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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. (lineage-20.0-20231216-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on Dec 5 security patch installed smoothly (*) using adb sideload and MindTheGapps-13.0.0-arm64-20230808_213316)
  2. Interesting! Though It does seem like the cut out for easy push up could leave display exposed. So it might be a good idea to always turn the display against the body, to reduce the risk. I wonder why they did not make the flap a bit longer to protect.
  3. Yes! Would be wonderful if the patch could be isolated into something that could be executed simpler. For Pro1 as well as Pro1X. We have another thread on this somewhere, so the two threads ought to be merged
  4. I'm no expert in this, but the persist partition contains important information like imei, and I do not think we as users can recreate it. In principle you could clone the partition from another phone, but as they would share imei they could not co-exists on the net as active phone, so it would require some tool that can recreate the parts that are different between phones. So I will suggest you to contact [email protected] and hear what they will suggest. I fear that you would need to return the phone, for fxtec to do whatever 'magic' needed.
  5. And most likely we will be slapped by customs and a $30 'handling fee' for the customs not being handled correctly, so you will likely end at around $100
  6. ...And you got photos, I did not. But yeah it seems like stripping the packaging will only save me a few $, had I known, I would not have requested this,...
  7. I wonder if this thread ought to be merged into the Pro1X with Linux thread, or there are reasons to keep it separate?
  8. Wauv! That was a hefty charge!! MAYBE it includes tax? I entered a Danish VAT number, so maybe (just maybe) I'm going to be charged the VAT that way, and if so I at the least will not get the extra handling fee slapped on top. So it will 'only' be around $72 in total. NOTE that I chose "Air mail" and allowed them to remove extra packing , and that have 'reduced' the weight to 600g. You CAN change the shipping method, and most likely also select that they should remove the packaging.
  9. (lineage-20.0-20231202-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on Nov 5 security patch installed smoothly (*) using adb sideload and MindTheGapps-13.0.0-arm64-20230808_213316)
  10. Just got a quote for $35½ in shipping, so that at the least is quite close to exorbitant.... So will consider it is worth it, as it does not mention tax, so most likely I will be charged 25% import tax on top, and a $30 handling fee for non declared tax... so likely to and at $100...
  11. The hardware drivers for both Pro1 and Pro1X are closed source AFAIK, so unless someone finds a clever way to use android drivers, I think it will be close to impossible to get things up completely Android-free.
  12. (lineage-20.0-20231125-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on Nov 5 security patch installed smoothly (*) using adb sideload and MindTheGapps-13.0.0-arm64-20230808_213316)
  13. Yeah a bit odd, just took the chance and ordered 5 for $22 EXCL shipping, and quite uncertain what the shipping fee will be requested later - if too exorbitant I will just consider the $22 lost...
  14. Of course we need one for sale, but the first step is to know what we are looking for.... And here @Tomatoman29's finding is interesting, as it could have lead to another device using the same battery. I mean it is a bit unlikely that this model is produced exclusively for FxTec. It could be that the plug-cable on this battery is FxTec only though.
  15. (lineage-20.0-20231118-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on Nov 5 security patch installed smoothly (*) using adb sideload and MindTheGapps-13.0.0-arm64-20230808_213316)
  16. Ah yes silly me, I'm so used to qwertZ that I did not look at the layout, so yes clearly original Pro1
  17. I'm not able to tell the difference from the images for sure. I THINK the globe on the space bar is placed a little above the centre line for the original Pro1, and is centred on the Pro1X. It is usually easier spotted from the usb-end, as the usb sits a tad further from the back on the Pro1X (the centre of the plug almost align with the bottom respectively top row of the speaker holes) But yes there are some black Pro1X too, and indeed this one looks pristine from the photos, my Pro1 certainly doesn't look like that any more after four years of wear....
  18. As you got it open, I strongly recommend to charge it, as it causes a lot of trouble if it depletes....
  19. We have not heard from Erik in here for months, so let me try to tag @Casey, and hope he and you can find a satisfying solution after this terribly long repair.
  20. I would start with a clean install, and only gradually add the apps you using. In the current installation it is close to impossible to guess what it is. * Some app not working with the Pro1X for what ever reason? * LOS has some issues on the Pro1X? * The Pro1X is faulty? If it works 'clean', then we know it is something with an app. Try to install by 'binary search', that is install half the apps, if they work repeat with half of the rest. If it does not work, uninstall, and install the other half - repeat to you got most of your apps in, in a working state.
  21. Has anyone checked if AICP is actually working again? I see a rather large changelog here a month ago https://dwnld.aicp-rom.com/device/pro1/WEEKLY/aicp_pro1_s-17.1-WEEKLY-20231011.zip.html but see no mention on a going forward on the base android version again Towards the bottom I see 149b0ef Merge "Track our own fork for CVE-2023-4863" into s12.1 So that seems to indicate that it is again on something 12.1 based?? - unless their whole s12.1 is borked and actually is an r11.x.....
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