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  1. I got a response from Fxtec on my support ticket: Hopefully they do fix it for the Pro1, and not just the upcoming Pro1 X!
  2. Here is the long story of how I got expelled from the AT&T network: My old phone, before the Pro1, was a Galaxy Note 3. It was 3G-only. When I got my Pro1, I swapped the Note's sim card into the Pro1 and carried on as normal. This worked great. I did notice that some features, such as HD Voice, did not work. Probably because this was a very old (2014) SIM card that wasn't provisioned for those features? Anyway, it didn't affect my enjoyment of the Pro1. In 2021, I started getting texts from AT&T saying that my "Note3" was 3G only and would soon be unsupported. They
  3. Hi theory, I'm on AT&T and have the same problem as you. Just got the dreaded deactivation text today. Super annoying because this was just after I'd confirmed HD Voice was working perfectly. It's not a problem with the phone's technological capabilities, it seems to be a problem with AT&T's policies. I contacted fxtec to see if there is anything they can do. Waiting to hear back. This is a problem many small phonemakers are facing right now. Unihertz phones fixed the problem by registering their IMEIs with AT&T and providing a way for users to change their IMEI to one tha
  4. You're talking about N-Key rollover, which many desktops don't even support. My advice -- as a fellow musician and fast-typist -- would be to play with the Pro1 in its present state and see what everyday problems you encounter. I haven't had problems with the keyboard since the OTA upgrade in early March. The only typos come from my own mistakes.
  5. Firefox. I use the extension "User-Agent Switcher and Manager" to see the desktop versions of websites by default. These tend to work great on the Pro1! It's a much nicer experience than the "mobile web".
  6. In case anyone is wondering, yes, it is possible to scrub down the Pro1 keyboard with 70% isopropyl alcohol without causing any damage. No prizes will be awarded for guessing how I know this.
  7. The update is great. The "multiple keys at once" fix has vastly increased my typing speed. Before I couldn't break 40 WPM before I stopped getting dropped keys; now I am 50-60 WPM on a good day. Thank you f(x)tec for fixing this! Before the fix, it was a great phone; now it is stellar.
  8. This happened to me too and I reported it in the Known Bugs thread. For me, it mysteriously started working again after firmly squeezing the phone shut, and it has worked since. I don't know if it was a hardware or a software problem because it hasn't happened since....
  9. Hi, I'm making this thread to store some of the tricks I've found when using the Pro1. I'll edit the first post with additions and corrections as they come up. To force Portrait when keyboard is stored and Landscape when keyboard is deployed In "Slider Settings" make sure that "Landscape Orientation Lock" is on. Install "Lock Screen Rotation": <https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=it.ale32thebest.lockscreenrotation> and select "Landscape Mode". Contrary to what you may expect, this works! Apps are now forcibly confined to portrait/landscape mode depend
  10. I think you are looking for Ctrl-Backspace. It works in most apps, but not in these forums for some reason... in those circumstances I fall back to Ctrl-Shift-Left (to select previous word) and then backspace to delete. Note also Alt-Backspace to delete the whole line.
  11. That's smart: I hadn't realized the stock Google app also searches one's installed apps. I probably won't do this (because I don't like the prospect of sending all these keystrokes to Google) but I will bear it in mind as a fallback. The best I've found so far to pair with Keyboard/Button Mapper is an app called "Search Based Launcher" on F-Droid. I'll try some of the others mentioned in this thread. Thanks!
  12. Hi, Does anyone know of a key shortcut for the Apps drawer? (The one you get when you swipe downwards on the Home screen). Ideally I would hit a key and then start typing the name of the app to launch, without interacting with the touchscreen. Do I need to download a custom launcher to do this?
  13. Thanks for the suggestion Slion. I bought the same one. Here is the Amazon U.S.A. listing that I used. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07DFP6P35 I used an Exacto knife to trim away the plastic rim that holds the phone. Very easy and now I have access to the ports. I have been using this case for a couple of days and I am very satisfied.
  14. I have the same issue where the right side of the screen does not contact the standoff/bumper, meaning it rattles if the phone is moved around with the slider opened. It does not sit firmly on the bumper like @david's. I'm glad others have seen it and it isn't just me. @altwoussplease let us know what you hear from support!
  15. Hello! Loving the Pro1, but has anyone found that when talking on the phone, the speaker cuts out unless the phone is held firmly closed? If it "falls open" even a little bit, the audio turns off! To work around this, I often use speakerphone, which does not have the same problem. EDIT: This doesn't happen 100% of the time. I have observed the ear speaker working when the keyboard slider is open.
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