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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/11/2020 in Posts

  1. Ultimately, I even picked up my phone in the local FedEx station after a delivery by FedEx itself did not take place. But now I finally have it and I'm super happy.
    4 points
  2. Just a note... last batch seems to be mostly QWERTZ phones which were on hold for a while, so these numbers may be much lower than those which will be shipped next time. So don't worry if you also see numbers in the 3xx range. 😄
    3 points
  3. Very important piece of information, thanks! I would also like to thank everyone else here for being sympathetic, despite my harsh words. Although the Pro1 (software) can be frustrating to use at times, I do not regret having bought one, and I am glad that F(x)tec made such a fine piece of hardware. I guess this is part of the problem for me: Had the hardware been crappy, I could have written off the Pro1 and simply forget about it 😄
    3 points
  4. They have another issue: They're totally dependent on IdeaLTE to actually build the OS for them. They certainly can tell them what to integrate (as happened with netman's keyboard driver), but they might not even have the entire source code of the stock OS image themselves. I don't know their contracts or conditions, but if I were them, I'd put some effort in moving the build environment and required keys to sign the stuff to myself if possible. I doubt this is without hurdles in practice, however. Also, still pending Google certification for the updated security patch level. They proba
    3 points
  5. See that thread about cases:
    2 points
  6. It's finally here! Mine is the 335th specimen. My only problem so far is really just the unlucky fingeprint reader placement. I assume a good case should solve that. I really want to get something like this: Other than this, I slapped the BB Launcher on because the basic Pie one is just atrocious. I haven't finished setting up everything yet but overall I am satisfied.
    2 points
  7. I received the stickers a few days ago... But I am still waiting for the phone... And have no news...
    2 points
  8. I am talking about really easy fixes, like the in-call audio volume, that are actually fixed in LineageOS already. You guys/gals from F(x)tec get bugfixes presented on a golden plate. And yet, nothing happens! The Pro1 could be made so much better with so little effort and just a tiny OTA! Sorry, I just called family and friends, and the crazy high in-call volume made my ears bleed ... "Hey, could you please call me back? I bought this cool phone for just 800€ ... and ... I can only use it for calls when people call me. Otherwise, the audio is too high. And yes, this is embarrassin
    1 point
  9. You can disable Fingerprint unlock: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.davidshewitt.admincontrol
    1 point
  10. My latest creation: Based on Snakehive for P30 Pro from which I removed the layer with card slots to replace it with a thin layer of leather from a Wiiuka case for P30 Pro too. Hand stitched them together. Replaced the cheap Snakehive TPU case with this one. It's a case made of 4 different cases, I call it the Frankenstein case.
    1 point
  11. Every. Single. One. We have just accepted it as one of the things we have to live with. High pitch buzzing sound. It's godawful.
    1 point
  12. This tool saved me. Thanks! I had to try different OS's and machines before i finally got everything to work, probably due to my own incompetence though. *Please note that EDL-mode needs to be restarted on the phone for each try. *also, try a USB2 port since USB 3 may have issues. (A usb2 hub can do the trick) This should be more advertised (is it "stickied"?), it's an essential tool. (Unless you are a hardware developer, and have the tools to unbrick it)
    1 point
  13. Could people please start to disclose at least the first 2 digits of their order numbers (e.g.: 19xxx) again, when they receive, or are assigned a tracking number? Kinda nice to see, at what stage FX is with their deliveries (I am aware that there are many internal factors possibly playing in, but it would still show, at what stage deliveries are). Would also act as a mental balm 😄
    1 point
  14. Haha, I do that too. Unfortunately this triggers another bug: The proximity sensor is not sensitive enough (probably just a too low threshold value in some config file). During a call, the screen switches on "randomly", and my ear or cheek change the brightness to max or launch apps ...
    1 point
  15. My guess is that software updates are basically on hold until they can actually resume shipping in volumes and there is no sign of this happening yet.
    1 point
  16. This is even more of a reason to fix these huge annoyances that need so little work to be done. Software is, in my opinion, the number one reason not to buy a Pro1. This is in stark contrast to the hardware. F(x)tek made some really good choices there, with plenty of RAM and internal memory...
    1 point
  17. I agree - it would be good if they would integrate LineageOS fixes into stock firmware or hire somebody who is competent in Android development like @tdm to do this valuable work...
    1 point
  18. I think fxtec left two zeros there. I am now waiting 41 weeks since my pre-order and 40 weeks since my payment. I think it would be more realistic if fxtec wrote "Order your Pro1 today. Shipping worldwide in 40-60 weeks."
    1 point
  19. Hmmm, I've got something today 😊
    1 point
  20. Still loving this thing. I don't think I shared the images of it in actual use. Best thing ever. Having the slide-up for the camera is great and it doesn't interfere with the image quality or flash at all. Perfect for videos too. And damn that thing is sticky.
    1 point
  21. The ebay version is no longer available, but I noticed this is also available on the wish app (and perhaps therfore also on Ali Express, but can't check that yet). Pictures are very similar to these and colorscheme is the same. Going to order one to see how the quality turns out, but if someone else want to check it out, it's described on Wish as follows (see attached picture) (just noticed part of the description is missing, but it's also available for the huawei p20 pro)
    1 point
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