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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. ...But as e.g. Nokia did a workaround for their device, it is a bug that can be circumvented. I do not know if the details of this fix is open, so it is 'just' a matter of FxTec implementing it in an OTA update, or they will have to 'reinvent the wheel' here... It is NOT a fix that is so common/open that it is part of e.g. Lineage 18 or 19 for the Pro1 that see the same issue (That was not there for Lineage 16, nor stock 9).
  2. PS it then make sense that I do NOT see the issue, as I (as one of the first items) disabled "digital wellbeing"
  3. If you do not think disable is enough you actually can uninstall it - though for the user only, with adb. Look in this and search for "uninstall", e.g. ADB shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.google.android.apps.wellbeing For apps you are NOT allowed to disable from the phone, and if you feel uninstall is a bit drastic you can also disable through ADB: ADB shell pm disable-user com.google.android.apps.wellbeing ADB shell am force-stop com.google.android.apps.wellbeing ADB shell pm clear com.google.android.apps.wellbeing Note the silly detail that an app is NOT stopped b
  4. There surely is some difference, but for the tags where it works flawless they are detected at the same distance as on the Pro1, so unlikely to be a signal strength issue. On the bank card with the weird loop I sketched above, the reader have to be precisely over the red three-wire 'centre-line' if I move just 1-2 mm above or below it does not see it! Nor does it If I turn the card. The Pro1 sees it when insider the inner (four windings) loop, not the outer one winding, and is indifferent to the angle.
  5. see other threads... known android issue 11/12 isssue on many devices. ADD see e.g. this hopefully they will add workaround soon
  6. yup, and this is the only outer difference between the two models, The Pro1 is almost flush, the Pro1X protrudes slightly
  7. I have used min four three years now, and a few keys are becoming 'unstable', that is 0, 1 or 2 characters when pressed. As the device is going to be retired as a test/backup device, it is not a huge issue for me, hopping to get my Pro1X soon. If we can get it as a spare part it should not be that hard to swap, with the help of some heat. Try taking contact with support.
  8. Only difference in physics is that the camera-block protrudes about 0.8mm It is NOT all P20 Pro shells that fits though. If they are stiff they will not. As the sides of the back is slightly slanted, some flexing is needed.
  9. Interesting menu! Another way to get there is executing adb reboot bootloader (When adb is available only obviously)
  10. I have fiddled with this on other phones, but so long back that I do not recall which ones. But glad to hear if some do not have this silly default. Thank
  11. The Pro1X i got my hands on is not retail, but would be interesting if some that got retail version of both, could post some sample images.
  12. This is not a solution, but just saying that if you use a shell or flip-case, a bonus is that it practically eliminate the inadvertent touches. We have had discussion on this on the pro1 as well in here years back BTW, and without sounding like an apple echo of "You are holding it wrong", it is also a matter of getting used to how to hold it. If used primarily in landscape it is the perfect placement for reaching with the right index finger. Maybe a simpler solution would be to have the fingerprint-reader only active in landscape, when the device is unlocked? Personally I would not min
  13. …To those that are blaming FxTec for the shipping delays, see e.g. Astroglide https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/astro-slide-5g-transformer/x/16576339#/updates/73 “There are still limitations on courier shipping from the warehouse in Hong Kong.”
  14. Flashed aicp_pro1_s-17.1-WEEKLY-20220824.zip on security update 2022-03-05 Seems much the same. Still initial boot-loop after flash, But that aside things seem to work.
  15. It would be nice with an official AOSP build, with updates, that LineageOS, AICP and others could build from.
  16. @Spargeltim Just a wild idea if you have not sent it in. Have you tried with a FAST charger? (QC 3.0) It just MIGHT be able to provide it with that little extra needed (I do not know if the system handles fast charges that early, but could be worth a try)
  17. PS And we NEVER want the battery to go deeper than when the OS do an Auto-shutdown, that is when it detects the voltage drop point is reached. Trying to charge a phone in this state will likely fail, if people did NOT set fastboot oem off-mode-charge enable Apart from the battery health, deep discharge can -if the above is not set- cause the phone to get in a state where you can not charge it. See e.g. the thread by @Spargeltim here. It is really annoying that phones usually come with this switch set in a way that might render it in need of service, if it depletes.
  18. Deep discharge should indeed generally be avoided, though the system should do an auto-shutdown before the voltage drop starts. The only benefit is calibration, so perhaps once a year. Similar the system ought to take care of not overcharging too (it charges slower towards the end), and in daily life it is hard to stop the charging below full. Some software exists allowing more control, but AFAIK only for rooted devices. So my general advise is to use a slow charger, when the device is idle, e.g. at night. (More hints see e.g. this )
  19. One of the most important things is to avoid charging the phone when it is hot. LiIon battery do not like being charged while above roughly 30°C. They prefer around room temperature. So better to charge a device before doing some heavy work, than after, when it is still hot. Moderate charging is best, I would suggest 30-80% BUT you need to occasionally do full charge as well as discharge, to keep the system calibrated. I have numerous entries on various aspect of the subject in this category on my blog. (the most basic of them at the bottom from ten years ago)
  20. For an AOSP based version like LineageOS or AICP we will have to wait, and no, I have no idea how long, unfortunately.
  21. There is an official guide on rooting (see this) . So I guess from there you can uninstall about anything. If you do not want to root, you can using ADB from a pc disable most. See this on how.
  22. Have any of you having the issue tried another launcher than Nova? I'm experimenting with "Action Launcher", and I do NOT see the issue. Neither after a restart nor after a power down and up, nor a long power press. I DID notice that I get a 'black' launcher screen (notification and navigation icons only) for about 4s after a boot. I then tried power off and on and waiting a long time before entering password. And when entered it STILL took 4s until I got the 'desktop'. So 'something' strange is going on, that just MIGHT get Nova to time-out and crash. ADD: If you add the
  23. Could be interesting with the test performed on the same (type of) SD in a/the PC. And perhaps another phone, to see if the limit is on the device, the card or the OS doing a poor job.
  24. Expansys/FedEx have not even sent out the Batch 1 they got from FxTec yet.... Really annoying, but not much FxTec can do I guess. I'm in the first dozen on IGG, yet I still have not got a shipping mail, despite FxTec told me that Expansys has processed it a fortnight ago... They are as frustrated as we are on the situation.
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