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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. On one hand I -and others- complain about a lack of a common entry with 'all' the info that is dripped out through various fora and narcissistic media. And then you guys wants even more diversification of the info for people wanting to know all about the Pro1 with yet another entry? And the other way round too, yet another place the team should keep an eye on for feedback. Sure this forum has had moderation delay issues the last weeks after the spam attacks, but as new forum software is expected to be launched very soon, why not await to see if this will fulfil your wishes?
  2. Well as long as you change before you pay, you can be pretty sure you will not get the QWERTY ;) ....But yes, it would be logical if they added the option to the initial dropdown,
  3. Currently you can request an existing pre-order to be changed to QWERTZ. But I do agree that it would be nice if the dropdown for new pre-orders actually let us choose the layout, instead of making it with qwerty and then request it changed.
  4. See this post Linking to this https://www.fxtec.com/request-qwertz/ :)
  5. AFAIK almost everything should be accessible for service with screws, yes. Can not wait to see Ifixit get their hands on one...
  6. (Though "Arabic" is among the already over 40 logical layouts you can select for the physical keyboard - but that is ignoring the prints)
  7. Ah, you are right, it's not a final one then, because they did talk about those markers going to be fixed..
  8. They got this on twitter a few weeks ago from Tokyo.
  9. Thanks for the info :-D Did they say anything on how late this request is allowed? But I assume that if a request is made before pay, that would be fine.
  10. It would be nice if they were also made available in here. The first ones were placed here: https://www.fxtec.com/blog/#blog But that stopped for some reason. PS I like that you got both the Logo as the avatar and FX on the name, so it is clear to everyone that you are part of the staff. *ThumbsUp*
  11. Not really. Except the beta, some about the Düsseldorf event (now two days ago), and a photo sample. (I copied that to Chen's photo-thread)
  12. Here an additional sample image from the last newsletter: [attachment file=23382]
  13. Just a simple question, do you know of any devices that weren't buggy on release? And to the "Pretty stable". Well the MAY software on the preproduction unit I tested qualifies for that.... Never experienced other than minor bugs. Sure there were thing that was not implemented/finished back then as the Camera software. But what was there, certainly qualifies for "Pretty stable"...
  14. Just a guess. If they feel quite certain that the hardware is finished, and it is just a matter of the firmware/software. They just might start the production of the units with software with known bugs, that gets fixed by OTA update on install. This could speed up things compared to awaiting the full beta process, and the correction of found errors, before production start. But as I said, just guessing.
  15. I do not know how the beta test is going to work, but I hope they find an open way of reporting so people do not waste time on describing and reporting bugs other have already sent in. I don't see much point in doing it in this completely open forum though. I mean not much point in discussing bugs found as long as they are corrected before (or shortly after) release.
  16. Yup, an odd bug, and even if approved they does not appear at the front as activity in the thread until a moderator make a comment in the thread too.... So I have made a habit of after approve to make a dummy comment and delete it.... Making it even more tedious.... I sure hope they find a smarter solution soon.
  17. Well yes, we just got it in a newsletter: Beta Testing We’ve been going through the hundreds (and hundreds) of completed beta testing forms. Thank you to everyone who has offered to help us out as we have been overwhelmed and delighted with your support. We will be getting in touch with the lucky few this coming week, so keep an eye on your inboxes.
  18. That puzzled me too. but asked, Boe (the manufacturer) says it is Gorilla Glass 3, So why Elephone write 5, I do not know. A little more on the different version can be found here, and many others clearly stick to 3. As I understand it GC4,5 and 6 are more impact resistant, and thus more scratch prone. (for physical reasons the harder, the more brittle)
  19. Well I have been away for a fortnight on holiday, only checking sporadically, so the staff had to handle the forum too on top of all their other chores. The massive spam-attack required immediate action, and unfortunately the current strict system has the negative side effect of being dependent of manual approvals, and not the least of someone realising that there are comments awaiting approval...
  20. Did you bother to READ the thread you are posting in? But until now it has even been hard to find what threads got comments awaiting approval. I had to browse through all seven pages with over a 100 threads, to see if each thread had one waiting…. So I have checked less frequent than with a simple F5 and threads at the top of the list. ...but I can not find the comment you are referring to. I see no comments from you awaiting moderation. What thread have you commented in?.
  21. Yup. As far as I know any user in here marked as "Keymaster" below the user name is a member of the staff (except me as just a moderator) ...But would be nice if it was more obvious.
  22. Well we had over 500 spam threads making the overview close to useless, but luckily it was handled quickly by the team, so glad to hear that you were not affected by it.
  23. Well at the least that could be handled by only counting thanks from previously white-listed accounts. :)
  24. I tried my Samsung S8- and it goes down a bit further (something like 8x6). BUT the limitation is NOT the optics! Trying a lot of times with a high contrast image, It can get sharp MUCH closer than the above. Something like 6.4x4.8 I guess. It is clear on the display when the autofocus is hunting, that the optical focus limit is way lower than the 10cm the OpenCamera displays as the lowest limit for manual focus!! So it might be simply a matter of reporting a lower limit to the API - or could be a bug in OpenCamera??? With Snapdragon Camera app I can get about 8x6 images - just like the
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