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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. (Sorry @shubell I can not test that, it is a preproduction unit without an imei...)
  2. (lineage-17.1-20201214-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on November security patch installed smoothly using adb sideload)
  3. Very interesting, thanks. Though the weather forecast predict that as impossible here for at the least the next week... grey grey grey .....😓 ADD: We are having a December with historical little sun, current forecasts predict that we won't see the sun directly before Christmas.
  4. (The resolution limit is the product of the viewing distance and the density - assuming it is at a range where we can focus It is important to make sure the image is displayed so one pixel in the display is one pixel of the image. NO automatic scaling/zooming/squeezing)
  5. @Rud Sorry for going off topic, but you seem to have amazing vision to work with these font sizes. I tried to make a simple vision test over here, would be interesting to hear if you beat the currently best I met,
  6. As madeye mentioned with harder words, the differrent kind of "early" and the like are generally marketing gimmicks to pursuade people that there is an urgency to get them at a discounted price. But as they keep moving the bar, the "urgency" have been questionable... But as the whole campaign ends in less than a week, now there IS an urgency, if you want one. Obviously they could make a second campaign later on, set for later shipping date. But who knows... But there are (or have been) also other perks. Both two storage sizes and with additional stuff, either spare parts or engravin
  7. Visa worked fine for me (DK)
  8. According to the guide Logo+Enter is supposed to do Home. It does not currently though.
  9. This is one possibility: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/pro1-x-smartphone-functionality-choice-control/x/16576339 though they do not expect to ship before March. Note that the campaign ends in less than a week!
  10. EskeRahn

    Pro1 Just died.

    I think you should try to find some USB2. Perhaps a USB2 hub, between your newer pc's USB3 port and the Pro1
  11. Indeed. I'm guessing here but they could have a person with rather limited tech-knowledge scanning mails versus an internal FAQ list with predefined answers, thus speeding up response times and also freeing up more knowledgeable staff for more complex tasks.
  12. Formatting the card in a pc to exFAT, and it works fine it seems. If I choose to to reformat it in the phone, it is formatted back to fat16 (not FAT32). Though formatting to FAT32 on a pc, that is supported too.
  13. ....I found a (by 2020 standards) small 1GB card, formatting does not ask about what format. It formats it as "vFat"
  14. This installed smoothly, thanks. 👍 I will see if I can find a sufficient empty card to test. 🙂
  15. Interesting. I wonder if the priority is higher with the 17.1 implementation when "priortise update processs" is deselected? Or have you enabled this?
  16. Forgot that it is supposed to do incremental now, so flashed back to 20201130, and tried OTA, and it only presented me with a 720MB full package, so will manually flash it to 20201207.... 😒
  17. (lineage-17.1-20201207-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on November security patch installed smoothly using adb sideload)
  18. Well for my part that is what I feel. The issues I experience are all pure software. (though I have improved it with a few strategically places tiny self-adhesive rubber stickers) But sure as many have stated there are faulty units (would have been a miracle otherwise), but the handling of those certainly seem like it could have been better. And the same goes for the software bugs. But as they are a dedicated team I do still believe the later will be ironed out. Also remember that a forum like this will always present a disproportional amount of bugs, as people (for obvious reasons
  19. I tried the new again both with and without sim+SD inserted (same result) and flashed back to 20201114 (that works fine)
  20. A new download gave same files, and a new flash with newest opengapps nano (20201205) give the same result. It is still on Q, so Wipe should not be needed, right?
  21. The 20201206 seemed to flash smoothly. But it was over ten minutes in the boot state while displaying the animated aicp logo.... (I did not wipe, and flashed the same opengapps nano from 20201119) So tried to restart it again - same result.... Reflashed - same result. Have downloaded newest opengaps, and will try again.... ADD: Reflashed back to 20201114, and it rebooted normally within a minute. Will try to download again, compare and flash the 20201206 again
  22. But it is still very relevant as I bet that quite a number of (potential) pro1 owners have (had) a Priv too. I for one bought the Priv back then as the least bad available keyboard slider - despite its keyboard being in the wrong direction.
  23. It is generally very hard to take good images of light. Taking images of light shinning on something is much easier, but that is not really relevant for what you are asking. I guess it ought to be possible to make a set-up with the light shinning through a suitable small thin piece of paper, I have tried that too - but not with a usable result either,
  24. EskeRahn

    Pro1 Just died.

    Keep my fingers crossed. As some are saying that the loader thing is very picky on the ports and cables, I would not be at all surprised if too old/slow could also posse a problem, as USB2.0 is newer than 1997, so most likely it is USB1.X
  25. EskeRahn

    Pro1 Just died.

    Try some of the hardware suggestions. Perhaps an old usb-hub nut supporting usb3.
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