "Fulfilment centre" in the US.
  4. It is a new odd bug, that is related to the approval system. IF a keymaster approves a post, but do NOT make a comment/reply in the thread, the approved comments are in an odd stealth state, until a keymaster make a comment (Yes, seriously!!) (That is why some might have seen some odd short XXXX-like comments from me, as I try to remember to make a dummy comment after approve, and then quickly Delete it, as this miraculously cleans up the mess....) ...I certainly(!) hope that this will be fixed with the new forum software
  5. Termux works in Landscape aka Horizontal on a Pro1, yes. The other questions I can not answer, sorry.
  6. Well I see it from another angle: The more we can get to buy a Pro1, the higher the chance there will be a Pro2, Pro3,.... when we want to upgrade...
  7. Tried to install, and can see that say Ctrl+A or Alt+1 acts the same way as softkey followed by physical key, so Ctrl and Alt are supported. Though physical "Esc" jumps to the homescreen (where e.g. softkey Esc, just above the physical, followed by D clears to EOL) ADD: I have suggested fxtec to make a user-setting requiring a long press of Esc to jump to the homescreen.
  8. With the Pro1 yes (preproduction unit) but not with SSH. Just opened Termux in the Android Market, and some of the screenshot provided are in landscape... I will try to install
  9. Well sure, but the program would still need to know that say "Ctrl" exists to have prepared some sensible specialised action. I mean beyond the general stuff like control navigation, marking and cut&paste within a textbox provided by the Android OS.
  10. What you are requesting is basically customs fraud. So even if they were willing to do so, I highly doubt that they would write it out in public.
  11. Yes only time will tell, but I'm sure that it is only us as the most eager ones that have bought it from pre-orders. I'm sure there is a large group that will wait for the reception of it, and most likely a much larger group that never heard of the Pro1 but could be interested once they learn of the existence (so help spread the message...). From an egoistic perspecitve: The higher sales the Pro1 gets, the higher profit FxTec will make, and thus the higher chance of them producing a Pro2, Pro3,..... thus providing us with devices I can upgrade to later on...
  12. Yup. It is the same story with phone sized devices. You basically can not buy a phone with flagship specs anymore, only phablets! And there have been no QWERTY-slider with anything close to flagship spec since the SonyEricsson Pro. in 2011. Thus the request for a flagship speced PHONE with a slider keyboard (that I would prefer) is further away from reality. BUT if the Pro1 get a smashing success, we just MIGHT get successors, and hopefully one of them would be shrunken to 5¼" display, and thus to phone size - and still have good specs!. Personally I do not get why manufacturers thi
  13. That was my hope too. But I guess there are too many money in planned obsolescence to allow for a user and environmental friendly idea like Ara to fly... ;( One principal 'design flaw' with the Ara was that there were no modules that went all the way through the frame (or attached to the top). That would have allowed for better cameras, without them giving the device a huge bump.
  14. Thanks for this clarification :) Maybe something like that would be beneficial as some 'fine prints' on all orders to the US. (And similar to any other country where you will have a national "fulfilment centre")
  15. Oh sure it is wonderful to be able to have the keys in many ways! BUT we should be honest and accept that the majority of apps out there are only optimised for touch, And for many the only keyboard 'support' there is, is what Android provides, allowing us to navigate and select with the keys. Even a build in app like Settings, well it technically DO work with keys, but it is way easier to do almost all in it by touch, e.g. changing "Display [item] Size" under Display, I would first need to select the right part with Shift+Tab, then the slider by Up-Arrow, and finally move the slider with t
  16. EskeRahn


    Let's keep our fingers crossed that it will be fixed with new forum software...
  17. He he. Strictly the "Relay" was way closer to an "S3 mini". See e.g. https://www.gsmarena.com/compare.php3?idPhone1=4914&idPhone2=5125&idPhone3=5033 I think his point was exactly that there were no keyboard phones with 'flagship' specs, And by "S4" was referring to the "Galaxy S4" not the "Snapdragon S4" chipset.
  18. Yup. And that one not really globally available. I think the last attempt was the SonyEricsson (Neo) Pro the year before. Actually SE had a really interesting idea there in 2011. They released four spec-wise identical devices, including all with 854x480, that (almost) only differed in scale of display and device. The compact Ray, the normal Neo, The keyboard variant of the Neo called Pro and finally the then ridiculously humongous Arc (I remember people laughing when someone used that huge plate for calls - today the 63mm would rank it a super compact...) The Ray was really elegant, I u
  19. ....See other thread, I wish we had a queue.... we currently need to look at all threads one by one to see if anything is pending, so only the newer threads get somewhat frequent checks...But the comment in question was approved about two hours ago....
  20. Are you sure? I'm quite sure it was not there Thursday morning (CEST), I looked for it, and found only direct credit card payments.
  21. Yes the folding sure could open peoples minds to what a phone is again. The article is really old (2013, though revived in 2016), so old that they it neither include BB Priv, nor BB Key½.
  22. Though I hope it will, I really really doubt it will be a smashing success selling millions. But I definitely think there is a niche for it also in 2019. On one side old dinosaurs like myself, that texts/mails a lot will welcome it as a long awaited return.. The big question if it will be manage to catch others that use their device a lot for entering text. Apart from the obvious benefit of typing text and mails, I also see the Pro1 competing with tablets with keyboards and ultraportables, for those that enters a lot of text info, but do not need to also use it for e.g. sales presentat
  23. I assumed they would have some public available guidelines of what fields of info they expect. As others can pay they must require something that is not usually required from banks in general. Buying online, some US sites REQUIRE fields like "county" and/or "State" to be filled in, despite tiny Denmark does not have a similar administrative division - so I have to invent something to fill in.... Could be something similar.
  24. Hmm. Maybe you could get them to give you a list of ALL the fields they expect, then FxTec could see which one(s) they do not currently provide? (I know nothing on how card payment requests actually works - I have only used cards to pay)
  25. Well with a coupon you should be safe to be in the first badge I guess :)
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