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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. Could be interesting if someone using reddit on Android tried with a BT keyboard or similar (e.g. BB Priv). To me it sounds like a bug in Reddit not correctly supporting real keyboards. As the handling of the existence of a real keyboard and suppressing the fake keyboard is something build into core Android.
  2. I tried something similar as previous reported, and it makes it MUCH easier to open, as it never really closes fully.
  3. I use OpenCamera too. BUT be aware that the HDR mode of OpenCamera does not work well with the Pro1. The camera it self works fine in both bright and dark condition, so it must be a (relatively) simple matter of the camera driver not correctly handling the ISO-values through the Camera2 API, thus confusing the HDR stitching algorithm trying to use the images ending up in a strange dark halo around bright objects, I reported this about 1½ years ago... (HDR in OpenCamera works just fine with other hardware)
  4. Well a user to user forum is not the best place to start.... I would suggest to go visiting them in London.
  5. I used a heat-gun when I did it, but I'm not 100% sure this is strictly needed, especially if you do not care about the old one..
  6. I certainly hope so, I'm sure that could make a lot of QWERTY users a lot happier about their Pro1. especially those with languages with national characters .
  7. Idea: Add a 'whitelist' of apps that you do NOT force to landscape, so people can exempt apps that do not behave well when forced.
  8. ...uh new forum bug, threw away my answer.... But well just tried to say i do not recall the detail of what didn't work, but posted it here, so a matter of browsing this or the original thread....
  9. It is technically possible. @Anssi Hannula is doing this with FinQwerty, Though this is for Stock, it is open source and I can not imagine that it can not be modified to suit LOS
  10. It took me a number of attempts too to get anything sensible. It is (relatively) much easier to get a photo of the other side.
  11. I split the discussion on shifted/standard qwerty over to this old thread (with a revised title)
  12. (Yeah, and killed the old post to avoid confusion, but not fast enough *LOL* )
  13. I do have the same cleft on the TOP side of the connector first tried they slightly easier photo from below, and here I see no cleft
  14. We are getting terrible off topic with this interesting debate on the shifting. Any good suggestion for a thread on the subject it could be merged to, or should we create a new thread? ...And rather that repeat myself on the subject, I will refer to this on my opinion on the subject,
  15. That would be awesome, thanks. Danish and Swedish I tested seems quite close, but @ is unobtainable. Let me try both on the qwerty and qwertz variant and get back to you ASAP. (Swedish, Danish and Norwegian are identical except the three national letter keys that are already handled)
  16. ...We now get back to standard with "Q" under "1" et cetera 👍👏
  17. So the Pro1 is somewhere in between QC3.0 and QC4.0 it seems. See e.g. this long link. Or is it fully QC 4.0???
  18. If we look at the data sheet on BOTH the FxTec pro1-page and the indiegogo it says "USB-PD Enabled", Note that it is under connectivity not battery like the QC3.0. So maybe they enabled it in a software update without telling us.... I'm pretty sure it has been discussed in here NOT being supported earlier.... But will get a PD charger to test it ....
  19. OH! 😮 Very surprised! So does this mean a Pro1-X is NOT just a Pro1 in blue with different memory/storage option? Now I'm getting very curious on whether this is just a software update away, or there are other hardware differences??? The roughly 18W is what we currently get by the QC 3.0 BTW
  20. A LOS question from another thread This is not limited to Swedish. How do we get to standard symbols like these? It is accessible when German is selected though.
  21. Interesting. I'm using sideloading too so that could be why I did not see it, (gave up on OTA for Lineage a while back)
  22. I am on the same build, and I do NOT nave similar problems. So it still works in this build. However we have previously had people reporting being unable to get a GPS lock. I do not remember the details of the 'cure' (Nor if it was Lineage or Stock), but I believe it was clearing some cache somewhere.
  23. Thanks, Other have reported that too 😥, so somehow this can get loose, but its luckily possible to click back in.
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