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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. Maybe October is consider recently, 'only' being three months ago, in the perspective of several years... 😇 I have not heard anything on that they should have been resumed shipping since, but certainly good news if it is the case. ☺️
  2. (lineage-20.0-20240120-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on Jan 5 security patch installed smoothly (*) using adb sideload and MindTheGapps-13.0.0-arm64-20230808_213316)
  3. ...Add we also have this old thread on VoLTE https://community.fxtec.com/topic/3055-volte-voice-over-4g-data
  4. AFAIK Not with that carrier, no. ;( It might work with another less picky carrier. I have zero knowledge on the possibilities in Australia. We have a thread that might help here: https://community.fxtec.com/topic/2536-network-compatibility And there is this related to New Zealand: https://community.fxtec.com/topic/3542-4g-lte-fdd-band-28-700-mhz-support-in-new-zealand
  5. I Denmark it is quite common that the carriers only allow white-listed phones in on VoLTE, though not all Danish carriers uses white-lists. I think the same goes for other countries. In the US most carriers seems to be even more picky in letting phones onto their network, not only limiting VoLTE. The whole mess with using mule-phones to activate a sim, so a not white-listed phone can work, has been a common US workaround long before Pro1/Pro1X...
  6. Slightly more complex. It means that the SIM isn't provisioned for VoLTE on this phone model, The same SIM might work just fine for VoLTE in a phone model the carrier has white-listed,.
  7. (lineage-20.0-20240113-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on Jan 5 security patch installed smoothly (*) using adb sideload and MindTheGapps-13.0.0-arm64-20230808_213316)
  8. That is a very good suggestion! Most newer SIMs come with the SMSC set, but it was quite common earlier that we had to do this manually.
  9. Moved reply to the LOS Pro1 thread here https://community.fxtec.com/topic/3768-lineageos-200-official-release-for-pro1
  10. We are in the wrong thread for this.... Send an receive of sms works fine using Textra, and even the build in Messaging app - that I never use.
  11. I rarely tried, but it worked when I did, both send and receive. Is it constantly or occasional it fails for you?
  12. (lineage-20.0-20231230-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on Dec 5 security patch installed smoothly (*) using adb sideload and MindTheGapps-13.0.0-arm64-20230808_213316)
  13. Could be a matter of words here, as it DOES boot some android kernel up, before start charging, and it might be that they meant could not be avoided.
  14. I got a blue Pro1X on stock android, bought via Expensys. And I can confirm this respects the fastboot setting for NOT booting (completely) when power is applied when off. It does load some Android kernel stuff though, but ends in a battery-charging image/ikon
  15. (lineage-20.0-20231223-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on Dec 5 security patch installed smoothly (*) using adb sideload and MindTheGapps-13.0.0-arm64-20230808_213316)
  16. (I seem to have exceeded my image quota....)
  17. The trays seem identical, at the least they are interchangeable. It is 0.95mm thick, and 14.1mm wide, an approximately 30.45 mm long including the outer piece. Note that the profile it slide in is not uniform, the 0.95 mm is split in half, and the part closest to the back has an indent of roughly 0.5mm, and some cuts it the wide part. (I tried to upload an image, but it seems that I'm no longer allowed to do so????)
  18. Glad you got it somewhat working, but extremely low accuracy, so something clearly is wrong...
  19. You will have to contact FxTec to get one with the proper ending. You MIGHT be able to find some from another phone, where the card-frame fits, but you should be really lucky to find one ending reasonably flush when inserted. When I get home I wil check if t is identical for Pro1 and Pro1X, and do some measurements .
  20. Browsing back through the thread, there might be another thread also. I got a quite clear memory image of an excerpt from some configuration file and some setting, too bad we can not search three characters long words.... so no luck searching gps.... ADD: Found it searching "agps": https://community.fxtec.com/topic/3878-e
  21. Ready made no. You can easily modify existing ones. Also 3D print recipes are available. Browse through this thread.
  22. Have you got a USB-hub? Maybe your monitor has a usb in and some usb out? If so try to connect that way. It sounds crazy but it is often easier to get it to work with a slower port than the fast ports in a modern PC. I got a fairly new Lenovo Yoga, and things does not work connected directly. But I use a Lenovo thundebolt 4 hub for two secondary 4K monitors and other, and if I attach the cable to that, things work. And both the pc and hub's ports are usb 3.0
  23. (found it and merged....)
  24. Hmm sounds bad. Any difference at all inside versus outside? This may be a silly question, but does it have the correct time?? I know from my automower, that if it is just a few minutes off the geolocation gets totally messed. When all cache wiped, it can take a while to get a first fix. Does the App whine if you turn Location back off, before leaving the app? (I'm fishing after if the app for some reason is not allowed to access the GPS, but does not report it correctly) I seem to remember that we have had a similar issue long back, where the solution was to enter some
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