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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. Yes, under network, you can select LTE as the only allowed band for the sim
  2. I just meant that just some of the keys got the yellow foil, any other keys will be white, unless they made a different version of the base. The currently announced can all be made with same base and different black.
  3. Well, as said earlier on, most likely we would have to operate under a harder constraint of only the physical keys with secondary print on the existing qwertZ layout can have have secondary print, and in yellow, without the requirement of changing det underlying keytops. But if we can persuade them to change that too, it would obviously leave us more options. But it would add extra expenses to have to produce two types of base keys, so we would have to argue harder.
  4. Well, SBC is listed in AICP-Q Settings,developer options, Bluetooth Audio Codec. I have- no idea if it works though
  5. It seems to be stabilising itself, the spontaneous reboots have been getting less frequent 😁 ADD: This seems to be related to apps, see later posts.
  6. I remember a case some decades ago where one of my customers had an official software package with an unlocking diskette (long before usb-dongles) placed at each workstation, but they actually used the pirated version of the same software, to avoid the hassle with the diskette... Seems somewhat similar.
  7. For stock Android Pie, you could try the solution @Slion linked above Apart from that you could go for some of the Android 10 (AKA Q) distributions, where this option is build in, e.g. Lineage 17.1. (Settings►System►Gestures) You can start here to look at available alternatives.
  8. (Installed smoothly here too, and yes Backlight and November, thanks 😎 )
  9. On this special kit, I would rather have had a kit with Battery + USB PCB + a keyboard foil + Keyboard of the users choice. The screen is (still) really easy to find on-line.
  10. Have a look over here, where a browser have troubles saving using 10.0 , Could be the same issue that @Slion got with his browser.
  11. Depending on humidity my screen can be activated a few mm above the display, but nothing as far as an inch
  12. My install OTA gave a boot loop. But booting to the fastboot menu, and just Start, and it boots. I can see the package is downloaded and ready to install. (trying once more gave the same result)
  13. Yes then I misunderstood. I believe we can disassemble the phone with screws only, if you see the frame, the key-pcb and the keyboard as one unit.
  14. Nice review. A tiny detail. The keyboard is not held by the two screws at the front. The keyboard is attached with some adhesive.
  15. Is it just me, or are anyone else plagued by a series of spontaneous boots with 17.1? Even in complete idle on a desktop. It is new for 17.1, I did not see this on 16.0. On this unit I did NOT do a wipe during the upgrade. Note that the AICP-Q, that is supposed to be rather similar, on another unit is NOT plagued by this. ADD: This seems to be related to apps see later posts.
  16. This is intended as a central entry point with links to known ROMs for the PRO1/PRO1X. You will need android adb / fastboot tools that officially can be found here (Windows / Linux / mAc) Important step BEFORE changing from Android initially!! If you want to ever be able to change the phone back to the state it had when you received it with stock Android, there is an important step that is needed before flashing any non android-based ROM, That is to backup the persist partition. If the device is unlocked and a recovery boot is present a fairly simple partition backup method (fo
  17. Yes, was too hasty. Sorry, The keyboard has an odd state that can be entered in two ways 1) Press Sym and get the symbol-selector and do NOT select a symbol, but press Sym again, to have the selector go away 2) Press Sym+Key where nothing is assigned, e.g. Sym+J It leaves the keyboard in an odd state, ignoring normal letter presses. To get out of this state either a) Press Sym, Press e.g. a letter key, Press Sym again b) Press Sym+Key with an assigned key (e.g. 2)
  18. Note that in AICP @tdm has already handled this so Sym+2 gives us a @ 🙂 So pressed alone Sym gives the symbol-list as on LOS, but it can ALSO be used as a modifier. 😎
  19. A TINY bug that I guess is AICP and not in any way related to the implementation by @tdm (might even be a bug inherited from AOSP) The system guesses a language on first boot and suggests that in the Wizard - and that is just fine, I chose proper English, and continues. BUT the "Settings SanDisk SD card Tap to set up" notification is fired before that, so I got this in Danish.... Ignoring it and rebooting, it reappears in English. so not in anyway a big thing.
  20. Is the qwertY/qwertZ setting available somewhere, or is it on a TODO-list? Found it! Searching for "qwert" it pops up as a setting I do not know where though! ????►Additional buttons►Layout 🙂 Searching for "Additional Buttons" does not give anything... (and does not seem to be in Auxiliary Buttons)
  21. I was even more optimistic and tried without wiping from LineageOS 17.1 - and well no surprise it told me data was corrupted, so wiped, and it booted (currently in the setup wizard) 🙂 ADD: I got an "Authentication error" on first WiFi-connection attempt, but reentering the password made it happy. (I had used Show Password, so 99.9% sure it was correct), just reporting if anyone sees he same initially. It is currently adding my apps , and all seems fine. Thanks 🙂
  22. Here my slightly adjusted helper batch-script. Takes date YYYYMMDD as a parameter and assumes, the img, zip, and the nano is in a LineageOS subdirectory. (Note that I do not plan to download and change the OpenApps package each time, so the 20201110 is fixed here, And obvious if you want say the pico and not the nano, the name should be adjusted) An example of a call: LineageFLASH171.BAT 20201110 @ECHO off if %1.==. goto :EOF ECHO * Wait for boot to bootloader to finish (or do manually holding VolDown+Power) adb reboot bootloader pause fastboot flash boot_a LineageOS\lineage-17
  23. I would download the opengapps for Android 10, as the one you are using currently are likely to be for 9. I have not tried from SD, only ADB. But doubt that will make any principal difference - obviously given it can read the SD.
  24. Sorry, Did not guess that it was moved to Settings ► System ► Buttons ► Extra ► Additional buttons, 🙂
  25. The settings section where we could set the layout and other keyboards options seems omitted in the 17.1 Found it deeply buried in another menu....
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