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Everything posted by Keyahnig

  1. Definitly an interesting idea. I'm not sure how comfortable it will be to press keys closer to the edge.
  2. Let me just cancel my order really quick so I can afford the ProPro and the Pro T9 as a secondary phone when it releases
  3. I've seen quite a lot of old spam threads. Maybe you want to delete them instead of closing them.
  4. It already looks and feels way better than the old forum. Thanks for keeping us up to date Erik 🙂
  5. Sorry, I couldn't find the old thread. Do we get to see the case before the pre-orders ship or will it be a surprise?
  6. Even if it's getting delayed, so what? Better and clearer communication would definitely be appreciated but it's not going to ship faster if everyone is complaining and making (possibly wrong) assumptions.
  7. 5000 mAh would have been overkill and would have made the device unnecessarily thicker. The hinge and the keyboard probably use quite a lot of space so arguing with the thickness doesn't make much sense. But it's true 3200 mAh isn't a lot. My current daily driver is a OnePlus 5t. It has got pretty much the same specs as the Pro1 with a 3300 mAh battery. With heavy use I get through the day with about 15% remaining. I think it should be fine but I don't know how much battery the keyboard and the backlight consumes. I just hope 3200 mAh is enough.
  8. Honestly I like this redesign. It looks better than before and more modern. The font looks nice but it's not too fancy. This change didn't add any functionality to this forum but it also didn't remove any functionality therefore I don't see a problem in this redesign. That's just my point of view. Obviously this forum needs some changes but I don't think the design is something worth complaining about. A solution for this moderation mess is what's needed right now.
  9. I agree. I got quick responses within a day everytime. I never had any problem with their support.
  10. Are there any pictures of the case yet?
  11. Yes, the bootloader should be unlockable. If you scroll down on the start page you can find this: OS Android 9.0 Pie Bootloader unlockable, supports other popular OS’s (Lineage, Sailfish etc)
  12. And will there be an option to change your pre-order to the QWERTZ version?
  13. I use the degree symbol quite often. "ñ" isn't used in German.
  14. I love this simple metal back. I'm kinda sick of these easily breakable glass backs. Please don't add rubber feet. I don't think it will be comfortable to type on the Pro1 in a "laptop orientation" anyways. It would ruin the aesthetics and might make making a case impossible. Rubber feet on a case might be a nice solution. :)
  15. It's been a while since somebody wrote something in here. Are there any news about sailfish and other os?
  16. The button between "ß" and backspace looks like it might be an apostrophe. It could also be an accent aigu (the thing on this "é"). It's hard to tell.
  17. In case they don't sell any screen protectors and if they really use the same screen as the Elephone U / U Pro, I saw some on Aliexpress and Gearbest which are curved like the screen. You can probably find a lot more though
  18. Will the QWERTZ available on the same date like the QWERTY? I'm still not sure which one to get since I use ö, ä and ü a lot but I like the centered approach of the QWERTY more. So might just go with the QWERTY if the QWERTZ is released a few months later.
  19. Switzerland is such a small market. A Swiss-only layout wouldn't make any sense at all. I just want to be able to write "ö", "ä" and "ü". I'm already satisfied with any QWERTZ or US international layout. A Swiss layout wouldn't be a good compromise since no one else is used to it and some characters are quite uniquelly placed like "+" on the same key as "1" and "!" on the far right instead. Hopefully there will be a way to map your buttons individually. Then you could map the 3 buttons on the right to "ö"/"é", "ä"/"à", "ü"/"è" or "Æ", "Ø", "Å" or whatever else you might want.
  20. I noticed those reviews as well. I don't really understand their problem since I'm currently using the Oneplus 5t which has got pretty much the specs as the Pro1. I never encountered any performance issues and don't think that there will be any in the next few years.
  21. As far as I know Austrians use the same layout as Germans.
  22. Honestly I don't think anyone would be bothered if they just used the English abbreviations (like "ctrl" instead of "strg"). That's how it's done on the Swiss layout and I feel like nobody even notices that it's different from the German one. Might be less confusing for non-German people too.
  23. I'm really looking forward to Sailfish OS. I had an old buggy version of it running on my old Nexus 5. Many features didn't really work good enough to be used as my daily driver but I still loved it. Does anyone know if both layouts (qwertz with öäü / qwerty) will be supported? If not that might be a reason for me to pick up the qwerty version.
  24. I like the second version (the one with a/ä, o/ö, u/ü on the same button) slightly more. I think it would be easier to type fast on that one and it looks less cramped. I can imagine the first version (the one with dedicated ä, ö, ü buttons) is better for people who would use this keyboard for other layouts. But honestly both layouts look quite good.
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