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FX Tec response time on emails requesting a refund.

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No, in the end he has bought the phone and given a 6 month interest-less loan. If he gets the phone now, is happy with it and shows it in many different places, that would be even better for fxtec. Just imagine, the first publicly available phones going to "casual" buyers, that buy it like any phone online and shout everywhere "too thick, too slow, typing on a big touchscreen ist still faster"

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The team is going through them all, we are not ignoring anyone. Please be aware that replying to unanswered tickets will bump it to the end of the queue. That's how all help desks work from the back e

Then say Pro1 three times out loud (or once with a scottish accent)

So, the upshot of this thread is that the title is clickbait.  They aren't ignoring anyone's refund request. 🙄

16 hours ago, silversolver said:

Would I be a bad person if I thought the screen breaking is karma for cutting in line? Sure, the lawyers for the resellers made it possible, but cutting in line is bad behavior. Period. Those of you who cancelled your preorders in favor of reseller orders all seem to be so smug that you got yours ahead of the rest of us suckers who are still trying to do the right thing and wait our turn. I'm really tired of hearing about it. If you're going to cheat, keep it to yourself.

Sorry, but I pity you for thinking I have cheated. All I did wws to use an opportunity and I did wait almost 2 months. It's not like I bought an iPhone instead. And if you were to believe in karma, you wouldn't sort-of say that I deserve the broken screen. But I am sure you don't and I don't either. I understand that you are simply upset for not having your phone already - I wish you and all the others would've already gotten your phones.

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11 hours ago, divstar said:

Sorry, but I pity you for thinking I have cheated. All I did wws to use an opportunity and I did wait almost 2 months. It's not like I bought an iPhone instead. And if you were to believe in karma, you wouldn't sort-of say that I deserve the broken screen. But I am sure you don't and I don't either. I understand that you are simply upset for not having your phone already - I wish you and all the others would've already gotten your phones.

Perhaps cheating was not the correct word to describe my feelings on the matter. Clearly you did not read my clarification....I'm not in the least bit upset that I don't have mine already. I understand exactly why they aren't here yet, and as such I'm willing to cut them far more slack than it appears they'll need.

"All you did" was far more than "use an opportunity." You took money away from F(x)tec by buying through a reseller, who will keep a cut of the profit. You took away an opportunity for a member of the general public to discover the Clack, thereby taking away an opportunity to broaden the keyboard phone user base. Both of these actions reduce, however little it might be, the odds of F(x)tec surviving. Both of these reduce the odds of a Pro2 ever being more than a figment of our imagination. No one snowflake believes it is to blame for the avalanche. No one drop of water believes it is to blame for the flood. Actions have consequences, and they are cumulative. More than one person has done what you did, which has a cumulative negative effect on the well-being of F(x)tec and the likelihood of a future keyboard phone.

I see the buy retail and get a refund on the preorder strategy as nothing less than a knife (if a small one) in the back of the one company brave enough to make us what we all have hoped someone would make for us. I assume most, if not all, of the people who did it weren't looking at it that way, but just because something is possible does not make it wise. I would never have done what you did, for the reasons I stated. I am fully committed to the survival of F(x)tec and the landscape keyboard phone. I will never knowingly do anything to jeopardize their survival, however little it might seem to be.

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11 hours ago, holter said:

No, in the end he has bought the phone and given a 6 month interest-less loan. If he gets the phone now, is happy with it and shows it in many different places, that would be even better for fxtec. Just imagine, the first publicly available phones going to "casual" buyers, that buy it like any phone online and shout everywhere "too thick, too slow, typing on a big touchscreen ist still faster"

You do make valid points that it's not a total loss for F(x)tec. I still believe it would have been better, even much better, to not, but you have pointed out some net good that survives. Thank you for that. It's good to have someone around who will look for the good in a situation. :)

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Except I had to pay 736 Euro for waiting longer instead of paying 721 Euro and get it right away. Look, I want FxTec to succeed, but why should I double cut on something just for their sake? It was their decision to deliver devices to reseller before I get mine, so I don't see a problem here. @silversolver

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2 hours ago, divstar said:

Except I had to pay 736 Euro for waiting longer instead of paying 721 Euro and get it right away. Look, I want FxTec to succeed, but why should I double cut on something just for their sake? It was their decision to deliver devices to reseller before I get mine, so I don't see a problem here. @silversolver

I agree that delivering to resellers in any quantity before all preorders were filled was inadvisable, though perhaps it was unavoidable and necessary for good reasons.

We all make our own choices. To me, to do what you did was also inadvisable from the standpoint of giving F(x)tec and the Pro1 the absolute best future possible. I sincerely hope that the future is so bright for both that my concern proves utterly unwarranted. I am very conservative by nature, and do not like to take any unnecessary risks with the things which are truly important to me. I think cheating was a poor choice of words earlier, because it relates to morality and ethics. I don't think what you and some others did is immoral or unethical, only that it was not in the best interest of the Pro1's future.

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4 hours ago, silversolver said:

I agree that delivering to resellers in any quantity before all preorders were filled was inadvisable, though perhaps it was unavoidable and necessary for good reasons.

We all make our own choices. To me, to do what you did was also inadvisable from the standpoint of giving F(x)tec and the Pro1 the absolute best future possible. I sincerely hope that the future is so bright for both that my concern proves utterly unwarranted. I am very conservative by nature, and do not like to take any unnecessary risks with the things which are truly important to me. I think cheating was a poor choice of words earlier, because it relates to morality and ethics. I don't think what you and some others did is immoral or unethical, only that it was not in the best interest of the Pro1's future.

You know you can just paypal fxtec some money if you so badly want to go above and beyond to help them? Taking a net negative (waiting longer AND paying more AND giving them a zero interest loan in the meantime) is literally the same as giving them money, so you might as well just do that.....

If you want to give fxtec the "absolute best future possible" just give them all your money. You can't put out absolute statements like that and then not follow it up. There is no line in the sand if you want the "absolute best future possible". Why not work for them for free, too?

Edited by kthxbye
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2 minutes ago, kthxbye said:

You know you can just paypal fxtec some money if you so badly want to go above and beyond to help them? Taking a net negative (waiting longer AND paying more AND giving them a zero interest loan in the meantime) is literally the same as giving them money, so you might as well just do that.....

Lol, always the zero interest loan argument. What loan does your bank give you? Probably also zero. If you have a lot of money they may even give you a negative loan atm.

Just paying them paypal money does not help them introduce their logistic, forum etc and even more important: it does not help in getting future investors on board!

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Of course ist helps:

What Bank gives free Loans to a Ltd. without any safety, even without a complete product? (At the Time of the first payments even the FCC approvement was not applied for)

Any Investor is looking at the demand of the product. I think it is hard to find better measure for demand than completely paid preorders.

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23 hours ago, kthxbye said:

You know you can just paypal fxtec some money if you so badly want to go above and beyond to help them? Taking a net negative (waiting longer AND paying more AND giving them a zero interest loan in the meantime) is literally the same as giving them money, so you might as well just do that.....

If you want to give fxtec the "absolute best future possible" just give them all your money. You can't put out absolute statements like that and then not follow it up. There is no line in the sand if you want the "absolute best future possible". Why not work for them for free, too?

OK, fine.....I'm not ready to commit my life, my fortune, and my sacred honor to the survival of F(x)tec, but at the same time, I'm not going to withdraw any portion of my already committed financial support for the sake of mere convenience. I guess that sums up what galls me about the situation: some people were willing to put their own convenience and unwillingness to further delay gratification ahead of the well-being of the very organization who made that gratification possible. It seems short-sighted to the extreme and more than a little selfish. They got theirs sooner, but made it less likely that someone in two years will be able to get a keyboard phone at all. That does not compute for me.

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24 minutes ago, silversolver said:

OK, fine.....I'm not ready to commit my life, my fortune, and my sacred honor to the survival of F(x)tec, but at the same time, I'm not going to withdraw any portion of my already committed financial support for the sake of mere convenience. I guess that sums up what galls me about the situation: some people were willing to put their own convenience and unwillingness to further delay gratification ahead of the well-being of the very organization who made that gratification possible. It seems short-sighted to the extreme and more than a little selfish. They got theirs sooner, but made it less likely that someone in two years will be able to get a keyboard phone at all. That does not compute for me.

Welcome to the real world... honestly the only drawback of me buying the phone from a reseller (for FxTec) is that they got slightly less bucks from that device. But so what?

Don't be so self-righteous - your behavior reminds me of a fanatic. This was not about instant gratification, but about cheaper price + sooner at my house vs higher price + I don't know when it arrives... I know you don't want to understand because the only truth to everything is your own, but then just stop stinking around. Yes I got my phone earlier, yes I paid less, no I don't regret it, yes the screen is broken, yes it still works. Deal with it and don't turn this topic into your personal whining thread. It's not necessary.

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17 hours ago, divstar said:

Welcome to the real world... honestly the only drawback of me buying the phone from a reseller (for FxTec) is that they got slightly less bucks from that device. But so what?

Don't be so self-righteous - your behavior reminds me of a fanatic. This was not about instant gratification, but about cheaper price + sooner at my house vs higher price + I don't know when it arrives... I know you don't want to understand because the only truth to everything is your own, but then just stop stinking around. Yes I got my phone earlier, yes I paid less, no I don't regret it, yes the screen is broken, yes it still works. Deal with it and don't turn this topic into your personal whining thread. It's not necessary.

I actually found your reply so bizarre it's funny. I already explained "so what" several times: so you hurt the company for your own convenience--yes, I understand perfectly. When you've waited as long as we all have for some brave souls to make another keyboard phone, perhaps one can become a bit of a fanatic when someone does it. Obviously I'm not going to change what you did, but perhaps I can sway a few other "fanatics" that doing what you did, however tempting getting it slightly sooner and slightly cheaper might seem, is not for the best. If F(x)tec is smart they won't give people that opportunity again and the whole discussion will be moot.

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Well - I wouldn't have done it if it wasn't possible, obviously. Besides: I haven't waited that long for a new keyboard phone. Up until mid-last-year I used my Priv.

I really haven't ever found anyone in a forum so vold saying that if I hadn't bought a device from a reseller, I would be supporting the company more... I still bought the pro1 at nearly full price and certainly around 70+ Euro more than pre-orderers have paid. So if FxTec doesn't treat me like someone, who pre-ordered, why should I wait like one? Which is why I decided to jump ships (but still get their device).

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Similar situation here.

I emailed support on Dec 18th and was asking for a refund. They asked me 2 times if I'm really sure until holidays began. They promised that they'll give me a refund if i really want it. I confirmed both times that I want it. They responded within 24h both times.

I waited during holidays but now they're dead silent.

I opened a new ticket on Tuesday if the first ticket got lost somehow. No response.

The support has always been reliable for me but what is happening right now is quite bad and disappointing.



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@Keyahnig I'm a weirdo with no life who basically reads everything ever posted here and manages to remember most of it. There was a clarification made somewhere in this forum that refunds have to be approved by the executives, since they do not have dedicated financial staff. Normal customer service people do not have that power.

Currently at least Chen is in China doing everything possible to get the orders filled as quickly as humanly possible. It would not surprise me if that were true for other admins as well. The irony is that while you're upset that they haven't approved your refund, they're doing grunt work at a factory so you can actually get your device.

I don't want the money. I want the device. Obviously you do/did too or you wouldn't have ordered it in the first place. Why not chill out for a few weeks and take delivery on the device you wanted in the first place? I do not understand why people can't just wait for the devices to arrive. How does it make sense to get your money back now, wait even longer until they have stock and can ship immediately, and then pay more for the device? Do nothing and get it sooner for less, or yank back your money, wait longer and pay more. The choice is clear to me.....

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15 hours ago, silversolver said:

Why not chill out for a few weeks and take delivery on the device you wanted in the first place? I do not understand why people can't just wait for the devices to arrive.

Obviously it's because there is no guarantee (and in fact reason NOT to believe) that it will arrive in "a few weeks" as you say. You don't know for sure. Chen doesn't know for sure, either.

For many people here, the frustration is less about waiting, and more about tying up funds during the wait. FxTec made it sound like they're not taking your money 'til shortly before delivery, which made the "waiting" period much easier on everyone who wanted to pre-order.

We're rapidly approaching the 6-month anniversary of money being tied up.

Surely if that 6 months turned into 2 years, it would be understandable to not want your money tied up 2 years with no phone. I suspect a lot of people here would not have pre-ordered and pre-paid if the ETA was mid-2021. So the question comes down to... how long is everyone comfortable having their money tied up, without a phone? One month? Six months? One year? Two years?

(Note: I would gladly pre-order even if ETA was mid-2022, as long as you don't need prepayment years in advance.😉

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Just now, everlast4308 said:

Obviously it's because there is no guarantee (and in fact reason NOT to believe) that it will arrive in "a few weeks" as you say. You don't know for sure. Chen doesn't know for sure, either.

For many people here, the frustration is less about waiting, and more about tying up funds during the wait. FxTec made it sound like they're not taking your money 'til shortly before delivery, which made the "waiting" period much easier on everyone who wanted to pre-order.

We're rapidly approaching the 6-month anniversary of money being tied up.

Surely if that 6 months turned into 2 years, it would be understandable to not want your money tied up 2 years with no phone. I suspect a lot of people here would not have pre-ordered and pre-paid if the ETA was mid-2021. So the question comes down to... how long is everyone comfortable having their money tied up, without a phone? One month? Six months? One year? Two years?

(Note: I would gladly pre-order even if ETA was mid-2022, as long as you don't need prepayment years in advance.😉

My only regret is that they said they wouldn't take money until a few weeks before delivery. I believe that was their intention when they said it, but it turned out to be just impossible because what they believed would be a few weeks from delivery turned into a few months because of problems.

As long as I'm sure that the device is real and not a ruse, which several hundred devices already delivered seems to confirm incontrovertibly, I can wait a LONG time. You don't preorder a device you need to do work this week because your old one broke; you preorder a device you really wish to own because it's awesome, and then you wait for it. I don't see six months as unreasonable, and the laugh is that I don't see the communication received as unreasonable either. They told us what they hoped to be able to do, then told us why they couldn't do it, and what they were doing to fix it......I don't see what else they could have done better OTHER THAN (and this is the big one) MANAGING EXPECTATIONS. That I see as their big goof.

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