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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/03/2021 in Posts

  1. I did not perceive that anyone was called stupid here. @Rob. S. is right that keeping up the fantasy that all IGG backers could get a refund is not leading us anywhere. Fxtec have stated that they paid the SoCs already in December. The same will be true for other components of the Pro1-X. I.e., the money from the backers has already gone up the chain of suppliers and Fxtec could not repay all backers even if they wanted so. Increasing pressure on Fxtec through massive refunding claims would simply lead to them needing to file bankruptcy -- with the result of everyone here getting nei
    4 points
  2. I understand the anger with the missing communication and downgrades. Mostly because I was in a similar position 1.5 years ago. But It is highly unlikely that FxTec is a scam. They have delivered phones, why should they in a scam? I am pretty sure they had the most money 2 year ago, when all the preorders paid. That would have been the moment to cash out in a scam, not after fabricating and licensing a few thousand phones. And I don't think their current communication is bad, what information are you missing? And even if it is bad, you should have seen the communication 1.5 years ago. The o
    3 points
  3. I know it seems like a good price, but be aware, it is set to French... πŸ˜„ Naa honestly, I am tempted as fuck, it is even in Switzerland, maybe I could use one more ... πŸ˜„
    3 points
  4. They said clearly they would update monthly. Given how small they are and everything they are managing, that seems good. So I expect an update this week or next. Monthly is fine with me. I want them focusing on getting me my Pro1x rather than swatting at IGG comments.
    2 points
  5. I have a bachelors in Computing and Information Systems (pointless jack-of-all trades master-of-none degree) which I barely used and for years the only computer I use at work is a CNC controller. I've never had a keyboard phone and have one desktop at home which I've not 'played with' for years so no need for sysadmin stuff there either... I'm here because I hate touchscreens, especially typing on them, and covering half the screen (or more with ever-wider resolutions) just makes it worse. Phones are too big anyway so may as well get one that spares my sanity and can be fixed easily to
    2 points
  6. Hello. I am selling my Fxtec Pro1 for 500 euros. It is new, never used, in the original packaging. I bought it for 754 USD (=626 euros). Possible exchange with a new samsung Galaxy Fold. I'm selling it because I received a QWERTY keyboard but it doesn't suit me. Please find pictures below. Shipping against payment from Switzerland. Best regards
    2 points
  7. If you've taken your Pro1 apart before you will have noticed it's mostly held together with screws hidden behind small circular stickers: And while it's possible to take these off without damaging, if you are me you entirely destroy them in the removal process :D. Also I do like to get creative, so I made a solution: They're made from thick laminated vinyl (made by Orafol), and obviously quite different than the original stickers but they do the job well I think. I could not achieve the same roundness as the original since this would cost too much for smaller quantitites (to cut th
    1 point
  8. Yes. Because no-one is forcing you to buy from them – or to preorder their bag on Kickstarter. You know what you get involved with beforehand.
    1 point
  9. This analogy isn't quite right. The "shares" in your analogy aren't the phone, what you're buying is the "perk" not the phone. You're buying the opportunity to receive a phone. You're not buying the phone itself. So you have already received your 20 shares (ie. your perk). Now if fxtec delivers a phone, you are essentially cashing in your shares to receive something of actual value (the phone) rather the paper you currently own (your perk). But if Fxtec is unable to deliver the phone, your paper just became worthless as the "stocks" value dropped to 0. Due to the downgrade, the valu
    1 point
  10. Thanks, I wasn't even aware of that. That's even better, and gives even less reason to complain (as long as those updates actually come)...
    1 point
  11. How naΓ―ve and out of touch with reality can someone be? Do you really think you're the first person to think you don't get what you deserve, or to fear you might not get a product you helped crowdfund? Do you know how many people already did lose substantial amounts of money by not getting a product they helped crowdfund in 20 years of crowdfunding being a thing on the internet? And do you honestly think none of them would have thought they might have had a right to get their money back, and tried, even though every crowdfunding platform warns them of the risk that they might not, which e
    1 point
  12. This is not "blind faith", and it doesn't even matter what they "deserve", and if it would, their history would be the one and only thing to decide whether some "faith" was justified or not. But it doesn't. This is simply a situation we as customers can do nothing about, as much as we might want to jump and shout. If they would finally fold, we would be without our ordered phones and without our money. For me, that's two phones and the price of two phones. The only way I can help improve the chances that I'll get those phones (as there's no chance anymore to get the money back) is to trus
    1 point
  13. Some, yes. How many? The complaints in this forum could be an indication for how many, given that the percentage of unhappy customers who will find this forum in the end will probably be larger than average for a device like this. By the way, when "I don't really know" it is not my habit to always assume the worst. I will consider that the worst could happen, after all, but I don't construct accusations just because of the remote possibility. Most importantly, I don't let such occasions make my life harder than it already is. Patience is not only a virtue, it is good for one's own blood pressu
    1 point
  14. The thing is, if they were set out on a scam, what they're doing now just wouldn't make sense, it wouldn't be logical: openly telling not only existing customers, but also prospective customers, that they have to wait another half year for their phones if they'll put in an order now. No, they would rather be doing something more similar to what they did most of last year, it's just that they also did deliver quite some phones over time: they would try to put off customers for another few weeks, and then another few weeks, then perhaps offer some shady explanation, then stall customers for anot
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. Even though I have an unhealthy 26 years in IT, the main reason I own phones with physical keyboards is the fact that my fingers do not register well on touchscreens. Back in the day I was very happy with stylus' and resistive touch screens. And before that the plain old directional keys πŸ˜…. I welcome all to the keyboard family. who knows, maybe even a revival of the keyboard phone for every brand 😁.
    1 point
  17. ...Or they don't mention them because they obviously falls outside chargeback like gifts, loans, and other investments, that aren't mentioned either... 😜
    1 point
  18. That would be pretty absurd. Why would we even have the term "crowd funding" if it should just be considered a "pre-order"? The whole point is that WE as investors take the risk rather than those that tries to create the product... And that is why the price for a perk is lower than a pre_order price. (despite IGG also taking their not unsubstantial cut) For the rest I to a large degree agree. Though it can be hard for us to tell how fast they would have been able to update the campaign with something sensible not just causing a panic. Information in fine but can cause all kind of rumours an
    1 point
  19. OK - I've been setting up my phone for the last 6 hours and it's midnight here, so I'll have a crack at writing a guide for this tomorrow instead πŸ™‚ Ultimately it was not difficult but required a few different steps that I only figured out by reading many forum posts and trial-and-error...
    1 point
  20. Ah that sound the problem several have encountered with the earpiece. It seems to be a mechanical issue, try to check if the display part is tight together at the earpiece end. Some have reported that they pressing it can hear it 'snaps' back in place and the works. Could that be what you experiences? If it fixes it, perhaps check that the screws behind the stickers are not loose.
    1 point
  21. Oh dont get me wrong i agree the pro1 has allot of bennefits and i actualy bought a pro1 and a pro1 X . But for me i dont realy like to fiddle around with my devices anymore , shure back in the days where i wrote custom roms for my qtek 8080 i would prefer a device like that But now a days i just want something that works and has a keyboard . When my priv died begin of january i needed a phone and without thinking i just ordered the cheapest samsung avaible to me at that time . i wish i had orderd the titan
    1 point
  22. Hoping to revive this thread, quite some time has passed and there's been some progress in Google Camera (GCam) apps. I recently got this phone and I've been trying many GCam versions, only to notice the majority of versions all have an upside down viewfinder. If it weren't for this, these versions would make the camera function exceptionally well on the F(x)tec Pro1. The most promising version seems to be MGC_8.1.101, given that it is the latest version of the Google Camera combined with the fact that it has a wide range of (developer) settings inside. However, I have not been able to find an
    1 point
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