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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. That is very interesting. What do you get with 2.4GHz then? The consumption you get seems more like what I would have expected, a tad more than 2.4GHz but not extremely much more. MY router is a somewhat dated Huawei B525s 23a. (I use 4G as a fall-back connection when the fibre is out of order)
  2. Woooh that sounds complex.. 😵. But nice that a known fix exists. 👍
  3. On 1. Here there still is a substantially larger idle power drain when connected to my router using 5GHz rather than 2.4GHz (With 4G, BT and NFC It is about 0.7%/h with 2.4GHz Wifi, but 2.8%/h with 5GHz WiFi) EDIT: This issue is related to specific router models (or just old ones?) I see it with a Huawei B525s-23a but NOT with a Huawei B535-232 where it is down at a mere 0.5%/h
  4. AFAIK they should have fixed the bug with random boots on poor WiFi. And also an odd one with loosing fingerprints. EDIT: See dump posted by @LAMENT below. ADD: On the "April". Last time it took Google 'forever' to certify the security update, So I guess they are not too keen on postponing everything else for months waiting for that...
  5. I'm pretty sure they stated that it does. Try looking through Erik's comments, or search. Add found this:
  6. Toothpick? A SIM? But I would consider the solutions suggested by @OKSun I'm not sure how many open&closes the connectors can handle, you might try to ask support if their supplier got a number for that, as daily swaps would get into the thousands with a few years of usage. I'm pretty sure the contacts on the sim itself will not stand that, but a sim is fairly cheap to replace. My worry is on the contact pins in the device.
  7. How sad... I have dropped a Pro1 in a flip case a couple of times - and even without (see this) - but so far have been lucky that only cosmetic damage has been done. But that said a dedicated case would certainly be good. Though it is hard to imagine one that both gives it good protection and does not limit the usability. IMHO The least bad compromise here is a flip case or a double bumper (here), but unfortunately the flip case did not do the trick for your drop.
  8. Just a wild guess: Could it be a language related bug in the App? I mean that it might 'merely' be unable to display what it is supposed to when Czech is selected. I see in the first picture that only part of the text is translated, end the rest is in English. Could you try (temporarily) to set your system language to English, and then see if it displays correctly?
  9. I have sometimes had the same phenomena with a PC and Remote Desktop.
  10. Not quite. If you do not get the product with a credit card payment you can get your money back. With a bank transfer there are no guarantee. I will suggest you to offer something like PayPal payment, You could add the fee to the price if the buyer prefer to pay this way, it could be seen as an insurance of the transaction.
  11. Oh we already get personalized adverts, my thought was that looks like the same offer also is going to vary in discount depending on the data they got their dirty paws on for the person seeing the ad, Including but not limited to insurance. Many companies already vary the price of a car-insurance depending on how powerful the car is, that is they assume that if you got a powerful car, you are more likely to be driving it haphazardly. And though that most likely is true in mean, this obviously will not go for everyone(*). So IF used fairly they in theory could require a higher premium for
  12. I too gave up about that point TLDR. *LOL* An interesting aspect that he oddly does not seem to address is the consequences of cleverly targeting ads. If say you have been searching a bit for something on say shoes, it will make sense to present you with ads for boots. But if you have searched more intensively for boots, it might be an option to present you with ads with lesser discounts, as you are clearly already in the market. So you might end up with worse offers than if you to the algorithm seemed less interested... We all know the mechanism when you visit a market place. The le
  13. You can do both. But currently the OTA does a total download, not an incremental one, so it is rather slow (in the order of an hour), but if you flash it manually it is a bit more work, but is done in minutes. When using flashing that includes installing google-apps, people have reported loss of the personal settings for some of these google-apps. (I have not noticed this myself, so I guess I do not use the particular google-apps in question, or use them with default settings, and thus never notice the issue)
  14. I agree that a better grip in the back of the display would help the 'lift' method. But we do not really need it on the other side, as that is pushing only. I have suggested to carve some grooves in parallel to the screen in the top part over the fingerprint reader. Currently I have a tiny (5x20mm) piece of self adhesive non-slip tape (intended for use on stairs) mounted.
  15. Thanks. Just downloaded the files, and are currently flashing have just flashed with no issues...
  16. It should make no difference if you push in the middle or to a side, due to the construction of the mechanism. What matters is that it is NOT a straight push parallel with the keyboard (see my posts earlier in the thread)
  17. Well I hope you are right, but if you look at their own video, he has troubles opening it. A normal slider requires the press to be somewhat precise at the middle or with two thumbs evenly on both sides. This mechanism seems to be even more picky here. But of course they might find a solution with a rod synchronising the two sides. ADD: To quote my self from here
  18. We got a long thread filled with various suggestions here I got my own with links to where I got the different ones i experimented with here. You can modify most cases for a "Huawei p20 pro" with a small pair of scissors in a few minutes.
  19. For widgets this should include allowing different dimensions used in the two directions. E.g. You might want a widget in landscape to be wider than what is possible in portrait.
  20. We better tag @tdm here, he knows a LOT more about this than I do.
  21. As described above, this really is the viewer not being in compliance with the jpeg standard ignoring the EXIF rotation flag.
  22. Just for generel info. When rotating an image, until some years ago, the image information was 'resampled' to give the wanted direction. BUT there is also a FLAG in the EXIF metadata, telling if the image is to be rotated 0°, 90°, 180° or 270° Unfortunately still not all viewers/handlers respects this!! So in one context a file may show correct, and in another in the native original data's orientation, that is: rotated compared to what was intended. The purpose of this flag is to make rotation fast and easy, while keeping all image information. The price is that the image is to be rotat
  23. I just did a factory reset a few days ago, and was able to skip
  24. It can take a VERY long time to get the very first fix. Try to leave it outside for say ten minutes, and see if that helps. But Lineage DO seem to use fewer satellite-systems, see also the discussion here a month ago.
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