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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. This part is a general thing, and I advise people to ONLY use fast charging when strictly needed, for any device with a not easy user-replaceable battery. (see other threads) The Fingerprint-reader-issues sounds like a hardware failure, I suggest you to contact Support https://fxtec.com/support
  2. (lineage-16.0-20201012-nightly-pro1-signed.zip including Ocotber security patch installed smoothly using sideload, with and without addonsu)
  3. Unless the app is 'key aware', my guess would be that the app should expose taking a picture as an "Activity" (sub-part of an app), and then to get the key associated with that. See e.g. the app "Activity Launcher" that can create a short-cut for an activity, to use as an icon in your launcher. But in offering this, it gives an overview of "activities" available from each app. Unfortunately we only get a name, not a description of the activity, so sometimes it is pure guesswork to search for something interesting... The snapdragon app offer five "activities", where e.g. OpenCamera on
  4. Apart from alternative apps already suggested, you might also try to go into Settings, Apps find Snadragon Camera and under Storage and Clear the cache and storage
  5. Never noticed it bwfore, but looking carefully, I got it too on the "Final Sample" unit, (but not the Retail unit).
  6. Yes, this (sadly) sounds like a plausible explanation. However there also seems to be a substantiai gab between the two halves in the last ten seconds? That does not look right to me.
  7. The corner of the camera button and the usb-plug, to avoid confusion on how you hold it talking top, left etc...
  8. Allow me to tag @Erik so he sees this.
  9. Odd! Could it be caught as a spam-mail by the mail server for the account registered with the order?
  10. There have been other threads mentioning this subject I will try and find those rather than repeat the story. ADD: I have been whining on the search in here before, but as you can not search for anything less than four characters, it is really hard to guess how to find a thread on the LED... Anyway "LED Colour Tester" works on Lineage, but has not worked on Stock since very early on. Long story on the whys, but the short story is the lack of a diffuser....
  11. Much good can be said about LineageOS version, but those users that find a need for the few apps that require the device to pass the SafetyNet test, will have to stay on Stock, or fiddle with Magisk and MagiskHide on LineageOS to try to trick SafetyNet to believe it is safe. I guess this could be a place to start.
  12. I'm pretty sure "system actualisation" = "system update", translation issue we have had earlier.
  13. (lineage-16.0-20201005-nightly-pro1-signed.zip installed smoothly using sideload, with and without addonsu)
  14. Well a rod with cogwheels in each end might be a way to synchronize the two sides.
  15. I have a fear that if you are on qwerZ, and they want to send you a replacement device, then it might be related to them aparrently having had qwertZ templates in backorder for a long time. c.f. that some regular orders for qwertZ devices are about a year old now. Fxtec have for now even stopped taking new orders for the qwertZ variant (presumably for the same reason). I do hope that what ever is holding this up gets sorted soon, so you and other can get their devices.
  16. Note that if they still got a stack of unanswered email, a new mail will put you in the bottom of the stack. But let us tag @Erik again, and hope they can clear things up.
  17. I guess this is their main selling-point for the non-free version. But would be nice if this could be bought even without the device support. I'm not sure how they actually implemented the Alien Dalvik, but would guess hardware dependent, and here (unfortunately for us) the supported Xperia 10 and XA2 uses SDM630 so might require some modifications to work for other CPUs&GPUs, and thus also devices like the Pro1....
  18. I'm certainly with you there. As many in here already know. And your guess on the reason is (at the least) as good as mine. But the device can be fully assembled and tested less the key-tops, so they could add it as (one of) the very last step before packing.
  19. It is indeed quite similar to what we see in step 8 in your link. All that is needed to swap it is a little heat to loosen the adhesive, and the key mat can be removed. But why the qwertZ plates are harder to get than the qwertY I do not know. A GUESS could be that they are too small to get priority, if the company making them are very busy catching up for a larger client after the corona lockdown - but pure guesswork...
  20. (The 20200825 image is now available in the original post) https://community.fxtec.com/topic/2466-guide-restore-to-stock-firmware-using-fastboot-method
  21. The account numbers are not the original ones, they changed at the forum upgrade, as you can see mine is number 5183, and I have been active in here long before Erik was hired.... The first (or at the least among the first handful) would be Waxberry - and he got 5215...
  22. I hope they go for std NanoSIM + sd + eSIM. An eSIM chip can hold multiple profiles so a standard SIM only for compatibility with carriers not (yet) supporting eSIM.
  23. Well I imagine, that it MIGHT be possible to fix with some rod and cogwheels in the keyboard part synchronising the two sides. Obviously the technically super simple mechanism of the Pro1 has this coupling by design by the support being a plate and not two individual arms. (Actually the mechanism of the Pro1 though very simple in principle once you got the idea, is a bit harder to do with the correct ratios if you try to do the math, it was a bit of a puzzle when II tried to make a program to create the principal gif here)
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