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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. I also noticed that it repeatedly awakes the screen. I do not know if that is due to an app trying to (re)connect via bluetooth to a watch I'm testing. (both on the table, less than 50cm apart)
  2. (lineage-21.0-20240413-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on Apr 5 security patch installed smoothly (*) using adb sideload and MindTheGapps-14.0.0-arm64-20231025_234300) And we still can only select one keyboard layout, so no easy layout switching, for multilingual usage.
  3. I wonder if that counts as "installed in", or this was actually smuggled in... I guess that if similar was done with mine, they might have been confiscated in customs here as an attempt to smuggle them in. If so a bit odd I have not been contacted by the police. Could also be that some just stole the doll hoping it to contain some drugs.... I mean at an x-ray it might look like some bars of drugs?
  4. Ah OK, that was what i TRIED to draw with the first one. 😉 The cut being in the long direction (QWERTYUIOP)
  5. So something like this cut through in the length direction? or more like this?
  6. (Lineage 21 on hold due to qpr2) https://community.fxtec.com/topic/4051-lineageos-210-official-release-for-pro1-x-qx1050/?do=findComment&comment=68456
  7. So now I'm supposed to post a cartoon.... ah well better not 😇
  8. Possible - if so, sorry ....
  9. In my case I think they got the repacked them and sent them. However some paperwork might have been wrong as it got stuck somewhere on December 18, two weeks after it was sent.
  10. Yes I asked paypal to handle the refund.
  11. I admire your effort, hope you will have better luck than me. I used PayPal to pay, and that proved wise, as it seems I will get the money I paid back...
  12. I have just given up, and requested a refund from Paypal. They Immediately refunded the $35,53 USD, but the original $21.98 USD, awaits a reaction from the seller - but at the least I got 61% back, I can live with the rest being lost....
  13. Yes August sounds really optimistic... On the lack of usage videos, though I think the real problem here is that refreshing of e-ink is quite slow and flickery, as any e/reader, and as they actually DO show in several small pieces, but that is hard to combine with a usually fast advertising video showing a fluent user experience. E-ink does not do swipe or scroll well. They show one image, then another, no fancy animations in between. This does not have to be a bad user experience, just a different one, that is hard to put on video, as watching or reading a fixed image does not go well w
  14. August is not far away, but much depends on what this really is. In its simplest form it is just a piece of plastic and a BT keyboard, only passing the USB-C though, maybe piggy-bagging the power. This way they need no drivers or the like, and might even buy all the BT keyboard logic as an existing product, so they really have 'only' the design and manufacturing of the hardware to do, and they might already have done large part of the design to make the model. Sorry I confused this with the Iphone keyboard
  15. (lineage-21.0-20240316-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on Feb 5 security patch installed smoothly (*) using adb sideload and MindTheGapps-14.0.0-arm64-20231025_234300) And we still can only select one keyboard layout, so no easy layout switching, for multilingual usage.
  16. Talking S9, they were clearly prepared for a click-on keyboard like the predecessors, but it was never released. There was a thread on that in XDA, and I have a post on it for S8 here. (Though it was obviously in the wrong direction, it was not a terribly bad solution/workaround)
  17. This is not rom-specific. There are no internal clock in any smart phone I know of, so it needs to fetch the time from some external source. But if it got neither WiFi nor a sim, who could it ask? We had that in some threads here some four or five years back.... It COULD flash the time somewhere in going down so it was not extremely wrong when booting, but would still be wrong, and might be worse if people was unaware that the time slipped backwards each time. So the risk of people thinking the time was right would be higher They could activate GPS and try to get the clock that
  18. It seems to be the same data, at first glance at the least, but I guess your .gov.uk link is the authoritative base, from which other sites pull data. https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/officers/Pt7zKAA7fzLqJbJ77pn3yCCD60o/appointments https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/officers/9_JtS_IaTpZPYyNQtsQTefcMF6Y/appointments
  19. AH!! They got him registered with two different numbers.... https://suite.endole.co.uk/insight/people/24248551-mr-liangchen-chen https://suite.endole.co.uk/insight/people/30814671-mr-liangchen-chen
  20. erhm??? https://suite.endole.co.uk/insight/people/24248551-mr-liangchen-chen https://suite.endole.co.uk/insight/people/24248551-mr-liangchen-chen?page=companies But the page might not be accurate, I'm quite sure he was (/is?) involved in https://suite.endole.co.uk/insight/company/09345044-livermorium-limited too. And clicking the link shows him as "product manager" there, so some of that data are not cross referenced correctly on the page.....
  21. This is really weird, as I do NOT see this, I wonder if it is bound to the OTA-method???
  22. (lineage-21.0-20240309-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on Feb 5 security patch installed smoothly (*) using adb sideload and MindTheGapps-14.0.0-arm64-20231025_234300) And we still can only select one keyboard layout, so no easy layout switching, for multilingual usage.
  23. AFAIK The problem originally wasn't in the phone end, so the OS would not matter. And to make it worse some carriers are switching to 5G, not supported by Pro1/Pro1X. Some carriers only allow phones in they explicitly whitelist. To some extent a mule device have worked in tricking a carrier into allowing it in, but that trick worked better with 3G than 4G. At the baseline, it would require the carrier to allow it in, and the bands to be compatible. At some point FxTec told they had contact with a US carrier (I forgot if it was Verizon). But I have no idea why that did not end in a wh
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