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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. Interesting theory. But it is both (most of) batch 1 and 2 that have been sent to "our warehouse", and never any further, so it would have to be both batches they sold for your theory to explain what is going on. But sure your theory could be correct if the first batches were fundamentally flawed, and they sold them of cheap and are producing new ones. I doubt it very much though, since if so it would be hard to honestly label the cause as "contractual issues with our partner in Hong Kong". - note by the way that they state issues in plural... It is a bit mysterious how they as early
  2. (lineage-19.1-20221017-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on October 5 security patch installed smoothly using adb sideload and MindTheGapps-12.1.0-arm64-20220605_174313) Still with the keyboard bug introduced that messes accessibility apps (works on AICP R/S based on Android 11/12) see e.g. this.
  3. Interesting theory. Could be that the lips lift the screenpart just enough so applying pressure in the centre area of the screen part in a pocket just might add enough some to cause the issue over time. I use flip cases, but the flip is not super stiff (fake leather and some cardboard in between). so not really any pressure protection there. The bottom part also has a lip gripping the keyboard half, BUT it is really thin, You can slip a piece of paper in over it almost all the way round. And I have not had the display issues (yet?)
  4. I fear that is exactly what is going on. BUT if Expansys have erhm appropriated the devices that was allocated to us, I doubt very much that we or FxTec would get them back from them no matter what. But yes there certainly is a risk that we are buying erhm appropriated goods here.... So I would love to hear an official statement from FxTec on how they see things.
  5. (I did the same: initially made and paid an order selecting the wrong shipping option, and shortly after cancelled it and made the correct one, and within say a quarter got a surcharge request, a few hours later a refund for the first order, and I then cancelled their surcharge request on PayPal)
  6. It is now marked as shipped 🙂 ...And has DHL tracking
  7. Current status, sound fishy, as they claimed plenty in stock when I ordered, and also claims in stock currently (and when clicking the link)...
  8. Glad to hear. But others have reported issues, Not all providers uses the same bands, So my guess would be that some bands though technically supported by the Pro1X does not work as well as the ones your provider uses. Do you know which bands your provider uses? If so, we could calm users with providers using the same bands, that they can expect the reception to work well there. Here e.g. a list for European providers https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_LTE_networks_in_Europe Where I can see that here in Denmark my current provider ("3") uses bands 7 and 38. (I live about 500m fro
  9. Well at the least it seems we can agree on it being almost a miracle if they manage to solve all issues by firmware, But on the other hand I find it likely that they can improve or even fix fix some of them.
  10. I'm sorry to hear you refer to your own comments as garbage - but the thought is not far away.
  11. And what has this to do with your slandering on the Expansys connection?
  12. And you are slandering without supplying proofs, so unless you got those, I will find it suitable to call you a liar.
  13. I have no idea what other sites you are posting on... 😇
  14. And a user-to-user forum is hardly the place to get info from the company....
  15. You spammed all over the place, and I marked it all as spam. Unmarked a few and moved them in here.... You are NOT alone in waiting I for one am waiting too (despite being among the first to take a perk, and should have had it delivered as part of Batch 1), If you made a normal order on their website, you can cancel in accordance with normal consumer rights. But if you (Like I) have made an investment in a Perk on IGG, all you can do is wait and hope that we get something in the end. But as with all investments there is always the risk of loosing the invested money. I got an 'earl
  16. Note that they got both 6/128 and 8/256 listed. That can explain some of the difference. Sorry misread, both the ones mentioned were 8/256
  17. There should be room for it, but I think we will be slammed both Vat and customs on top.
  18. The shipping price for the US is less exorbitant than their "Rest of world" ($HK 114 versus 450!)
  19. Well if we try to give expansys the benefit of the doubt, they might have made a huge order, and got a substantial discount. AND they might be afraid that they are not able to sell all to full price, and hence selling them very discounted to cover their losses. A rather improbable -though not completely impossible- theory....
  20. A variant of that theory could be: Expansys ordered some also, and grabbed them from the devices already allocated to others in batch 1 and 2.... FxTec confirmed that my super early bird order (No. in the first half score) was allocated, and was in batch 1. Slightly less bad theory than the outright theft theory...
  21. Trying a few of the regions available at expansys, the number of devices available of each type vary quite a bit. So if these numbers are real, it must be interpreted as they are distributed to these regions already. e.g. UAE got "10+" listed on one of the variants an hour ago, and now says "5"....
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