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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. It seems to work, but has the same silly stretch and squeeze as most launchers. Quite silly to assume that an icon layout suited for 1:2 also is suitable for 2:1 A few launchers offers different grids for the two orientations, The stock browser has a quite clever the block approach with two halves next to each other or on top of each other. Simple to use/setup, but does prevent widgets from crossing the line dividing the screen in two halves, so not ideal either.
  2. (lineage-17.1-20201123-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on November security patch installed smoothly using sideload) There are a LOT of changes this week according to this.....
  3. Guessing here, but would not at all be surprised if FxTec themselves was unaware of the the short refund limit Indiegogo has in their policy. And thus has to fiddle with the refunds themselves. And @flx they said in a comment in indiegogo that you can change the requested layout withou having to cancel and select a new perk. Though they seem to have a rather long queue of handling mails, sending a mail at the last minutes might be a bit risky. So would be great if the actual azerty was published soon. Or at the least the limit for changing layouts will be well after the publication.
  4. Too bad Marethe did not manage to leave the legacy with the three united kingdoms. It certainly is silly with the tiny differences in orthography. My guess is that it was a silly attempt from the danes to distance themselves from German orthography ...
  5. Different users, different usage patterns. When i tried out SFOS I do not recall if I even opened the browser.
  6. With Swedish selected you do get @ on Sym+2 on AICP-Q 🙂 (Goes for both qwertZ and qwertY layout)
  7. By far an expert here like e.g. @tdm but i would try a fastboot getvar all and almost at the bottom see if one (or both) slots are marked as "slot-unbootable", and also check the "current-slot". The below is from AICP-Q so does not have to look exactly the same.... (bootloader) has-slot:modem:yes (bootloader) has-slot:system:yes (bootloader) current-slot:b (bootloader) has-slot:boot:yes (bootloader) slot-retry-count:b:5 (bootloader) slot-unbootable:b:no (bootloader) slot-successful:b:yes (bootloader) slot-retry-count:a:6 (bootloader) slot-unbootable:a:no (bootloader) slot-successful:a:ye
  8. Well it was an attempt in a more polite way to question your accusation:
  9. I haven't seen this at OTAs, but I have seen it when restoring from Google. I'm not sure if is related. One of the apps that very often is omitted is K9 Mail. And though numbers are unusual in names, t is not always omitted, just frequently. I can easily go to Android Market, and select the Library tab, and the app is listed and can be installed with no hassle. It can happen for other apps too.
  10. @bamboozle I repeat myself here.... Look back at the crashed Moto Mod Keyboard Indiegogo project by Chen. He offered ALL over money back OR a voucher valid for the Pro1 (Actually with $100 even for a larger amount than what we invested in the project!). The project was crashed due to Motorola, with a lot of money wasted, and he could just have said too bad, the project failed money spent, but being the honest guy he is, he paid us back from his own money(!) - and now -again- we see people questioning his/their new project.... If you want to be absolutely sure to get something use a phys
  11. Though I like the principal idea, not all would be happy with the blue over the black, and as you said, they might have some parts already in stock. I do not know how the manufacturing process is, but as the key-mat can be put on as the very last thing, the various keyboards are not likely to be a big complication, as they can produce the base Pro1 finished and tested less the key-mat.
  12. Thanks for the tip. Could well be related. It works fine on AICP-Q though, restoring Google's own extremely limited backup (from Stock Pie). The difference is that I upgraded 16.0 to 17.1 without a wipe, but I did do a wipe from 16.0 to AICP-Q, before the restore through the wizard. So could be some settings from 16.0 that survived. For now it seems stable after the AutoNotification uninstall, will report back after some time if it is merely luck that it has not booted (yet), or I found the culprit...
  13. If I actively try to put it to sleep with the power button, and not just wait for it to time out, it most often boots... I had a suspicion to Greenify, that acts in this scenario, but stopping it before, does not change the behaviour. ADD: Tried to disable the Accessibility of any apps granted that (3C battery monitor, Greenify, Android Assistant) - no difference. Any logs that could benefit anyone before I wipe it clean? Went one step further and stopped every user app running, and found the culprit AutoNotification, that came in with my backup from Stock, after uninstall, and re
  14. No luck. Still there with opengapps-nano-20201119 though ADD: This seems to be related to apps, see later posts.
  15. That was quick, it just rebooted again - WiFi disabled, will try Aeroplane-mode.... ADD: This seems to be related to apps, see later posts.
  16. Interesting Idea. I have just tried to disable WiFi, and will report if it helps. But the same issue is NOT affecting your AICP-Q ADD: This seems to be related to apps, see later posts.
  17. The "Emergency" function added on the Power button, is there a way to get rid of that? (it is optional on AICP-Q) Or does it at the least have some sort of confirmation dialogue? I have not (yet) accidentally activated it, but would just hate to waste their time due to some not thought through phone-function... Do not get me wrong, the idea with easy access to emergency is fine, but it is not fine if we end up wasting their time with accidental calls.... If each of us do this accidentally say every three years, that is almost 1000 random calls a day in a one-million-city....
  18. Hmm, maybe wipe is not the solution for me then - could be related to the crashes I get. (note that a six day newer Lineage exists 20201116) Add there are also newer OpenGapps available, with a little luck that makes a difference...
  19. Reboots about every second hour or so, will try to re-flash, if that does not help, factory reset is next. 16.0 worked really well, but the upgrade to 17.1 was bad. But pretty sure it is the lack of a wipe that is at the root of it. As AICP-Q on what I believe is the same port is stable after a wipe. ADD: This seems to be related to apps, see later posts.
  20. @pebert FinQwerty is not designed for Lineage&AICP, that uses a principally different handling.
  21. I tried in KeyEvent under AICP-Q and LineageOS, no code returned from the Logo key. In Lineage 17.1 Logo+Enter is Home, but nothing happens in AICP-Q In Lineage 17.1 Logo+BS is back but nothing happens in AICP-Q Other listed shortcuts like Logo-N works on both, but is handled so deep that no KeyEvents are fired. On qwertZ Logo+Minus shows the shortcut list, on shifted QwertY it is Logo+Fn+P.
  22. @netman and @internationaltraitor not to be a spoil sport but you are not only out f topic of the thread, more like out of topic of the forum *LOL*
  23. And well Got he reboot again... ADD: This seems to be related to apps, see later posts.
  24. (lineage-17.1-20201116-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on November security patch installed smoothly using sideload, No spontaneous reboots .... yet)
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