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  1. https://www.ebay.de/itm/303760141633 Yeah, I'm a little sad about it, too. I've bought another phone in january and I've gotten used to it. And working from home now means I use my phone a whole lot less. I'll be keeping an eye on fxtec and maybe buy another model in the future, but for now I don't need it.
    3 points
  2. Well, on October 31 the target "pro1 userdebug lineage-17.1" was added to the build system while "pro1 userdebug lineage-16.0" was removed. That does not seem like a malfunction, it was done on purpose. See the diff here: https://review.lineageos.org/c/LineageOS/hudson/+/290451/ Until the respective target is re-added, the build system will not compile 16.0 for our device anymore. Independently of that, the build(s?) for 17.1 seem(s?) to have failed last Monday, as a patch to fix a build error was introduced on Monday evening: https://review.lineageos.org/c/LineageOS/androi
    2 points
  3. After @EskeRahn's comment, I heard from someone I can't name that, indeed, distinct label colours in addition to white are unlikely (but we never know). Blue might be possible, but I mentioned that this would mean changing the Fx label so there's no firm answer on that either. In any case, I believe we could send our message almost as is and keep the images we have, but add a couple sentences to acknowledge that layouts with multiple label colours are difficult to produce. However, this could be dealt with by printing only us-intl labels and not Fn keys (I think it's fine if they're hidde
    2 points
  4. ...The last 2 crowdfunders I backed who decided it was a good idea to ship stock to merchants before fulfilling their duties to their crowdfunders ended up turning their comments sections into a minefield and possibly tarnishing their reputation with eventual shipping delays & issues. Honestly I really hope FxTec doesn't follow suit. Support those who are supporting you first. If merchants really want bundles perhaps add multipack options to the IGG that they can select along with the rest of us...
    2 points
  5. Sorry for the delays. We'll get to your request. We're going through a very long list of emails that have piled in the last couple of weeks following the announcement of the Pro1 X.
    2 points
  6. Yes, however, it would be good if it would be possible to use it as the left hand side microphone or at least the main microphone should be converted to also have the right side wave - just because I always have to modify the audio channel as the right one is muted and that's way it is a bit uncomfortable especially if you would like to show the video to someone...
    1 point
  7. A short update.. Did a factory reset two times and the problems remained. Because the microphone * was broken, and I couldn't use the phone to make calls, the Pro1 is now send back to F(x)tec to let them have a look. And hopefully they can resolve the issue. The problem with the slider keyboard state is likely some hardware problem with the magnets that are behind the display. I'll post another update here just for the record. Cheers, Ben * i've read somewhere here on the forum the Pro1 should even have 2 mics but I've inspected all my video's and it only ever recorded t
    1 point
  8. We have various threads where VoLTE have been mentioned. e.g. on AT&T closing down some networks. VoLTE is similar to VoWiFI in that it handles normal voice-calls through pure data-connection. I know that VoLTE works with LineageOS, 😁 And others have reported it working with stock Android too. - But I have not (yet?) been able to get it to work with stock for me. It is easy to test if it is working on the Pro1, as we can select LTE as the only allowed network type (Settings, Network, Mobile network, Advanced). And if voice calls still works VoLTE is active. 🙂
    1 point
  9. I've asked in the Lineage reddit, what happened to the monday builds. Something seems to be borked with the scheduler snce there were no builds at all this and last Monday.
    1 point
  10. Oh, very sorry to read that. 😢 I will try to replicate your scene and reproduce the bug using my device as soon as I have time to do so. There are several options related to HDR in the "Photo settings" submenu of OpenCamera. Especially the one named "HDR contrast enhancement" seems interesting to me: it defaults to the setting "smart" (whatever that means). All the way down in the menu (under "Debugging options") there is one more: "Enable fast HDR/Expo burst". Did you try to mess with those settings yet? Also the option: "Save all images for HDR mode" could be interesting
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. For stock Magisk would be your only option I think. Otherwise you can just enable superuser access on Lineage and other ROMs, I think. There's a Pro1 Magisk guide here: Is it still 100% up to date? I don't know. Should still mostly work the same. I recommend checking the last posts in there too for more recent info. No idea if WhatsApp still works as I don't use it. Hiding root supposedly still works in Magisk, but Google has been moving forward towards making it impossible, so that may break at any point in time. Again, this is all just from memory, so things may not be 100% corr
    1 point
  13. If they'll finally get around to officially sell spare parts, something they had been planning, and a short conversation I had with London recently gave me the impression that the plan is still alive, I guess they might at some point. At least as long as they didn't change something inside the Pro¹ X that would somehow make it incompatible, but then again I would find that improbable since it would make servicing both devices more complicated than necessary for them...
    1 point
  14. I certainly hope so, I'm sure that could make a lot of QWERTY users a lot happier about their Pro1. especially those with languages with national characters .
    1 point
  15. We are getting terrible off topic with this interesting debate on the shifting. Any good suggestion for a thread on the subject it could be merged to, or should we create a new thread? ...And rather that repeat myself on the subject, I will refer to this on my opinion on the subject,
    1 point
  16. To get news about the WoA port early you may want to join this Telegram group if you haven't yet: https://t.me/fxtecwoa :)
    1 point
  17. Just wanted to weigh in that this particular layout looks fantastic to me! Especially if the slant arrow also got me F1 (slant+1) through F12 (slant+equals).
    1 point
  18. Hi, I use Fxtec Pro1 with the Bulgarian mobile operator Vivacom. "VoLTE provisioned" switch is grayed-out and turned off. I called the support and they told me that VoLTE is enabled for a whitelisted set of popular phones only. The guy sent a message to the technical team about my phone, but it's not guaranteed that Pro1 will be whitelisted neither I'll be contacted at all. I am in areas of bad coverage and the phone frequently switches from 4G to 3G/2G and my internet becomes slow, so I explicitly set network mode to LTE, because weak LTE signal delivers faster internet than 3G with better
    0 points
  19. As the dog exists nu more, I just recreated a similar scene with a box and a sheep skin of similar whitish colour, and made a small collage. Note that the halo is most pronounced if you do not photo in the same direction as the light. The last of the four looks almost decent, where you can misinterpret the halo as a shade.
    0 points
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