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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/09/2021 in Posts

  1. So unfortunately, the same ghost touches started happening to me yesterday. I was hoping it would be related to the cold after I had been outside. (Currently everything is covered in snow here). But after using the factory kit I have noticed that I am having the dead touch row in the same position as well. Got mine in February last year.
    1 point
  2. Thanks! I was under the mistaken assumption that the Pro1X was the next generation; I appreciate the additional information.
    1 point
  3. Are you saying you ordered the Pro1 8 months ago and you have not received it yet?
    1 point
  4. If it benefits some, I will continue to do so. Would just avoid polluting the thread if no one really cared *LOL*
    1 point
  5. delivered this holder today....but was really needed some modding because fx is too thick
    1 point
  6. Thanks for the heads-up, @tdm and @DieBruine . Not using Gapps (et al.), I constantly forget about the importance of this step ...
    1 point
  7. Just to clarify even further, they promised we (who applied the voucher based on Keyboard Mod) will have priority in receiving the phone which was mostly happened.
    1 point
  8. Indeed, just reflash via sideload and update gapps, if you use them. Just to make sure, flash both slots, so four boots in total. That's what I do when I get stuck in bootloop.
    1 point
  9. Indeed, all your data is still present. Do not believe any messages that tell you otherwise. The Pro1 is an A/B device. If an update fails, you should be able to go back to the other slot using fastboot. There are myriad pages on the internet about where to find the fastboot binary for your PC and how to enter fastboot on your phone. Once you are ready, simply run "fastboot --set-active=a" and reboot. If that does not work, try "fastboot --set-active=b" and reboot. Alternatively, @claude0001 is correct. You should be able to manually install the latest nightly. I
    1 point
  10. Ok. Just wanted to say thanks for posting these to this point, since in the past when I've experienced strangeness on 17.1 (I'm on 18 unofficial now), it was great to see if it was that security update I just did or something else (always something else) based on if I saw your update posts.
    1 point
  11. It's not just "optimistic" deadlines. Do you remember when they were saying they had a batch that would fulfill ALL pre-orders? Seems like some black hole swallowed the devices 🙄. The phone exists and is great, but this kind of communication / silence is not some kind of optimism. It seems really hard to rule out malicious intent when you look through the old announcements. They must have known it was not going to work out, and they still published the lie. Nothing about being crooks (I have yet to hear about someone who doesn't get his/her phone or refund) but calling what they're doing
    1 point
  12. Fact is, no-one can guarantee you anything, and your observation regarding their not meeting their own deadlines is correct, too. Still that doesn't mean they're crooks, it just means they can't do as good as we'd all wish and they themselves very probably too, while there's reason to believe that very much of it is in the hands of their suppliers. Except their over-optimistic promises. But whatever it is, in the end you need to accept reality – in which you can either wait for another undefined period of time (while much is hinting at a strong possibility that in March many customer
    1 point
  13. Hi guys, I am definitely interested in buying a 2nd hand Pro1. I don't mind if the paint is a bit scuffed. *Subject to an assurance that I can cancel my order with F(x)tec* (from 6+ months ago), regarding which I am in contact with F(x)tec right now. I'll definitely be on this forum next few days. Cheers -Mario @Montal8179 @jamescarruthers
    1 point
  14. Just to tie my story up, just got an email from FX that they have replaced my display and are shipping it back to me (FedEx to US). Only a month, I'm very happy! 😄 I was worried with lockdown it would take longer. Thank you, FxTec.
    1 point
  15. I can only support what has been written already: unless you really like that blue colour or have to use two SIMs, I see no reason to cancel your Pro1 order for a Pro1-X. The Pro1-X only upgrades RAM and internal storage, which are the figures of least concern regarding the Pro1. The SoC itself is the same in both phones. The 6 GiB of RAM of the original Pro1 are enough for about everything today. On mine, I constantly run two operating systems in parallel (LineageOS and Debian/Devuan) and have never run into RAM issues. Also, 128 GB of internal storage are just fine if you can use S
    1 point
  16. The Pro1 X is actually a Pro1, with a blue finish instead of black and an option to include more memory. So both are similarly "obsolete" – which is, as far as I can see, hardly. From what I've read, real-world performance is not too noticeably worse than with current phones, even though sheer benchmarks figures would categorize it as "midrange", not "high end". Especially the graphics performance has been reported to still be competitive today...
    1 point
  17. Others have repotred that they are to add an update on that soon. The main difference is the colour, and you can select between two models, where the more expensive has more memory and storage
    1 point
  18. So you would rather get a blue phone than a black phone? Or you would like to pay more to upgrade memory? Because the Pro1x is not a "newer phone." They both have the same parts and specs and are manufactured as needed, not stockpiled in some warehouse, so the Pro1 isn't "outdated" compared to the Pro1X. Just saying. 😉
    1 point
  19. To order, yes, but not to delivery before the period they suggested.
    1 point
  20. Well, you are entitled to your opinion, and, no doubt, your frustration, but Fxtec are neither crooks nor "horrible people," as their history has proved. Not great at communicating, yes. But the phone is fantastic, you will get it (I'm guessing from the same factory run as the Spring 1Xs), and it won't matter that it doesn't have the most cutting edge specs. If you want to see if it can be changed to a 1X (which would just mean the blue casing as the only difference) or upgraded to the version with more memory , ask them via email. Can't hurt.
    1 point
  21. Thank you all for your replies. It ended yesterday - two days ago I got an answer, and my order was cancelled with a refund (it took some time). So, all I can do now is to say "good luck" to fxtec team and to their customers.
    0 points
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