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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/15/2020 in all areas

  1. Indeed... German public service television finally made that clear in the 'heute-journal' yesterday, one of the more respectable and popular ('popular' in the limits of traditional television still being a thing at all today) background-information centered late-evening news magazines. At this point, they said, it's a pandemic, the spreading of which cannot be stopped anymore; they expect roughly two thirds of the population to be exposed to the virus and to become infected. 80% of the infected will only get mild or very mild symptoms, 20% will need medical care, and 6% (which belong to the 20
    4 points
  2. So far just about everything in this OS is working well for me (many thanks to @tdm!), except that every 3-4 days either the display does not wake up on any button, or it does but the digitizer does not register touches. I would then either hold power till it restarts, or (if just the digitizer is unresponsive) I would use the keyboard to press "restart". I imagine there's probably not much that can be done about this without logs, but how would I go about getting logs for incidents like these?
    4 points
  3. Good question 😄 You could give oandbackup (opensource) or Appwhererrabbit (closed source, paid) a try. Both support backing up /data/data with root.
    2 points
  4. Ah, sorry. Somehow I mixed you and the poster I was quoting, and thought that you meant that you use F1-12 buttons to solve touchscreen unresponsiveness issue [in combination with having power button programmed to Fn+Space), and I got curious about how they might help in that. But obviously you only pointed it out to describe your setup. So nevermind :) Still, out of curiosity: Where do you [all of you] use F1-12 buttons on Pro1?
    1 point
  5. Now this is interesting.....if the nurses and doctors have the same disease as the patient, there's no danger of provider to patient transmission of illness. As long as what everyone has is known, people with mild cases can treat those with severe cases of the same thing. Internal segregation in the hospitals should already be in place, and make this possible. Of course you'd hate to be that doctor or nurse who has to work while you feel lousy, but sometimes that's life. Sometimes we all have to work when we feel lousy. Thus far it seems that the biggest danger is not how serious the illn
    1 point
  6. It worked via OTA, but I downloaded the file, too. If anyone is interested I can upload it for you. :)
    1 point
  7. I just uninstalled Adaway and both Magisk Modules I had installed (Youtube Vanced Black Themed, Systemless Hosts) incl reboot. Then I disabled Magisk, checked back it is indeed disabled using oandbackup, successfully installed the update and reenabled magisk. I rebooted twice now, I'm still on 20200306 and magisk is still active. I won't try understand this wizardry, I'm just glad it works now and I'm hoping fxtec has a tendency to releasing a few big patches, not hundreds of small ones 😅 Thanks again for you effort @david.
    1 point
  8. No, I did not. Exact same configuration. I'll see what installing from SD brings up, package is downloading on my laptop right now.
    1 point
  9. Maybe adaway makes some changes before you even tell it to modify hosts. You could still try uninstalling it to see if the OTA will work. Maybe a reboot will be needed in between.
    1 point
  10. Did you install or configure any apps between the 20200106 OTA and trying the 20200306 OTA? If it worked on 20200106 and nothing was done between that and 20200306, then maybe the error isn't due to a change to /system. I know other people have gotten that error before, but I'm not sure if anyone reported that they got around it by clearing data on certain system apps or not.
    1 point
  11. After you disable Magisk in Magisk Manager, test with an app that requires super user to see if it is truly disabled.
    1 point
  12. Could this be the root of the problem? I'll uninstall adaway restoring the original hosts file and see how it goes on from there.
    1 point
  13. Okay. I'll keep you updated if there is any progress. Thanks for your time and effort helping me with this!!
    1 point
  14. @rtuz2th, you could try capturing the download URL (https://www.thecustomdroid.com/how-to-capture-ota-update-url-android/) and then download the OTA with a web browser and install it from the SD card. I have no idea if that will get around the "reason 20" error, but it is something to try. I'm guessing you'd want to follow the same steps with regard to Magisk Manager before and after, and not reboot until Magisk is re-enabled.
    1 point
  15. I'll give oandbackup a go, I'll report back. Hm. I'm using adaway, that does change the host file in /system, doesn't it?
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. This is the way I ended up doing it, but with like 20 Apps that Titanium could not do. Everytime Titanium got stuck I had to end it via app settings, start a new batch process excluding the app it just failed. You can't tell me this is the most convenient Android Backup Routine 😅 I just did the update again. It failed with reason 20 (I'm sure I've read about this anywhere in this forum yesterday), but then said I'm on the newest patch and it seems I was. I rebooted again (of course after activating magisk again) and it wants me to install the patch again. EDIT: Just confirmed. After
    1 point
  18. I see this too, but to me it is new with Test9-11 (did not see it on 6-8)
    1 point
  19. Yeah, I did, thank you very much. Got it running, cursing titanium backup (for real, how can anyone use this??) reinstalling most of my apps by hand, but it works. For any reason my Pro1 wanted me to do the 06032020 OTA again after rebooting, I will look into this later.
    1 point
  20. I experienced the same issue. I'm using QWERTZ with options "FN+SPACE sends POWER" and "FN+toprow sends F1-F12" enabled.
    1 point
  21. Mine shows the same two items in Chrome and Gmail. For some reason mine are not invisible in Chrome. I have Chrome version: 80.0.3987.99 I was wondering the same thing.
    1 point
  22. The location of the backup can be found in the link provided in the subnote of my post here: https://community.fxtec.com/topic/2537-magisk-install-step-by-step-root/?do=findComment&comment=46413 When you tell Magisk Manager to patch a boot image, it makes a backup copy of it for later use. The date at the end of that is what we are referring to as the version. You can find the boot image for 20200106 online in the link provided by @Ilrilan here: https://community.fxtec.com/topic/2537-magisk-install-step-by-step-root/?do=findComment&comment=39635
    1 point
  23. Thank you so much for your kind help @david I followed the steps exactly from @Craig from the inital post here. The post doesn't mention something with a backup image. Does Magisk do this automatically or is there a dialogue box that one needs to answer correctly? I didn't uninstall Magisk temporarily, nor do I have an SD card. Maybe there are other cases in which Magisk forgets/cant find their backup anymore? What would be the location/name of the backup? Where can I find the firmware version? In "about phone" there is only Build number, it's QX1000_EEA_20200106110245.
    1 point
  24. I also have had this unresponsiveness issue few times now. Usually it happens overnight, when alarm clock starts ringing but the device won't wake up. It doesn't respond to touching or keyboard or power button. Only way to get it working is to reboot by long-pressing power button. I had the issue on stock too and perhaps it was more comon on stock (currently running test9). Also looks like random reboots are on LOS too. It hasn't happened me on los before today though, but on stock it was much more common. In Random reboots thread there's some speculation of rebooting happening while in w
    1 point
  25. The same is going in Finland. In the hospital I work in, have been made calculations of maximum possible amount of beds in intensive care. It actually depends more on available amount of ventilators, and the amount of available (not infected) nurses and doctors. The amount of staff is actually most interesting point; We already have quite an amount of people in quarantine because of being travelling abroad. Plus the normal cold, gastroenteritis, influenza, rs-virus stuff. So we are already running low on nurses although there's no corona virus infections on our area yet 😄
    1 point
  26. Created a bug report to track that issue: https://github.com/Fxtec-Community/Pro1-Android/issues/2
    1 point
  27. That means it didn't create the patched boot image originally, or you possibly uninstalled it temporarily (without having an new OTA to point it at), and that got it confused. And if you have an SD card and have it set to be used as combined storage with the internal storage, Magisk doesn't work properly (have to move magisk manager back to the internal storage). I thought it wouldn't work at all, but maybe it could work, but be confused and fail with this procedure. My guess is that you have 2 main options and 1 more time consuming option: 1) You can get the boot image file for
    1 point
  28. Okay. Resolved the issue by removing the SD-Card from phone, using a different USB-Cable and using the linked platform tools instead of Minimal ADB. Yay, one step further!
    1 point
  29. Thank you. When uninstalling Magisk Manager, "Restore Images" I get "Stock backup does not exist". What can I do in this case?
    1 point
  30. I've updated to 20200106 without magisk, patched the image the same way I did last time, Magisk Manager is fine with everything, but when I try to flash the patched image I get this: C:\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>fastboot flash boot magisk_patched.img target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes sending 'boota' (22080 KB)... OKAY [ 0.071s] writing 'boota'... FAILED (remote: (boota_a) No such partition) finished. total time: 0.076s When I do fastboot devices my pro1 shows up and everything seems fine. What am I doing wrong?
    1 point
  31. And a very important factor here is that some will need an Iron lung for a while, but recover completely afterwards. So to the extent this treatment is available the mortality will be lower than if not. So even if the mortality in hindsight shows a low number, a lot of people might have needed the help of the health care system to survive. And this brings us back to the whole purpose of all that various governments are doing is to to stretch the whole thing over time, so the health system will not break down, as it seems to have done locally in northern Italy. So to assess the danger
    1 point
  32. They might. But I do think that other estimations are pessimistic. China only documents cases with symptoms, so the lethal rate looks higher than it is. Italia has LOTS of undocumented cases that also increase the proportion of (documented) deaths. The countries with well documented cases and a good health system always had rates of 0.1-0.5% but we will only know in the end.
    1 point
  33. While I don't agree with the concept of your statement, and wouldn't delight in massive amounts of the population being killed, my biggest objection is with your use of the word "genocide." A genocide is defined as deliberate acts against a specific group, or groups, of people in order to exterminate them. I don't believe a genocide is ever warranted, regardless of whether one believes there are too many people on our planet or not. Furthermore, I have some good news (phrased from your perspective) for you... If a third of the population being killed enough for your liking, then you are
    1 point
  34. It worked. OTA info screen: I then went into Magisk Manager and uninstalled it, telling it to restore the previous image. Next, started the download for the OTA: One interesting thing was that it automatically started installing after the download. I thought in the past that it gave you an option tap something to start the install after the download was done, but I could be mistaken about that. This means it is important to uninstall Magisk before even starting the download. It also showed 100% complete immediately after the download was com
    1 point
  35. My popup in Chrome lists "Add to Dictionary" and "Delete", but no guesses provided to pick from.
    1 point
  36. Yes, I heard the same. And hospital personnel have to work even if sick. Horrible decisions for doctors to have to make, not just once, but continuously.
    0 points
  37. I'm hearing from someone with contacts to italian medical personnel, that some hospitals already have to use triage, that they already need to make the choice which severely affected covid-19 patients will get treatment and which don't (= will be left to possibly die, although saving their lives might very well be possible). And this still is only the beginning.
    0 points
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