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Everything posted by claude0001

  1. No Gapps. As previously I flashed only Lineage and AddonSU.
  2. OK. Problem solved (for now). I re-flashed the same 16.0-20201026-NIGHTLY-pro1 via sideload and guess what: GPS is working again. Previously it had been installed via OTA update. No idea what may have gone wrong there. Thanks to all for your support.
  3. Yep, I think I did mess with such settings recently, but now cannot find them anymore. I'm on LineageOS 16 though, not Android.
  4. Thanks, tdm, What about the "Location Mode" setting? Is some option that was available in the past now hidden as a consequence of the update? I tried to downgrade to a previous nightly via sideload, but it seems like recovery does not allow downgrades. Is there any way to override that (without wiping everything)?
  5. Thanks, Eske. I remember that I was able to toggle the AGPS setting somewhere (in Settings -> Location -> Mode according to the "Internet"). I suspect I set it to "device only" recently, disabling Wifi-assisted GPS. Now I think this may have been a bad idea, but cannot find the option to re-enable AGPS anymore. Was something changed in this respect in LineageOS in the last ~ 2 weeks?
  6. Actually, I may have found my first regression in my LineageOS 16. I found out today that GPS is not working anymore. Neither OsmAnd~ nor GPSTester seem to get a GPS lock, no matter how long I give them time to do so. I toggled the few available options under "Settings -> Location" to no effect, permissions are granted as they should, deinstalled and reinstalled both apps. I for sure know that location worked flawlessly in the past. Last time I remember actively using it for navigation was approx. 2 week ago. I also somehow remember that I had a setting somewhere to toggle AGPS on
  7. Even if it were in Aurora (seems not at first sight), it is said to require the Google Services or some surrogate, which I do not want to install. And the privacy aspects you showcase in your links come on top, indeed ...
  8. Thanks for the suggestion. But as I'm on LineageOS (without microG and such) this is not an option, even technically. You are probably right that the camera is not bad optics-wise. I have made a decent picture every now and then. My impression is that the camera is simply not working reliably, at least with the default software: Too many pictures came out with imperfect focus or bad exposure. I'll give OpenCamera a chance for now, it seems to behave better ... The thing is, with my N900 I never messed with the camera settings much, let alone install alternative apps. It just took pic
  9. Not sure about that. Some claim that a hardware keyboard is superior to an on-screen one in all circumstances, and that having it will boost your productivity "automatically". Also the Fxtec advertising insinuates that a little bit (ok, that's probably just what marketing does). I believe that, at least for some, this is wishful thinking, based on fond memories of devices like the N900 that had software optimised for landscape and keyboard control. That is however not the case for the Pro1: Android software tends to be tightly optimised for portrait and single-hand touch-control. Also gen
  10. I must say that @Wasmachineman_NL does have a valid point here. Android apps are designed with portrait orientation in mind, and while all (that I use) support landscape somehow, most do not even try to make any clever use of a wide screen. There are a few notable exceptions (like K9-Mail) but they are rare. When using Lineage, I rarely slide out the keyboard for that simple reason: For many on-the-go tasks -- like single-handed web browsing, email checking, or even writing short messages -- landscape is not practical, as, both, the apps and the (huge) phone are simply not optimised
  11. Did not know that trick. Thanks! There, it says "LineageOS-version: 16.0-20201026-NIGHTLY-pro1", so it seems like all is in order with my little one. While being here: Me neither have ever had issues following OTA updates since August. Lineage 16 seems quite stable on the Pro1, indeed.
  12. Where can one actually see that version information? I just realised that in my "Settings -> About phone" it says "Build number: lineage_pro1-userdebug 9 PQ3A 190801.002 0450462ee2". As every week, I also just did the OTA update, and the Updater does tell me that I am now on "LineageOS 16.0 / 26 October 2020" with no further updates available. So, where does that old build number come from on my system?
  13. I have used Stock only very shortly. But as @OKSun wrote, its initial bugs are being sorted out. So If you are after the full 'as-Google-intended' Android experience (with all pros and cons attached), stock is probably what you want. If you want an Android-like smartphone experience, but intend to use mostly FLOSS software, go for LineageOS (and best avoid installing Gapps et al.). This will allow you to use all Android apps listed on F-Droid plus many free ones from the Play Store (although most are not FLOSS). Some Apps relying on Google services may not run though, even with Gapps et a
  14. I must admit that, since posting my above comment about the keyboard backlight switching off, I have been unable to reproduce that behaviour ... I must have been doing something very unusual when that happened - I was messing a lot with my (rooted) chroot setup back then, maybe that can have some crazy side effects. Whatever. Thanks for clarifying the backlighting logics for me and even pointing me to the code, tdm. If I ever reproduce the bug, knowing how things are supposed to behave will certainly be useful.
  15. Hello community! First of all: Many thanks (mostly to @tdm I guess) for providing LOS -- I think it is the most useful and polished OS for the Pro1 by quite some margin. After trying, both, Stock and SFOS, I have used LOS exclusively on my device almost since day 1. My (small) problem: Even though this is supposed to be fixed, it still happens to me that the keyboard backlight switches off, and can be re-enabled only by sliding the keyboard in- and out. I notice this mostly when using Microsoft's "Remote Desktop 8" app (although I do not think the issue is related to the app).
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