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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/08/2019 in Posts

  1. I may even use it like this :).
    5 points
  2. If you really want an un-Googled version of stock, I can build that since I do have access to the sources. But personally, I highly recommend Lineage instead. It has some nice features that stock does not. You should file an issue for calls on my github. You can file the lock pattern issue with Lineage, as I dont have anything to do with that. Lineage recovery should be able to flash the su package. If not, please let me know. I could build su into the ROM, but that would upset others. FxTec has been very engaged and helpful with development. I appreciate that a great d
    4 points
  3. As I always say, THANKS to tdm for all his dedication and efforts. Again, very much appreciated! Additionally, here we have yet another reason to stop whining and complaining about F(x)tec, and, instead, be grateful they are supporting us as they are with other ROMs! Thank you F(x)tec from a customer who will only use the phone with a custom ROM! 👍👍
    3 points
  4. Thanks to the included screen protector your Pro1 is protected from damage caused by accidental drops :).
    3 points
  5. What are some of the key features LOS has that stock does not that you like? I've been running Cyanogenmod (KitKat equivalent) on my Relay 4G for years, so I'm not up on specific additional features in LOS and how those differ from modern Android versions.
    2 points
  6. Can be reproduced on Sailfish with https://github.com/elros34/sailfish_ubu_chroot. Tried this myself (not with Qt studio, but it ran Chromium though). But N950, wow. Now I want to run Harmattan on Fxtec pro1...
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. Likely, I picked it from Google here fastboot version 29.0.5-5949299 Installed as C:\util\ADB\fastboot.exe
    1 point
  9. I see a slightly different set of commands (Took the liberty to mark the above quote as Code to increase readability)
    1 point
  10. Well now I am curious. If it's OK I would like to bombard you with questions: Are you allowed to share (part of) the sources? I'd guess you are allowed to share something, since you openly develop the LOS port, but is there more you can share or are you only allowed to use the knowledge from the sources to make the port work? I will probably use your LOS port as a basis for my phone (once I get it), but I am still somewhat interested in a "stock-like" build for mainly two reasons: For one, there might be features in stock (maybe also added later) which are unsuitable or not lega
    1 point
  11. LOL! Which is exactly why he should have been using a Droid 4! 😀
    1 point
  12. Sounds pretty much identical to my daily use. I too have used only smartphones with physical (landscape) keyboards, prior to that I used non-smartphones with physical (landscape) keyboards beginning as soon as they were introduced (early 2000s if I remember correctly). I think the only time I messed around (for any length of time) with a phone w/out a keyboard (after they became available) was when Nextel launched.
    1 point
  13. Picture is somewhat inaccurate. The phone needs to be replaced with an N900 or a Droid, more people need to be added (a bunch more), and I have a feeling everyone should be holding or using physical keyboard phones (and as such aren't in any real rush since we are all still very productive 😀).
    1 point
  14. Minor consequence to not having any GcrApps installed! ....I'm just kidding (kinda), lol. 😀😀
    1 point
  15. I'll report on this next week when I have my Pro 1. 🙂
    1 point
  16. I have not settled on a typing mode yet. sometimes two thumbs, and sometimes left thumb and two/three fingers on the right hand. Time will tell what I'll setlle on. Most likely thumbs.
    1 point
  17. I am neither in US, nor have special knowledge of US customs. But my take on Y the change in shipping is coz when F(x) shipped a batch lot US customs impounded it, & as of @Erik latest update are STILL holding it. So they have to ship in a different way to US.
    1 point
  18. Haha, there is definitely something to be said for not getting the first few devices in a run while they're still learning how to do it. :)
    1 point
  19. I think it's US Sales Tax that you're not sure how works. But unless you live there, why should you? But incase you're curious.... Every state in the US can have sales tax if they want. The rate varies from zero to ~10% in some states. FxTec collected this from US customers to pay the state for us, so early preorders paid $649+tax, the tax amount shown as a separate line item on our invoice. (Now 699+tax). FxTec submits the collected tax to the state we are resident of on our behalf, otherwise we are supposed to do it ourselves. This has nothing to do with duty / impo
    1 point
  20. Hi everyone, A brief, honest informal update as promised. The US/APAC shipment from the 2nd batch has now been fulfilled, and some of you should have already been contacted by your couriers to confirm your delivery date. In the meantime, the 1st US batch is still stuck somewhere in a US customs office sorting hub awaiting to be shipped back to our main warehouse in Hong Kong. Customers from the 2nd US batch will be contacted by FedEx for their customs payment, as we have now decided to ship devices directly from Hong Kong in an effort to save time and avoid further foreign importer c
    1 point
  21. I'm not disappointed but very glad to hear usable numbers for the first time. I most probably won't receive my phone by christmas (regular order in september), but now I know when to epect it. Thanks a lot for this bit of transparency. And of course best luck on further improving the rate to maybe hit general availability by Christmas!
    1 point
  22. Thanks for the insight. Another view would be: No collection, no risk of loosing it. wilfully or accidentally. An old saying goes: The road to hell is paved with good intentions. In the US almost anyone can get a gun, most likely primarily bought with good intentions for protection, and big surprise a lot of malicious stuff follows by that. In other countries were guns are harder to get at, big surprise: Fewer are shot. And don't get me wrong, a lot of evil happens all over the world, so it is by far limited to guns. The price of easy access to lethal weapons are dead people
    1 point
  23. Got a tracking # for 12/10 This is the most progress I have had so far. I'm in the US, It's moving.
    1 point
  24. digits is the unambiguous word...
    1 point
  25. We will use them with our appendages!
    1 point
  26. NJ, USA here. Waiting for many months, just like many others. Just saw a note about having to pay customs import fees, that doesn't sound fun and likely expensive.
    0 points
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