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Everything posted by claude0001

  1. I can confirm that using emacs with the Pro1's keyboard is quite pleasant thanks to its two Ctrl-keys. I was an emacs user once, but the N900 made me switch to vi for CLI-editing. The reason was that the N900's single Ctrl-key is at the left, so that the most popular emacs key presses (think C-x C-s ...) required to move both thumbs to the extreme left of the keyboard, which was uncomfortable in the long term (even though the N900 had a very small form-factor). PlanetComputers made the same choice of having only a single Ctrl at the left. In table-top use, this may be less relevant,
  2. I see your point, but I cannot remember seeing a much different value reported by upower. Maybe it is even some average already? However, I also do not recall ever looking the numbers at deep charge level. Will report.
  3. Yes, as I wrote (and never disputed), it is well-known that not using a battery to its full cell capacity saves lifetime. Also, please do not get me wrong: feel free to experiment with your devices as much as you want. Limiting the maximum charge will probably never hurt anything. That said, let me add that I believe the Pro1's battery management system already limits the maximum charge to 90% nominal cell capacity anyway. The Pro1 spec sheet advertises a battery capacity of "3200 mAh", which likely corresponds to the maximum cell capacity that could theoretically be used. However, t
  4. While I am no expert in Li-ion batteries, restricting the discussion to the question what is the maximum "healthy" charge of the battery seems like over-simplifying the problem to me. Indeed, it seems evident that consistently keeping the charge of a battery close to some intermediate fraction (around 50%) of its nominal capacity does slow down degradation of that nominal capacity. See e.g. Grolleau et al. (2013) [doi: 10.3390/wevj6030549]. However, the downside of that strategy is just as obvious: this way, you will never take advantage of the full capacity in the first place! Essentiall
  5. I can only support what has been written already: unless you really like that blue colour or have to use two SIMs, I see no reason to cancel your Pro1 order for a Pro1-X. The Pro1-X only upgrades RAM and internal storage, which are the figures of least concern regarding the Pro1. The SoC itself is the same in both phones. The 6 GiB of RAM of the original Pro1 are enough for about everything today. On mine, I constantly run two operating systems in parallel (LineageOS and Debian/Devuan) and have never run into RAM issues. Also, 128 GB of internal storage are just fine if you can use S
  6. I've always only used Linux for flashing (fastboot as well as adb). In Debian (and probably Ubuntu, too), do: sudo apt install adb fastboot and you should have everything you need ...
  7. https://download.lineage.microg.org/pro1/ ? Note that I have never used the MicroG-Port of LineageOS, so I cannot help further if you run into troubles ...
  8. These are nice pictures (and I like your cat and dog 🙂 ). I am not saying that the camera is physically incapable of taking good pictures. I have taken many pictures that I am perfectly happy with. The point is that the camera works unreliably, which makes its use frustrating. I often have to shoot the same scene three times to get one nicely-focused picture. Also, as I wrote above, automatic exposure is failing me quite often, so that I have to manually intervene. The behaviour and picture quality was pretty bad with the stock camera app (as you seem to agree). With OpenCamera (wit
  9. You are somewhat contradicting your enthusiastic post from above where you claimed that your Pro1 took "amazing pictures, all the time" ... 😉 But I can agree with your main point. The camera is not best-in-class, let alone "semi-professional". It works well enough for taking casual pictures, albeit having some bugs that I accept for the greater good of having a keyboard. If the Pro1's price tag was attached to a Samsung, I would expect a much better camera. However, that is an unfair comparison. The Pro1 is produced in very small volume, and the camera is clearly not its central feature.
  10. Multiple light sources cannot explain the bright halos around dark(er) features. That is a signature of "overprocessing" of the picture. Probably overshooting in the contrast or sharpness enhancement algorithms.
  11. I believe that, in trying to speak in favour of the Pro1, you actually showcase some of the problems of its camera. What is that triangular blurry shade at the top of your picture? That looks unphysical to me, especially as, within that shade, there is again a brighter halo around the top-central red ribbon in the background. A similar bright halo is visible around the ribbon at the bottom, which actually lies within the hard shadow of the figure. The Pro1's camera has been reported to generate such artifacts under some circumstances (in HDR mode at least, see this thread). Not sure
  12. I'm still on LineageOS 16 (without Gapps). As the kernel and (I think) the camera driver are always the same, I wonder whether the OS makes any difference, though. I restrict myself to FOSS apps as far as possible. Of those, I found OpenCamera to work best with the double-action shutter button. That said, and even after a few months of training, I am still not as confident with the shutter button than I was with the one of my old phone (N900). Many pictures still come out defocused when I use the hardware shutter button. I'm not sure if its the mechanics of the button, software issue
  13. In case you are still interested: I've got a local backup of the last official Lineage 16 build (20201026), including the recovery image. Just send me a pm if I should make it available for download.
  14. You have ordered your phone preloaded with UbuntuTouch, which is not identical to the Ubuntu distribution for the PC. UbuntuTouch is based on Android in large parts. It does not use systemd as process 1, and probably won't anytime soon. The choice of (native) Apps is more limited in UbuntuTouch compared to Android. But as you describe your (quite basic) requirements, UbuntuTouch will probably provide everythig you need. If you insist on Devuan for philosophical reasons: it runs nicely in one of the various chroot/proot solutions for Android/LineageOS. I have it in a (rooted) Chroot o
  15. Sooo ... I could not resist doing the experiment. 😄 Not on SFOS/XWayland (as I do not have that on my device), but using my LineageOS/Linux-Chroot (devuan 3) with Xvnc. As argued above, I expect the two to yield quite similar results. As expected: Minecraft Java Edition does run in principle (yay!), but with so low framerate that it is not practically useful. What I did: Installed the default OpenJDK 11 shipping with Devuan/Debian (beowulf/buster). No problems here. Turns out running Minecraft is trickier than expected. I spent most of the time at this point, trying to un
  16. Interesting question. My guess would be that, if at all, Minecraft will run unacceptably slowly. As far as I know, there is no native implementation of a JRE on Sailfish. Here's an old and quite defunct thread about this on the Jolla forum. Now, I see no reason why it would not be possible to install the standard Linux versions of OpenJDK or even OracleJRE on Sailfish. Initially, this would enable text-only JAVA apps. Graphics in (Linux) OpenJDK/OracleJRE depends on X11, which SailfishOS does not support out-of-the-box. That could however be fixed using XWayland, which can be install
  17. Not sure if this will still help @PokeParadox, but just in case someone stumbles upon this thread: After reading a little bit more about chrooting modern GNU/Linux systems, I've come to the conclusion that systemd-based distributions are not very well suited for running in a traditional Unix Chroot by first principles of systemd. Although my Debian 10 was in fact doing everything I needed, I thus decided to migrate to Devuan 3 (beowulf), a distribution derived from (and almost identical to) Debian 10, but not depending on systemd. As a result, my system feels much more solid now: In
  18. I couldn't agree more. The keyboard of the N900 was fine for me and I was able to type much faster on it than on the Pro1. I do like the fact that the Pro1's screen is larger, though. And here we come to @EskeRahn's point: if you start from the principle that the keys should cover the full width of the (landscape) screen, inevitably, the keyboard ends up too wide for me to use comfortably. For me, the ideal combination would be a large (landscape) screen together with a narrow(er) keyboard. I'd have quite some ideas how to fill up the resulting empty space: add a dedicaded numerical
  19. (emphasis mine) 🤣 Sorry, couldn't resist ... You are right, that we are going off-topic.
  20. I have read posts by Chen that could be interpreted in that way. But is this really an active and official F(x)tec development goal? I doubt it, as I thought they they do not even have the codes themselves and just license the blobs. More likely, it could just mean that they support community-driven reverse-engineering of drivers by providing test devices to Linux kernel developers. That would certainly be a good thing. But neither technically nor legally is this the same as open-sourcing the presently-used kernel of the Pro1. It is also a much slower process and there are chances that, t
  21. I can see nothing bad in that principle. 🙂 That said, as far as I know (from reading alone) the external display works in tandem with PlanetComputer's Android 9 apps. I wonder if it does anything when the phone is operated with the Linux OS.
  22. Well, that's my point: Being able to use phone apps and desktop apps in parallel. A priori, there is no technical disadvantage of both environments running at the same time on the same (Android) Linux kernel -- apart from somewhat increased RAM usage which is not really a problem on devices like the Pro1(X) that simply have enough of that. It is true that Chroot or LXC solutions like mine (on Lineage) or @matf's (on Sailfish) do not have direct hardware access to a lot of features (telephony, GPU, GPS, ...). However, this is not a technical problem: it is a consequence of the kernel
  23. Some might have definitions of "everything you need" that differ from yours. 🙂 I'm coming from an N900. When you are used to a full Unix computing environment, there is really no way to fulfil all your needs with Android and Android Apps alone. Example? Using my Debian chroot, I could compile and install MAD/X [cern.ch] on my Pro1: So I am now, literally, able to design f***ing particle accelerators using the Pro1. Now go and try that with Android 😎 . P.S.: ... OK, OK, this port was just a fun project. I'll probably never actually design an accelerator with the Pro1 (
  24. That's totally not what I, and many others, have in mind. We want to run a conventional desktop Linux environment (with GNU userland et al. ) in parallel to the phone OS. Please have a look at @matf's demonstration I linked above to get the idea. We also want to run our desktop environment on-the-go (i.e. on the device's screen). I can imagine very few practical use-cases for these so called "convergence" modes (as in Android 10 and UbuntuTouch): When I am close to a big screen, there is likely already a real PC attached to it anyway, why should I then bother to use my phone as such?
  25. If it is the same keyboard than on the Cosmo and Gemini, it seems to be as "mechanical" as you can get. The keys are individually supported and seem to have good travel range. This also comes with some disadvantages, though, as there have been reports of "pocket dirt" going under the key caps and being difficult to remove 😄. It is true that since mid-2020, they seem to be making good progress with their Linux distribution for the Cosmo. However, dual-boot is really not something I would like to have on my device. For the Cosmo this may be acceptable, as it is a quite awkward phone anyway.
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