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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/18/2022 in Posts

  1. Hi. We(me+Ichernev) are currently messing around mainline kernel on Snapdragon 662. We are going to submit some base stuff pretty soon depending how maintainers will go on merging simple compatibles. However we are working on other devices, Redmi 9T(me) and Oneplus N100(Ichernev). While progress is going to be slow we will get there at some point, one of harder things will be Adreno 610 support due to no GMU but i hope this will be done by SoMainline for 665 SoC so we just can pick it.
    7 points
  2. I saw today that both Pros are supported in the current release of Droidian https://github.com/droidian-images/droidian/releases/tag/droidian%2Fbookworm%2F24 AFAIK we should use the fastboot images to flash. Backup your persist partition Download the realease Unpack zip Use flash_all.sh --- First and foremost, backup your "persist" partition. Better safe than sorry. Instructions are in other guides, Please, do not skip that step, there is no other way back to the vanilla persist partition. We are seeing more and more users losing their attestat
    4 points
  3. Could you please both add a warning at the top of your post, along those lines? First and foremost, backup your "persist" partition. Better safe than sorry. Instructions are in other guides, Please, do not skip that step, there is no other way back to the vanilla persist partition. We are seeing more and more users losing their attestation keys because they didn't backup their vanilla partitions before flashing alternate OSes, and some data have been shown to be unique to devices and not auto-regenerated when flashing stock. I'm not saying they come from this thread specifically, but
    4 points
  4. I received a blue Pro1x today and was planning on flashing it on it tonight, but got a bit sidetracked with LXC containers in SFOS. I have Droidian on a Pro1 and it's really nice and flexible, the main issue being battery life which is not optimized yet. I'll be playing with it on the Pro1x over the night or the week-end, for sure. I was only waiting for the delivery to test it. [Edit]
    4 points
  5. It's a known issue that has been reported during testing in the last few weeks. Engineers/devs at the factory did have HDMI working, but turned out the protocol they used only work with the HDMI adapter they were using. They have showed which adapter they were using and there was nothing special about it, not a proprietary one nor something with a chip in it. Since then they have tried to change the protocol so the same HDMI adapter may not work anymore. This suggests just a software issue though, and Liangchen said it's just an issue with the protocol they used and asked them to change it. Ho
    3 points
  6. I didn't spend a ton of time in Droidian, as I'm actaully quite enjoying using the Android ROM as a daily driver so far, but I did flash it and give it a go. I like that it has a real version of Firefox in which I can install & use extensions. The maps app isn't the worst map app I've ever used. There's a native Telegram app that actually works and may be usable in landscape mode with just a little tiny bit of UI tweaking. Location services worked great. Did not seem to suck down much more battery than the stock ROM. The actual Gnome interface is pretty bad in landscape mode, which is
    3 points
  7. I have Droidian on a Pro1 since last year, and on a Pro1x since last night. Droidian hasn't been a daily driver for me (mostly due to battery life and the fact that I'm not friend with the ergonomics of Phosh) so I don't know everything about it, but feel free to ask questions. I have played with it somewhat actively last year to get alternate WMs working (Sway doable with some work, and with issues, i3wm doable too with a X hack), LXC (doable with Sway as WM but the keyboard mapping caused issues for my keybindings), Waydroid (Droidian may have the best support for it), or simply install
    2 points
  8. QWERTZ with 'Physical Keyboard' set to 'German' indeed generally works. Although there are two bugs in the layout which make both the accent grave or backtick < ` > and the apostrophe < ' > unavailable:
    2 points
  9. Sorry, still traveling. Quick clarification, i did back up all mentioned partitions since i was advised so by someone that all of those are device specific and might help in the future. For now, i only played with restoring persist. That one always restored fine. I flashed like 20x back and fourth testing several broken states that lead into non-boot situations. But was always able to get back to the backup state.
    2 points
  10. I assume that the missing OTG support is part of the issue.
    2 points
  11. I was also going to go onboard with this too. Still haven't played around with my Pro1X much tho.
    2 points
  12. https://github.com/Kabouik/harbour-containers My PR to harbour-containers has been merged, it should now work much better than the upstream one that was using qxdisplay and, most of all, could no longer configure X in new containers properly. Instructions have been simplified, with just 3 packages to install from one single place (and hopefully from Chum app store soon, I'll submit them today), better default settings for X scaling and Onboard vkb, and most of all without the need to tweak things manually to debug container creation. - 3 packages to install from a single OBS re
    2 points
  13. Erm, it would have been wise of them to warn you on the need to do a backup first, as the stock persist.img doesn't contain device specific information that came with the persist partition originally on your phone. At the moment, it's not a huge deal as it's not even sure that any software uses that kind of hard verification, so your phone won't be broken, bricked, or unusable in any way, so don't worry too much about it, but we never know if the attestation keys may not be necessary in some obscure software you'd want to use, or in the future years. There may also be ways to regenerate
    2 points
  14. I have freshly reflashed using QFIL in Windows just be sure, then flashed my persist backup on top, and it does not pass key attestation. I know this persist "should" be good, because I backed it up a while ago, before successfully testing key attestation. In my earlier testing, after seeing successful key attestation, I flashed stock persist on top in order to fix my sensors (which worked), then flashed my backup persist back on top of that, expecting to lose sensors and regain attestation, and I did not regain attestation (but did lose sensors as anticipated). Hehe, no worries,
    2 points
  15. Could you please both add a warning at the top of your guides, along those lines? First and foremost, backup your "persist" partition. Better safe than sorry. Instructions are in other guides, Please, do not skip that step, there is no other way back to the vanilla persist partition. We are seeing more and more users losing their attestation keys because they didn't backup their vanilla partitions before flashing alternate OSes, and some data have been shown to be unique to devices and not auto-regenerated when flashing stock. I'm not saying they come from these guides specifically,
    2 points
  16. Hello. As I mentioned in some other topic, I received my Pro1X 2 days ago. It looks great, keyboard is even better than in original Pro1 - layout much closer to normal, much more tactile. As with every qwerty phone I started from rooting, and tweaking keyboard to Polish language (by the way, if there are any Poles here, I'd like to share my keyboard tweak as a Magisk module - it really makes a difference!). Unfortunately I encountered a problem with bottom (right) loudspeaker. Sound is intermittent, sometimes popping, sometimes sounds like reversed phase. It helped for a while w
    1 point
  17. NEW Version of guide here Below the original text: (above inserted by EskeRahn) If you're reading this, it seems like you miss the good old Android OS or you've accidentally fried your PrawnX already! Don't worry! We have your back. The link below is the full build of the Pro1X stock Android OS (v2.1.2): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1_sgQ64ef9Di9kJ63Y6WNqllGRgRFOjac?usp=sharing We are still compiling/drafting a complete user manual for flashing your Pro1X, but hope this helps you out for now.
    1 point
  18. That is how I read the current situation, unfortunately. We know we need a backup of Persist, but we do not know why that did not help @ducksoup, at best it is a matter of how the restore is done, as it seems to work for @mosenwith edl.
    1 point
  19. Thanks, Could it be a problem to request it to display anything, if it is fully depleted? I mean as the logic is so dumb that it does not have a lower limit for attempting a boot, most likely there isn't one for displaying either, so could also be problematic. ...I would not dare to try it...
    1 point
  20. Thanks very much for your help, all. You put me on the road to figure it out, without flashing and without even doing a factory reset. I had installed Button Mapper, version 3.09 (current version) on both the phones, and used it to disable the shutter button on the bottom right of the phone. Once I uninstalled Button Mapper, the physical keyboard behaved as expected, and the question mark key worked again. So I guess there's no free lunch at present. I can choose to avoid all those accidental triggerings of the camera button, but only at the cost of losing some of the fun
    1 point
  21. ( @Spielverderber Found the thread, merged )
    1 point
  22. It sound like a depleted battery, and the (silly) default of booting on charging. We have another thread in here with one that had exactly the same, I'm not sure he found a fix. For anyone else i STRONGLy suggest to do the following from a pc connected (boots the phone, but does not clear things) adb reboot bootloader Wait for boot to bootloader to finish (or do manually holding VolDown+Power) fastboot oem off-mode-charge 1 There is this silly default that powering the phone turns it on, and if the battery is depleted, it does not have enough power to do the boot...
    1 point
  23. Strictly EDL on the Pro¹-X. Its very convenient not having to unlock the bootloader to flash imo. Having much experience with fastboot from doing user support over at AsteroidOS. I am using and debugging Fastboot a lot and i really appreciate to now learn about EDL more. In AOS, we don't have rooting problems 😛 We even got our very own universal community bootloader with integrated adb server. So debugging a WearOS smartwatch and prepare it for porting is as easy as "fastboot --cmdline debug-ramdisk boot aos-bootimage.fastboot" to boot into the bootloader and have full adb. Where is the mag
    1 point
  24. Dear Community, I have just received my Pro¹X yesterday (photoed near a Pro¹): Its build quality is absolutely perfect, it has no rattling effect, buttons are even and not too loose (similar to Pro¹). Its colour is good - I like original black colour but this deep blue also looks good. I see there is some room for improvement at software side (and I have not used it extensively), but so far I don't see its radios are significantly worse than Pro¹'s radios (however, there are some improvements yet to be done). I feel keyboard's backlight is different - either Pr
    1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. Just did a factory reset of the Pro1X, and the keyboard works as it is supposed to.
    1 point
  27. As far as I understand, IMEI and whatnot should be in fsc, fsg, or more likely modemst1 and modemst2. Don't quote me on that though.
    1 point
  28. FWIW, I did not back up persist until after it was "damaged" to break the sensors. However, when I flashed back everything stock except persist, using the edl Python tool and the process described here (I edited the xml to skip persist), I did still pass attestation in Android. Then, I used fastboot to flash the stock persist.img, thus fixing sensors and breaking attestation. Finally, I used fastboot to flash back my saved persist, and did not regain attestation. I performed additional tests using QFIL to flash full stock image back, and then fastboot to replace persist with my bac
    1 point
  29. Mosen definitely backed fsc, fsg, modemst1, modemst2 and persist (which I advise to do as well, they're only taking up 40MB of storage space on your disk), but I don't know if he restored them all.
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. @mosen said he has successfully restored a backed up persist and passed attestation test, so it would be great to have his view on it and know exactly what he did before concluding on that matter.
    1 point
  32. Thanks so we now know that it is important but NOT sufficient to backup the persist partition, so now the big question is what ALSO should be backed up? (And without the ability to add key-attestation, it is hard for us to test, unless we initially backup EVERYTHING from a device that still got the keys....)
    1 point
  33. I can share with you the kernel 1.6.1 from Adam (later versions that can be downloaded from his repo break the keyboard mapping so I don't advise them), but if you're not too much in a hurry, it might be best to just wait until he comes back from holidays and updates it with working mapping improvements.
    1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. Personally I had hoped that when they redesigned the main board, they had added an eSim. But might have been too expensive, or might not be supported by the SoC?
    1 point
  36. In this topic, which I'll update every time I find something useful, I will share configurations that are safe and configurations that are risky that you can try yourself on your own PRO¹-X. Everything shown here requires system permissions. The only way for you to get system permissions is by rooting the phone. There's no way around. That's how Android works. Because these are settings using sysfs. By design, they are temporary. Rebooting your phone will reset them to their default values. If you break something and you don't know how or what, one way that usually solves it is shutt
    1 point
  37. @claude0001 Android 12 remove access to the data folder (google "privacy" schizophrenic paranoia, or simply a way removing your right to access your own phone ?) so the archlinux container doesn't install properly, and I didn't find a way to correctly install scripts from SDRausty yet. But I guess it will be a workaround in future, I really trust in the knowledge of this community to make the pro1-x better !
    1 point
  38. Still not really Linux as in mainline Linux, but speaking of LXC, I have tried to update harbour-containers today to fix some long lasting issues that were keeping many users away: https://talk.maemo.org/showpost.php?p=1574540&postcount=240 It's being tested in the fork, everything may not work, I'm not a dev. If all goes well, I'll make a PR for upstream and push it to the Chum repository (a FOSS GUI store for SFOS).
    1 point
  39. I could not open it of my Pro¹X using my nails but it may happen the reason was the very first two openings - also it is harder to open if both SIM slots are in use. Once I saw a very well-built (not too long) 2SIM + SDCARD holder. Otherwise, I feel more confident also having an alternative data storage in my phone - I understand there are "clouds" but also phone hardware may have problems. My friend's Pro¹ has developed an internal UFS flash storage problem (completely dead flash IC) and also two of my Nokia N900s developed faulty eMMC flashes - however, N900 had a 256MB flash
    1 point
  40. Thanks for this heads-up. Having my Pro1 so nicely set-up as daily driver almost feels like a burden, now. If I only had a spare Pro1 or Pro1X for tinkering with such promising projects ... At first glance, I can find no review or video online about Droidian even for the original Pro1, which is strange given it is one of the only three officially supported devices ... @steeb did you test on Pro1 or Pro1X?
    1 point
  41. Same situation here. I had broken sensors, but working attestation, but then when I reflashed my persist backup, which ostensibly valid keys, I lost attestation.
    1 point
  42. In the stock ROM I've been testing radio connections a lot in these days. I have LTE, WCDMA and GSM. I have a perfectly working Mi 9T Pro. Comparing the signal levels, there is no significant difference (maximum 5%) on any of the networks. I noticed that with LTE (B20 for sure, B3 I don't know yet) the Pro1X randomly drops the network for a moment (about half a second) and reconnects. This happens roughly every 20-100 seconds. I don't know if anything has an effect on it. Sometimes the upload and download arrows next to the 4G icon on the notification bar disappear for a second and then return
    1 point
  43. EDL works with locked bootloader. Fastboot does not. Might a locked bootlaoder be the issue?
    1 point
  44. 1 point
  45. The persist partition is locked in fastboot mode. Rebooting into EDL mode and flashing it with the EDL python scripts does work (at least on Mac and Linux) I see some of these errors while flashing as well, does not seem to affect the process at all - I've checked a couple of those partitions and I can read them back and the checksums match those of the images I've flashed. I've restored to stock a couple of times over the past week and I've had these error messages from the start.
    1 point
  46. Looks like your persist.img broke. Did you backup your persist.img before flashing Linux? If not, then a simple fix to solve sensor issues would be to flash the stock persist.img (can be found inside the .tar.gz stock ROM) using: adb reboot bootloader fastboot flash persist <file_path>persist.img As far as I understand, this method won't fix the lost attestation key problem, but it will fix gyroscope; accelerometer; proximity; and magnetometer issues that occur after flashing from a different OS. Corrections from others are always welcome 🙂
    1 point
  47. Nice! I just received my Pro1X (Black/6GB/128GB) yesterday, just unboxed it today and still haven't played with it much yet. I do have the original Pro1 and used the hell out of the thing. I installed SFOS, an Arch Linux ARM container and some apps, it's one of my favorite Linux PDA.
    1 point
  48. @Caseyis working on QFIL instruction which will be the official way to reflash to stock. The EDL method using EDL.py from BKerler is not perfectly easy to set up but used by the testers since the testing devices went out in may. Generally, the provided EDL image contains .xml files that more exactly define what to do with the images than fastboot could do. In our case the EDL images do not wipe/overwrite the persist partition. Meaning that there is no harm for the keys. But also its not the fix for the OT problem here. I borked my keys by flashing the stock persist image which only go
    1 point
  49. Not from USA but I encourage you to try to make this happen. I suggest you try to find out first if there is any info about Verizon's whitelist acceptance policy. If it seems your idea could be beneficial, you set up a goal how many users you need and try to get maybe help from someone to write a good presentation for people to subscribe. Then make a plan how you get people (persistent presence here and maybe on other platforms you think you find Fxtex users) and how you can get Fxtec team to team up with you. If you get them to team up with you the plan may change to be more beneficial.
    1 point
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