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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. Well it is a tiny 22s video just showing something is working, and a text "Hold my beer #Jolla #SailfishOS @JollaHQ @thefxtec"
  2. Yeah, I too expect to buy at the least one spare.
  3. *LOL*, Well even if WE want them to make it there is a risk that they find other endeavours to follow. But I agree that the name is not optimal. Especially the typography Pro¹ over Pro1 is not Google-friendly. I Hope they will adjust that before release, say lower and enlarge the 1 only have it slightly raised and/or in a different colour, so everyone just types it as "Pro1"
  4. An Idea I have wondered over not seen, would be that (any company) close to end of line of updates for a product tried to 'crowd fund' subscription based updates. On a device like this I'm absolutely certain that we are enough keyboard maniacs out there, that if there is no Pro2, 3, ... we would be very interested in paying for the extension of the life of the Pro1. I for one would not mind after the first two-three years to pay something like £50 a year (or maybe more) to keep it up to date with security patches, and perhaps feature and OS updates, if there were no alternative devices ava
  5. ....But here is another without the zero, but with the one, and the digits shifted the other way(!) https://5.imimg.com/data5/VM/VO/MY-2105719/hermes-baby-g.jpg ...And here one with neither 1 nor 0 and shift like the Pro1 https://www.bazaraki.com/adv/2356211_vintage-olympia-portable-typewriter/
  6. Here is one. No shift, the 2 centred between Q and W. (It was also very common to use the letter o for zero) https://www.tias.com/stores/clocksgalore/pictures/8139a.jpg
  7. It seems to be Verizon only. Tried browsing a bit on GSMArena, and the closest international seems to be the slightly newer i827 https://www.gsmarena.com/compare.php3?idPhone1=4771&idPhone2=4641#diff- https://www.gsmarena.com/results.php3?nYearMin=2010&nYearMax=2012&fDisplayInchesMin=3.1&fDisplayInchesMax=3.2&sMakers=9&idQwerty=1
  8. You really think it is copied? The layout is substantially different, The Droid has 12 keys width in the letter rows, and 10 at the top row.. So in their layout the "1" and "2" is shifted less than one key to the left "3" to "7" roughly at the standard positions, and "8", "9" and "0" shifted more and more to the right, with "0" shifted about 1½ key right from standard. The Pro1 got 14 equally width columns. On the US layout ALL digits are shifted exactly one key left relative to the letters. (Or more accurately the letters are shifted one key right compared to the digits and other keys)
  9. Hmm they have changed to "Shipping globally is estimated to be summer 2019" (was "July" earlier) on the pre-order page, so why do you assume it will not be 2019????
  10. They got so many pre-orders from Japan that they were sure that 'locals' could easily fill the slots. See tweet:
  11. Just took the chance on the pre-production unit, and neither triple nor other multiple press called anyone.
  12. I feel much the same way. Unless an update severely destroys vital functionality existing on previous (aPple did that a couple of time when I used an Ip6- ), or a promised functionality is not working, I do not expect new updates, but sure am glad if there are updates.
  13. Is the print on the keys really that important? To me the important thing is that we can have the functionally layout as we please. I agree that the shifted US print would make it awkward for any language with additional national letters (Either almost all print wrong, or national letters at odd positions). Personally I primarily write using English layout on a Danish print keyboard on my PC (and has done so since the eighties), so I'm used to the prints not entirely reflecting the functions.
  14. Would be nice to know indeed. Remember that the print and the functions does not need to be identical, so we can have e.g. Swedish/Danish/Norwegian/... layout, no matter the print. If a Scandinavian print is NOT going to be available at launch I will go for the German print, as this is really close to the Swedish (primarily print of Y&Z swapped, and Ü printed on the Å). As a Dane I got an extra Æ&Ø print swap, but I can easily live with that too.
  15. Remember that it is a startup company, not a huge organisation. And yes they do rely on me trying to answer the things we already know, and when something we don't come up, to raise it to their attention.
  16. I think it is a very good idea to choose a Friday evening/late afternoon - no matter where in the world it is, as it exactly could entice more people to combine it with a weekend visit. Especially if held in a 'tourist friendly' city/area.
  17. The point is that what is SOLD as tempered glass protectors (most often?) really are laminated glass protectors, so it already is simple annealed glass on a sheet of plastic, and hence (at least in theory) simpler to cut, as Netman described above. BUT maybe one would need to cut at BOTH sides, as it is two sheets of glass with a film in between. But anyway not simple....
  18. Wauv, that is complex.... But might not be quite as complex on these very very thin sheets. And looking here, many screen protectors sold as "tempered glass" protectors really should be called "laminated glass" protectors. (It also have an illustrative video) As when they break, they do not break quite the same way a say tempered glass door, breaking the whole piece into about equally sized bits. It cracks along a number of lines, looking like a spiders web, but it (usually) stays together. See some examples e.g. here
  19. The low bar request is to have a thread in here duplicating the comments, or at the lowest bar, link to them so we get information on when there is new info on what ever channel they prefer to use to publish stuff to wheel in new customers. That way we would only have to keep an eye on one thread in here to get any info they publish anywhere.
  20. Yeah, that was too optimistic It is not a problem cutting with a diamond, but I could not get it to follow the line breaking at the cut. I guess the film inside is too tough to just tear where I want it to....
  21. Yup, they are aware... Luckily it is not the final version *LOL*
  22. Well but then people would have to click this to see if there is any news - not exactly optimal.... (And anyway, as any narcissistic media buttons on sites I use, I removed that long ago with the ad-blocker...)
  23. I would love if everything posted on twitter or elsewhere outside the forum, as a minimum had a thread in here pointing to those. (But would prefer to have the content here as well) To me that would be better than a new channel of info Personally I'm not using the narcissistic media, so only get the info if I stumble upon them, typically because another user posts a link. as an example the German layout, it was a user that posted the link here...
  24. I took the liberty to split this thread, to have the screen protector stuff in the relavant thread here
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