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Everything posted by Hook

  1. I just got my shipment of 1600 black dots from the UK. It's 8 sheets of 200 dots. They look perfect for the Pro1 screw covers. Whats more, I believe cutting one dot in half would work for the keyboard corners. Lol. 1600. πŸ˜„ 😎
  2. So, I was planning to jump to LOS Test 11 when I took a look at the issue tracker and saw that it is still being reported as not working with Verizon. That would be a deal breaker for me and I would have to very quickly wipe and return to stock. While part of me say "Aw, go ahead, try it. Maybe it will work for you πŸ˜…" most of me is hesitant to go through all of that just for a short test. @tdm What is the status of this. Will it have to get worked out before it becomes official? Is the path to solving it understood? What is your confidence this can be solved soon? This isn't a d
  3. My instructions (to myself) worked perfectly. Titanium Backup even found the backup folder it used before on my SD card the last time I was rooted. Will do a backup to the cloud and play around a bit, and work on data backups (personal files) getting ready for the LOS wipe. Thanks all, especially @david
  4. Thanks for the heads up. Over my head and looks suspiciously like Google doing the M$ thing of making it harder and harder of letting users have control. May be inevitable eventually, but I have mostly old apps and TB has never let me down. Don't so Whatsapp or Viber, but I know that backup doesn't do media for apps. If I run into problems with TB, I'll look at Swift.
  5. Split apks? What is that? I always back up Titanium to SD card and cloud, And, yes, I do know that going to LOS will wipe userdata. Not familiar with Swift backup, but don't like the sound of a program wiping *my* data when you uninstall it.
  6. I am going to root stock using Magisk in order to do a Titanium Backup before moving to LOS. Sorry for being pedanticβ€”I did do this once beforeβ€”and, since I expect to go to LOS almost immediately, I don't really need to care about being able to unroot for an OTA. However, since I am putting together several sources in this thread, I want to make sure I have sorted things out correctly. I'm pretty sure I have but I really need things to be explicit. So here is what I plan to do. Confirmations and corrections both appreciated. 1) Install Magisk Manager (I have downloaded the most recent,
  7. Also, had you previously installed the 20200304 update? Not being offered anything here and that could be a difference.
  8. Thank you for everything you are doing. I'm probably going to root stock so I can do a Titanium backup and then wipe and try Lineage. It is amazing to have this kind of support for our phones and your hard work is so appreciated. I also appreciate that you are going to put together an AOKP build. I can't wait. But, for now, take care and do what you need to do for your family. I have family in Seattle myself. I just sent you a six pack to get you though. πŸ˜‰
  9. As you can see from @puppymang above, this happened to him/her and, from my reply to him/her, that it happened once to me. Unfortunately, if they found a solution they didn't report it. Mine was solved after I had to reflash the factory image and therefore I have no idea what solved it, but it hasn't been back since. At the time, I assumed it might have been the January OTA which I took when my phone was reflashed. I assume, since you were checking your SMSC, that you checked to see that your provisioning switches were all on. The funny thing about the SMSC number is mine doesn't sho
  10. Edge Block using Tasker in this post is the best solution I have found. Works really well. An App called Edge Null also works, but not quite as well.
  11. Just to point out, my method works for opening either in portrait or landscape. I do both. And it works fine one-handed.
  12. Based on even what we have here in the USA, assuming they need to vpn to a server or set of servers, the proper security protocols to allow this may never have been set up if working from home wasn't common before this.
  13. Wow! As a former Dirty Unicorns user, I am excited by the possibility of AOKP. Sheesh, now I'll have to start sending you even more beers! πŸ˜‰
  14. Ah, okay. Must be it... I'm set to swipe. I thought it might be bootloader because I think one of my Nexus phones used a lock icon for the bootloader, but it showed before the lock screen.
  15. Just wanted to point out, I think there IS a bootloader lock status indicator at boot, but it's subtle. When I boot, at the bottom of the lockscreen (after all the logos) is a small (really small) padlock. On mine, which has been unlocked since I received it as it came that way, it shows the lock open (A tiny space between the left side of the bar and the lock). I can't say I know having never been locked, but I would assume that if you are locked, the loop is closed.
  16. Yeah, I think I finally can see the end to end steps and thus will think about rooting this week-end. Since I don't see the boot.img file in the zip (I updated manually), I'd ppreciate the file. Or tell me how to extract it. BTW, are we sure the boot.img changed from January? And, @EskeRahn really confused me, moving all this in the middle of my composing this post... πŸ˜‰
  17. My manual update got stuck at 43% and then it rebooted my phone spontaneously, but all evidence says I got the full update. πŸ˜‰ πŸ™„
  18. Lol. I hope what we got as a manual install is the same as the OTA... πŸ˜…
  19. I would bet that the problem is that IdeaLTE programmers are dependent on servers where the security protocols were never set up for work from home. Probably all outside logging in is blocked and locked down.
  20. First, I'll say that if you find these points of pain too much for you, you of course should move to whatever makes you happier. However, I take issue with referring to others as apologists because we have found work arounds that make us happy with this phone. Personally, I am very happy with this phone and consider it the best phone I have ever used. New people who read these threads need to understand that for every person who says they are fed up, there are many more who are having a very different experience. In the future, I suggest you don't set expectations so high for a new tech
  21. I'm not quite ready to jump to Lineage yet waiting until it is nearer Official, but I did send tdm another couple of beers for his hard work again and plan to keep doing so. 🍺
  22. As @Craig suggested, my reply was purely, and parochially, aimed at someone saying they were having this problem with stock. πŸ™‚
  23. The Tasker Profile "Edge Block" created by @elvissteinjr works really well to solve the problem with typing the top number row on the physical keyboard. You don't even have to really know how to use Tasker. Lol. I don't. Just import by tapping the Profile and scenes tabs and away you go. Has advantages over Edge Null as explained in the post, especially the not getting kicked out by Android.
  24. Yeah, that's what I meant. I guess ours is a... Clacker. πŸ˜„
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